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SUMMARY: you are an apprentice of Snokes, relationships were banned. But what he didn't know didn't hurt anything.

I've always known about my power with the force. I'm a Palpatine, Snoke and Kylo Ren found me and have been training me. I am not allowed to have romantic feelings toward others, because I am to marry Kylo and become empress in the future.

Let's just say we both don't want that, we are just fine as friends. I especially don't want that when my heart belongs to General Hux.

I was silently walking the halls with my hands clasped behind my back, I began to wonder where my General was.

I found an empty conference room with Hux staring out the window. I silently walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. At first he jumped but calmed down when he realized it was me. "Hello my love." He said turning around.  He gazed down at my revealing dress. He slid his finger down my revealing neckline, his hand almost going on my breasts.

"I've missed you today." I whispered. Hux smiles and brings his hand to my waist. He leaned down to kiss me, I leaned up and pressed my lips onto his soft ones. His hands roamed my body, as soon as we heard the clank of boots we stoped.

I backed up away from him and looked towards the door. A Storm Trooper went by, not even noticing us. "We have to get ready for the meeting, they will be here any minute." I gave him one last kiss before taking a seat, Hux sitting next to me.

One by one all the officers flooded in, taking their seats around us. Kylo was last time enter. "Alright what is our plan about the Resistance?" One officer asked.

"We will attack with a dreadnought, we will finish them." Hux spoke up.

"Is that even ready for battle? Last time I checked it had a weakness for bombers, the Resistance has bombers." I said looked to Hux next to me.

"Do not question my plan, Supreme Leader Snoke has agreed to it already." He spat.

"Whatever you say dude." I whispered under my breath.

Everyone was occupied talking about the plan, agreeing with Hux. I felt him lean in closer, whispering in my ear. "I'm going to bend you over this table when we are finished here, your fucked." I instantly blushed, looking away.

Hux had his hand on my thigh, slowly going up. Just as his hand was going up my dress, Kylo dismissed everyone. I stood up and looked to Kylo, "I need to go have this stitched, see you later Y/N." I smiled to him and waved him off.

When I felt no one around, I closed and locked to door. "So, back talking today are we?" Hux spoke up behind me. I heard him messing with his belt, eventually hearing him pull down his zipper.

I turned around, about 10 feet away from him. "Get on your knees, now." I slowly came forward, them sliding down on my knees. "Suck." Hux sternly said.

I grabbed his member, stroking it before slowly guiding him inside my mouth. My eyes snapped up as I heard him hiss. Slowly I moved back and forth, making him angry. He roughly grabbed my hair, pushing me down harder.

He slammed himself into my mouth at a rough pace, not letting me get air. "Have you learned your lesson?" He asked, moaning out. I tried my best nodding my head, tears spilling my eyes.

Hux pulled out and roughly picked me up. He turned me around and shoved me down onto the table, the cold surface touching my chest. I felt him pulling my dress up and over my hips, "Ah no panties I see." He smacked my ass, "good." He said.

He parted my legs, then sinking into my cunt. I moaned out as he pushed himself fully into me. He pulled back and slowly sank back down again. After a couple times of this, Hux was fully pounded into me. I was a moaning crying mess at this point, I felt a sharp sting on my ass as he brought down his hand to smack it. "Who do you belong to?" Hux whispered in my ear.

"You, fuck. I belong to you Hux." I moaned out. Hux picked up his speed, I could hear his soft moans behind me. I put my hands over my mouth to muffle out my moans, hoping no one would hear us.

"Come on, cum for me." Hux moaned. As I felt him twitch inside me, my climax went over the edge. I tried my best to not scream out, he was trying his best too.

I felt him release inside me, roughly stopping. He pumped himself inside me a couple more times, making my legs twitch. Then he finally pulled out, he helped fix my dress then pulling me up.

I held onto his embrace, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you Hux." I whispered. Hux's lips twitched into a soft smile. His pale skin turning a blush color.

"I love you Y/N." He whispered back. My head snapped back as the door slammed against the wall. Kylo stood there looking shocked.

"Kylo I can explain!" I yelled. He held his hand up to stop me and shook his head.

"Hey it's okay, I'm not gonna tell on you." I slightly smiled at him.

"I love him Kylo."

"I know, I've always known, this just proved it. We will figure out a plan to get rid of Snoke. So we can be free." Kylo stated.

I looked to Hux to see him smiling, "so your okay with this?" I asked. He pulled me closer, kissing my head.

"If it means I can be with you all the time then yes. I'm okay with it."He whispered.

"I love you." I whispered once more, earning a soft kiss from him.

"Uh guys I'm still here." Kylo spoke up,


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