Rey - I Found You

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⚠️No Smut

It's a short one!

SUMMARY: you have had visions about a woman, she also comes in your dreams. You've searched for her for the past year but have not found her yet. Well that is until you felt a strange awakening in the Force.

Her sweet scent constantly filled my nose, every breath I took I could smell her. I could still feel her hand in mine....even as I lay awake. She was intoxicating, my own personal drug.

But I didn't even know her.

I didn't know her name, where she's from, nothing. It was frustrating. Every night I have dreams of a woman, her brown hair was tied in three buns, but pieces of hair had fallen out to frame her face. Her smile was beautiful, she often scrunched her nose when she was happy.

As a Jedi I often meditate, but I can't focus, visions of her flash through my mind. I can't tell if it's my future or something else. Stars I hoped it was the future.....I knew I needed to find her.

For the past year I searched every place I went, hoping to find her. I don't understand this strong feeling I have for her, it's confusing. I just knew I needed to find her....

As I was searching through Takodana, because of a vision of a forest I felt a pair of eyes watching me. I placed my hand on my saber that was on my belt and continued ahead. My head snapped to the side as I heard something strange. I breathed in as I got a vision of sand....and her sweet voice. "I need you."

My eyes snapped open as I looked at my surroundings. I have to get back to my ship....I need to go somewhere with sand. I run back to my shop and lock it, still having a weird feeling. I go onto my navigation and search through the planets.

I first went to Arvala-7. I searched here for many weeks but found nothing but sand.

My next destination was Tatooine. I've stayed here now for two weeks but I've found nothing. I decided to get a drink in the local Cantina, I received strange looks as I entered. I lifted off the hood of my Jedi robe and sat at the bar, ordering a drink. I started to feel myself give up after being in this journey for so long. But she was worth it.....I just hoped she would know me.

I grabbed onto my head as I saw a flash of light....then the sight of a Star Destroyer in the sand. I threw some credits on the counter and jumped up. Jakku! She was on Jakku! I ran over to my ship and prepared to take off. Stars she was on a junk planet.

I grew nervous as I landed on Jakku. I landed close to town, hoping I'd find her there. As soon As I stepped out of my ship I felt a strange feeling in the awakening. When I walk through the tents in the town many people again looked at me strangely.

I started to give up until I saw a familiar hair style. Three buns......I started to run to her, accidentally pushing passed many people. I could see a little droid with her...a familiar one. As I passed a corner I noticed she was gone. My eyebrows knitted together in frustration. When I passed another corner a large staff connected with my face and knocked me down.

"Why are you following- it's you!" She starts to say but smiles. The woman helps me up and looks me over with a huge smile.

"I can't believe I found you.....I'm...I'm Y/N." I smile.

"I'm Rey."

"I've searched for you for over a year now....I didn't give up." I look her over closely, remember every detail of her.

Rey looks me over and then pulls me in to hug her. "I've dreamt of you for so long. I started to think I'd never see you." She leans back and her eyes flash down to my lips. I pull her in and kiss her softly. As I kiss her I feel a force between us...something strange...Rey squeezes me and pulls me in closer, she pulls away and smiles.

"I found you." I whisper.


I'm sorry this is a short one and definitely not my best...and I'm sorry I haven't been publishing! I'm trying to put out more!

Love you guys 💕💕

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