Obi-Wan - Confessions and Lust - Part 2

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Summary: after finding him you start to notice some strange tension. Eventually he wakes you from a nightmare....where you then confess your true feelings.


"Y/N?" The figure said. I was shocked to see Obi-Wan in front of me. I instantly stood up and hugged him tightly. Obi chuckles and rubs my back slowly. I pull away from him with tears in my eyes, Obi pulls me over to sit down and he keeps my hand in his.

"I thought something....something had happened to you. I was terrified after your message."

"I'm okay...I'm here." He hushes me.

"Obi what happened with Anakin? I saw what he did to the younglings......"

"He turned to the dark side Y/N. He's.....he's gone now." Obi looks away.

"But Padmé! Is she and the baby okay?"

"Wait you knew?" Obi looks at me confused.

"Yes....Padmé told me. She's a close friend."

"Padmé didn't make it. I'm not sure why.....but she had two beautiful babies...Luke and Leia. Luke is actually living with his relatives here." Obi looks around.

"I- I can't believe this......this is a nightmare. The Jedi are over." I whisper.

"We'll get through this together my dear." Obi rubs the top of my hand. "Where are you staying?"

"There's a couple rooms here that I've been staying's not very nice." I smile, wiping my tears.

"Come stay with me....I found a small hut." Obi pulls me up and holds onto my hand still as we walk outside.

"We can take my speeder." I point. I turn it on and Obi points where I should go. I follow his directions to part of a mountain.

"Hidden hut." He nods and gets out. I hide my speeder and follow him inside. It was quite small but perfect for Obi. "You can stay in that room....sorry it's small."

"Obi its perfect." I smile. He stares at me for a moment before quickly looking away and going into another room. He returns shortly after while I'm looking around and hands me a pillow and blanket. I could feel a strange tension between us...almost sexual.

"Get some rest." He smiles and turns around. I go into the small room and change into my undergarments, well because I had nothing else. Soon sleep takes over...but not for long.

I could smell fire. The smell of burning flesh. I heard the sound of lightsabers clashing but I couldn't see.

Suddenly I get a flash of the face of a distressed Obi and an angry Anakin. But then everything goes black. "I hate you!" I hear Anakin yell. I saw flashes of something burning....a person!

"Y/N wake up!" I hear around me. I wake up to hands on my shoulders holding me down, I could hear myself screaming. I look around rapidly to see Obi hunched over me. "Shhhh....I'm here it's okay." He hushes me.

"It felt so real." I look around worriedly. "I could smell burning, I saw you and Anakin.....then I could hear him screaming he hates you.....Obi why am I dreaming about this. What does it mean?" I panic.

"Y/N......somehow you've dreamt of what happened between Anakin and I." Obi looks away. "I don't know how...."

I could feel myself calming down as I watched him think. I sat up and shivered as I looked down at myself to see my blanket was thrown off......I was exposed in front of him.

I covered my clothed breasts and I looked Obi over. He had no shirt on....only pants. My breathing quickened as I stared at his chest. "I'm in love with you." I blurt out...not paying attention.

I hadn't even noticed he was now staring at me. I couldn't take my eyes off his chest and stomach. "What?" I finally looked at him. He had a slight smile plastered in his face.

"I'm in love with you." I repeat. I mentally slapped myself for blurting this out.

"Y/N....this is against the know that." He stares into the side of my head as I look away.

"I know....I just-"

"But I don't care. I love you." He interrupts me. My head whips over to look at him, my mouth opens in shock.

"You-you do?"

"For a long time my dear." He smiles. "It feels good to admit that now." He chuckles and scoots closer to me.

Obi licks his lips and his eyes finally look down at my body. He smirks and leans forward, slowly kissing me. I feel a million butterflies as we kiss...making me giggle. Obi slowly wraps his arms around my waist and pull me up to straddle his lap. He holds onto my tightly as he smashes his lips onto mine again.

I loose all sense of control of my mind and start to grind against his clothed semi-hard cock. "Don't start something you can't finish sweetheart..." He mumbles against my lips.  I continue to move my hips against him, fully feeling his cock against my cunt.

Obi leans back slightly and looks at my breasts then back up to me. I nod at him in permission as he takes off my bra. He slowly kneads and squeezes my breasts. Obi kisses from my breasts up to my neck, making sure to leave marks along the way. "Stars I want you.... I've wanted you for so long." I moan.

Obi turns me over to lay on my back against the bed. He stands up and removes his pants. He places his fingers at the hem of my panties and looks into my eyes. I nod again, he pulls them down slowly and bends my knees and pulls them apart....seeing all of my cunt. Obi bites his lip as he crawls towards me and hovers above me. "Are you sure?" Obi asks.

"Please....I need you." I whisper. Obi smiles and kisses me as his places his tip at my entrance.....he pushes inside me slowly until he eventually bottoms out. Obi stays still as I adjust to his size.

I eventually nod at him, telling him to move. Obi lays against me and wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck as he slowly pulls back and sinks back into my cunt. "Your so...tight." He groans.

I link my legs around his waist as he pumps into me faster. I bite onto his shoulder and dig my nails into his back as I feel an unfamiliar feeling in my stomach. Obi kisses me roughly, and reaches down to squeeze my hips. I bite my lip as he sits up and grips my hips as he continues to fuck me. His face contorts as I reach up to feel my breasts, he reaches down and squeezes one of them and moans loudly. His cock sinks deeper into me with each thrust....a strange feeling was slowly starting to grow at the pit of my stomach.

Obi leans back down and kisses me softly. I hold onto him tightly as he slams into me and rocks his hips slowly. He pulls almost entirely out and slams back into me again over and over again. "Obi I feel som-" Obi kisses me as I start to moan louder. He pumps into me, I could feel his cock twitch inside me. As I felt something inside me burst, making my body shake, Obi slams into me and stops. Slowly rocking into me as he moans and grunts. His release spilling inside me.

I try to catch my breath as he pulls out and lays on top of me for a moment. "I love you." He whispers as he hold my chest.

I slowly run my hand through his slightly damp hair and smile. "I love you Obi."

Even though things were all kinds of fucked up at the moment.....I knew I had Obi...I always had Obi. I felt lucky to have earned his be able to love him. And he felt lucky to have me.......

Our love would never end.

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