The Mandalorian - Criminal

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Okay hear me out.....I've never written one for Mando so don't judge me if this is bad😂 also I haven't read any Mando fics so if this is similar to something else then I'm sorry. 


SUMMARY: Your a wanted criminal for many had never been caught but one particular Bounty Hunter catches you. The Mandalorian. You try to bargain for your freedom and end up with something........a little spicy

Its not fun being a wanted criminal......for something that was good. I had spent most of the war freeing Rebel prisoners, so doing that made me an enemy of course and nows there's a big bounty for me.

It's been five years since the war has ended, but that doesn't mean there's no allies of the Empire left. They are everywhere. I try to take as many of them out as I can....but I also try not to get caught.

You see another one of my crimes is killing Bounty Hunters and Empire allies. You gotta do what's necessary to survive. All I wanted in life was peace.

As of today I've killed fifteen Bounty Hunters and countless Empire allies. But there's one Bounty Hunter that's been searching for me for a long time. And I have no idea who....

I was sitting in a dark corner in the Cantina on Tatooine when my friend abruptly sits next to me. "You need to leave. Now Y/N. There's talk of a couple Hunters searching for a criminal. One worth a lot of credits." My friend Kas whispers to me. "It doesn't sound good."

"I still have business here." I finish my drink.

"If only you would reach out to know she would help-"

"No. She has a baby. I could get her family killed." I cut him off.

"But the Jedi...they could help you." Kas whispers. You see Kas and I go on a few missions together but I try to make sure he keeps his distance from me. "I thought you were close with them? They would help you."

"I was....I can't put them at risk." I whisper. I look around the room nervously. My heart drops when someone walks in. A Mandalorian. "I have to leave. A Mandalorian is here." I nod at Kas. "Good to see you my friend."

I quietly get up and head towards the door, I pass by the Mandalorian, luckily he doesn't see me. A few people stare at me as I walk over to my speeder. I quickly turn it on and hop on. I turn back as someone yells. "Stop!" A man points. The Mandalorian was next to him. I quickly sped off and through the desert.

I could hear the sound of another speeder, I turned my head to see The Mandalorian chasing me. "Fuck." I whisper to myself as I grab my blaster. I turn back and fire at him, getting a shot in his armor. He comes up closer to me and grabs my thigh, pulling my speeder closer to him. My head snaps over to him, I let go of the steering to punch an unpleasant spot,

He groans in pain and shoots at my speeder. I yell as he hits the engine, making me fly forward. I land with a huge thud. My vision was blurred, I could see a figure walking closer. I lazily reach for my blaster and shoot, I could hear the sound of a blaster shot ringing against his armor. A firm hand grabs my wrist and pulls the blaster away. I wipe my eyes to see the Mandalorian kneeled down to my level, his head to the side. "I can take you in warm....or cold. You pick." I sigh and hold my arms out for him to cuff them. He pulls me up and sits me on his speeder, he sits behind me, his arms at my sides and holding onto the steering.

I was hunched over in pain as we sped through the desert. Eventually we stopped at a ship. The Mandalorian picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Bitch." I mumble.

He sets me down in a chair in the cockpit of his ship and starts it up. "I have a shit ton of credits saved up. If you let me go I'll give them to you." I say as we take off. He just ignores me, staring straight ahead. "Listen I'm not a criminal..."

"You killed fifteen Bounty Hunters. And countless allies of the Empire."

"What's so different about you and me. You kill. At least I was saving people." I huff. The man looks over at me and sighs.

"I have to complete the job."

"Well can you tell me about yourself? I mean I am gonna die so I'd like to at least get to know you." I hunch back in the chair with my legs apart. The man looks me over, I could feel his eyes scanning me.

"There's not much to know." He huffs. "Tell me about you."

"Ah I sense a soft spot in you Mando. I'm Y/N. I've saved countless Rebel prisoners from the Empire, making me a criminal. Even though the Empire lost....they are still after me." I sigh. "Can I take my jacket off? It's really warm in here." 

He looks me over before nodding and turning towards me. He takes off the cuffs and watches as I slowly pull of my jacket. I could feel his eyes burning a hole into my chest, I smirked as he looked down my shirt. "You know there's one thing I'd like to do before I die."

"If it involves me taking you somewhere then the answer is no."

"No. Something here." I bite my lip. I slide off the chair and onto my knees, my hands rubbing up his thighs. I was feeling bold....maybe he would let me go. I would never normally do this, but there's something about him....

"What are you......doing." He chokes out.

"I've heard about you.....I find you very attractive and I haven't even seen your face." I laugh. "Can I?" I ask my hand rubbing over his clothed cock. I bite my lip as he slowly nods. "I've actually seen you before. You were so close to finding me.....but you were busy with another criminal. You looked, the way you caught him." I tug at his pants, he lifts himself up slightly for me to pull them down, his cock slapping against his clothed stomach.  "I wish I could see you. But I know the rules."

I scoot forward and grab his cock, licking up his shaft to his tip. I looked up at him as I took him inside me mouth, his head snapping back. "I shouldn't be doing this." He chokes out. His hand lays on the top of my head, pushing me down his large cock.

I pull my head up and stroke his cock slowly, smiling up at him. "But it feels good. Doesn't it?" I ask, taking him in again.

"Y-Yes." He moans. His hands tangle into my hair, pushing my head down harder. I squeeze my eyes shut as his cock slams into my throat, making my eyes water. He lets go of my hair, so I can pull up for air. Only seconds later he shoves me back down and shoves into my mouth. "Take it." He seethes. I continue to rub my hands up his thighs, I could tell he was close. He uses broths his hands to grab my head, roughly shoving me up and down. His moans grow louder as his cock twitches in my mouth.

I bob my head faster, taking him all in as he cums down my throat. I dig my nails into his thigh as I swallow his release. I lick his shaft to his tip again and sit back in my chair, wiping my mouth, "Thank you." I chuckle. Mando sits there stunned.

He finally pulls up his pants and turns around. I put back on my jacket as we land on Hosnian Prime. Mando stands and puts back on my cuffs. "Damn I was hoping you'd change your mind." I smirk.

"Not today." He pushes me out of his ship. He pushes me through the city and into a hidden door in a back alley. I was pulled inside and held against a Stormtrooper. I watch as Mando sits down in front of the Imperial officer.

"Well done!" The officer smiles and looks over to me. "I have your reward." I look at the table to see Imperial credits. The officer stands and walks in front of me. I gasp as he slaps me, I then smile wickedly at him.

"See you around Mando." I wink as I'm pushed away. He abruptly stands up as if to say something.

But I was taken away.

Would you like to see this in a book? I've thought about making one and have some ideas but wasn't sure. Let me know if you'd like that! ❤️💕

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