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⚠️ A mother daughter oneshot!⚠️

It's pretty long😬

SUMMARY: you are the youngest in the Solo family, like your brother you turned to the dark side leaving everything you once loved behind. But one thing lingers in your mind, your mother. Can she find you and make up for everything?

"Come on its time for us to go see our new master." Ben grabs my hand, walking us to the new ship. I look around at all the strange people and symbols on the ship.

"But what about mom and dad." I whispered, tears steaming down my ash covered face. Ben turned around with a sorrowful look.

"Y/N remember they don't love us, they shipped us off to Luke because they don't want us. I'm the one that loves you remember that." Ben pulled me closer and held onto me while I cried.

"Y/N" I heard a whisper in my ear.

My eyes shot open, revealing my dark and cold room. Every night for years I've had the same dream, replaying the night we left. Every night I hear my mothers voice, waking me up.

I rubbed my eyes, getting up and going to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw the face of a monster. I had deep dark circles under my eyes, my face was too skinny and pale. My eyes were as black as night, this was a face of a killer.

I started doing my makeup, covering up every imperfection. When I felt satisfied, I put my normal black outfit, grabbing my saber and leaving to find Kylo. I hated it here, the only thing that kept me here was Kylo. He reminded me daily that we belong here and that our parents don't care about us.

I found Kylo standing by a window with his mask on, I came up behind him and hugged him. I felt him tense up but ease into my embrace once he knew it was me. "Hello little one." He chuckled.

My face fell as he turned around. "Mom tried to reach me again." I whisper.  Kylo looked around and then took off his mask. He pulled me closer and held my head against his chest. I could hear his rapid heartbeat, I knew there was conflict still in him.

"Remember what I told you, if they cared they would of tried harder to find us and also they wouldn't of shipped us off. Remember what we are."

"Monsters." I whispered, turning away from him. Kylo patted my head and turned me back around.

"Yes we are. That's what we have to be. Remember what I told you." He grabs my hand and walks us around the ship.

For the rest of the day we talked and helped out when we could. The Resistance has been very quiet so there's not much to do.

Kylo wished me goodnight and left me alone in my dark lonely room. I changed out of my clothes and fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed.

"Y/N come home to us. We love you both, we need you."


I woke up startled, I looked around vigorously looking for any signs of people. My breathing became erratic, tears spilled my eyes. I screamed out in pain and clutched onto my head. A stabbing and burning pain shot through my head and heart as I kept hearing my mother's voice.

I suddenly felt arms around me, a hand stroked my hair. "Shhh it's okay, it's just a bad dream." I hear Kylo whisper.

"Y/N come home, I love you." I hear my mother's voice say again. I opened my eyes and realized Kylo was cradling me in his arms. This was the sixth time this month my mother has tried to reach me like this. This time, I think it's working.

"B-Ben?" I whisper. I had forgotten that name, Kylo looked down at me with sadness.

"Stop don't say that name." He looked away. I pulled his face to face me, I stroked his cheek and smiled.

"Do you ever think about home? About mom and dad, I feel like I don't belong here." Kylo was breathing heavily, I knew he felt conflicted too.

"I- yes Y/N I do. I want to go home sometimes. This scavenger, Rey and I have been connecting somehow through the force, she's my pull to the light. I think you are as well."

At this moment I felt a part of me die, I knew where I belonged. "Let's leave together! We don't have to find mom and dad right now, let's just go somewhere and never come back. We can be happy finally."

Kylo looked around and then nervously smiled down to me. "Okay, lets go little one." He hugged me. We sprung into action and went to pack a bag of clothes, food, and other necessities. We were very scared because of Supreme Leader Snoke, he would definitely kill one of us if he found out.

We were able to board a ship without raising suspicions, I quickly found the tracking device, being able to destroy it.
We gave each other one last look of hope, then finally being able to take off. We decided to go to our favorite spot, Naboo.

"You foolish children, come back. Don't you even think about betraying your master." Snokes voice said in my head. I struggled to block him out, but when I did I snapped up out of my chair.

"Woah woah are you okay? You've been asleep for an hour." I didn't even remember going to sleep, I was frightened.

"I heard Snoke, he tried to find out where we were going in my head. He's pissed off Ky-Ben."

Ben sighed and slightly turned towards me. "Keep blocking him out, he won't find us." I nodded and looked out to see we were landing. I always called Naboo our planet, I loved it here.

We walked into the city and found a beautiful house. "Ben is this our house? From when we were little?" Ben smiled and nodded, he grabbed the key out of his bag. "I'm surprised you kept the key."

My nose was filled with the scent of vanilla, everything was clean. Our parents never sold this house after we moved, they left it in our names. "How long are we staying?" I asked.

Ben didn't face me, he sighed. "I don't think we can go back to mom, dad, or the Resistance. We are traitors Y/N, we murdered people. They won't accept us, maybe even kill us for our crimes."

I looked down and played with my thumbs, tears spilling. "Can't you talk to Rey?" Ben laughed.

"She's just going to lie to me, everyone does." I wrapped my arms around him, laying my head on his back.

"I don't. I never will Ben, we will figure it out in a couple days. Let's get some rest." Ben nodded his head and left to his room.

When I made my way to my room, I opened it up to see my mother sitting on my bed. I dropped my bag, she smiled and opened her arms. I stayed back not sure of what I should do.

"Y/N please let's go home, I've been searching for you and Ben for so long." I shook my head, I couldn't believe it.

"If you cared so much then why did you ship us off to Luke, why were you and dad never here for us." Mom slowly stood up and came closer. She put her hands on my cheeks.

"Baby we had to, you both needed to learn the force. No matter what we both love you and Ben. We never gave up hope of finding you. Why would I keep trying to reach you both if I didn't love you?" At this point we both were crying, I pulled her closer and held her tightly. Loud sobs were heard from us both, I could hear the same thing with Ben.

"I'm so sorry momma, please forgive me I love you." I sobbed. She lightly rubbed my back, then pulling away.

"Baby you and Ben were manipulated. You couldn't help it, don't be sorry we understand. We love you so much." I smile and wiped my tears.

I turned around when I heard a familiar chuckle. My father and Ben were behind us, Ben and I switched places. Dad picked me up off the ground in a huge hug. We all cried together, tears of joy.

When we made our way to the falcon, mom pulled me aside. "Y/N I will help you both get Snoke out your your heads. I will help you with everything, remember you are a good person and we love you."

Mom reminded us everyday that we are loved.


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