Kylo Ren - Hide And Seek

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SUMMARY: being a famous powerful Sith has actually given you bad luck. You want to be equal..not used for your power or beauty. So you ran from the First Order...and from someone you love. But he will always find matter where you go.


Hiding was something I was good at.

He knew that

Yet he still searches for me...even after all these months. The famous Kylo Ren will never stop hunting me down....sometimes it's a curse...Sometimes it's a blessing.

The First Order wants me for my see I'm the strongest Sith that's left. I don't want to be used..especially for my power.

Though I love Kylo very very much....I wouldn't let him use me. I'm more than just my beauty and power, I have a voice.

I've gone from planet to planet, hiding in multiple spots. But he always finds me. It's like something draws us closer....something in the force.

I had found a pretty nice spot in Pasaana. Despite the stupid hot wasn't so bad. I had to make sure to stay away from the sinking fields and be careful of serpents.

I had built a small tent for shelter, to last me until he found me again. Water was running thin so I had to run into the local town.

I grab my bag and start my short walk into the town. I couldn't speak the native language it was always a challenge.

A small creature runs up to me as I enter the small town, she starts saying something I couldn't understand. "I need water." I do a drinking motion with my hand. She nods and takes my water flask, pulling me with her to a small tent. I count my credits as she fills my flask, a certain voice makes me look up.

"Sir..there's no sign of her here." A Stormtrooper was on my right. I hurry and hand the nice creature my credits and hurry off back towards my shelter. "Wait! Miss!" The Trooper yells.
I keep my hand on my concealed Saber and turn around. "You've forgotten your flask." He nods and hands me the water.

"Thanks." I nod and turn around.

"You really thought you could hide form us again?" He suddenly whispers. "I've found her." He says into his communicator.

As he reaches for his blaster I hold my palm out lift him up using the force, he struggles and reaches for his throat as I choke him. I snap his neck and throw him aside as more Troopers run my way.

I take out my saber and ignite it, it's red fiery glow cracks against the heat. As they get closer I hold my palm out and force pull them near me, slicing through them. I jump up and flip behind two Troopers and slash my saber against them.

I put my saber away continue my run to my shelter. I slide against the sand as I make it, grabbing my extra things in the tent.

Two transports arrive next to me, I drop my things. I smile as the troopers flood out of the transport, blasters and cuffs drawn. I hold both of my palms out, making a large group rise in the air. I force push them up into the air, far away from me.

I take my saber out and ignite it once more, smiling as I walk towards the running group.

Another transport arrives, I hold my palm up and stop the transport form landing, I throw my palm down making them crash into the other parked transports.

"Is that all you got!" I laugh.

I notice behind the incoming group of Troopers was a black figure...Kylo Ren.

I smile wickedly and slide forward, slicing down the first trooper. Kylo watches as I use the force and crunch the entire group. I hold my hand out and back up as he walks closer to me.

"Don't come any closer.....I'll crush you." I warn.

He takes his Helmet off and sets its down, "No you won't." He smiles. He stands right in front of me and grabs my hand. "I've searched everywhere for you my I've found you." He smiles and kisses the top of my hand.

"I'm not going with you." I narrow my eyes. I push him back and ignite my Saber once more. He ignites his and smiles as we circle each other.

I lunge at him, he easily blocks my strikes, enough to push me back not to hurt me. "I miss you Y/N...come home. I thought you wanted to end the Jedi.....end the Resistance."

"I do...but not with the First Order. You only care about my strength."  I hiss as our Sabers clash together.

"I don't. I only care about you....I love you. I see more than your strength...I see a leader. Together we can rule...bring a new order to the galaxy....join me." He puts his Saber always and holds his hand out to me.

" me?" I slightly smile.

"I do." He nods, stepping closer. "I want us to do this together...not just me...not just you. Both of equals. Join me....please." He begs.

Equal, oh how I've longed for that in this galaxy.

"That's all I've ever wanted. Was to be your be loved by you." I smile and put my Saber away. I hold onto his hand, making him pull me against his chest. He puts his thumb and pointer finger on my chin, lifting my face up. He softly presses his lips against mine, smiling as we were finally together again. When I pull away he rests his gloves hand on my cheek, I lean into his touch and sigh in relief. "Sorry about the Troopers." I giggle.

"That's was quite fun to watch." He smiles and kisses me again. "Let's go home my Empress." He picks up his helmet and then scoops me up in his arms, making me squeal.

We all act crazy when we fall in love, stupid when we miss them, and insane when we lose them.

I wouldn't lose Kylo

Not again.

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