Kylo Ren

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⚠️⚠️NO SMUT⚠️⚠️

SUMMARY: You are the princess of a dark planet called Moraband. Your planet is full of Sith spirits, and lively Sith worshipers. You meet a mysterious figure one day in your garden, he is far worse than your nightmares. But little does he like the fear and bloodshed.

Moraband. A dark, ghastly planet full of dark Sith worshipers and ghosts. The only sunlight I've ever seen was red, I am the princess of this planet. My father, the king has made an arrangement for me to marry the Supreme Leader of the First Order.

I had heard the maids talking, they say he is a old vile man. So I'm living my last day of freedom by myself. I looked out my window and into the red day, the villagers hurriedly making their way around the castle grounds. Today was the celebration of my arranged marriage, today I would lose my freedom to an old disgusting man.

I looked myself over in the mirror, my red and black ballgown fit me perfectly. It perfectly showed off my curves, my breasts slightly being exposed. I fixed my black crown on my head, admiring its red diamonds. I then threw it down and stared down in horror.

I don't want this.

Yes I'm lonely on this dead planet, but I'd rather be here than with a disgusting man. I stormed out of my room and down into the garden, I smiled at my black and red roses. I would miss these flowers.

I hummed along and down to the huge red fountain in the middle of my garden, there was a black figure sitting on the edge, staring off. It's mask glowed red, brighter than the roses. Once I stepped closer, it looked at me.

"I am not an it. I am a man." He blankly said, voice being distorted.

"Uh what? Oh sorry." I bit my lip. He looked back to the water and lifted his hand, motioning me to sit beside him. "You seem upset, are you alright?" I looked the man over. He was very intimidating, yet I felt warmth for the first time on this planet.

"I have to marry the princess, you would think that as a man of power I wouldn't care. But I do. I still believe in love, in a connection." He looked over to me.

I lazily swayed my hand in the water, "I'm sorry to hear that. I know that the princess isn't too fond of the marriage either. But she wants off this planet, so she thinks maybe this is her chance. Although she would be miserable."

"You think she would be miserable with me?" He clenched his fists together.

"I'm just saying what she told me. But she doesn't know you yet, feelings could change." He relaxed and looked me over curiously.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Y/N, the best friend of the princess." I lied. "Tell me about yourself."

The man sighed. "I'm Kylo Ren." I slightly gasped. "I'm the Supreme Leader if the First Order, in order to gain more allies and more power I must marry the kings only daughter."

"The mighty Kylo Ren, I've heard about you." He chuckled.

"Why does it feel like I already know you. Like a connection, I want to know more about you." He leans closer.

"I must go. The celebration will be starting. You must go inside so you can meet the princess." I get up to leave but he grabbed my hand.

He softly caressed it with his gloved hand, "It was nice talking with you." He tilted his head.

I smiled and hurried off back inside. The maid held my crown in her hand, she smiled and placed it perfectly in my head. I heard loud cheering behind the huge doors, I knew he had been announced. I sucked in a breathe and waited for my name to be called, once I heard my fathers voice, I entered.

The people around me gasped at my appearance, they admired the red diamonds on me. I then looked up to see Kylo standing straight ahead. I never once took my eyes off him when my father came to hug me. My father slowly walked me up to Kylo, I watched as he took his mask off. I gasped at the sight of him, he was beautiful.

He placed his mask on the table behind him and took my hand in his, he slowly bent down and kissed my hand, remaining eye contact. My breathing quickened as he straitened himself. I bowed to him and watched as his lip twitched into a smile.

"Now it's time for their first dance!" My father boomed. I hesitantly took his hand as he led me through the ballroom. He placed his right hand at my hip and his left latched with my right hand. My left hand softly laid on his should as he slowly guided me to the music.

Kylo leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "best friend huh?" He chuckled as I cleared my throat.

"I just wanted to be someone else for 5 minutes." I whispered.

"Now be a good girl and smile, play the part so they think we are in love." I blushed at his words and smiled. Kylo leaned down and kissed my cheek, he pulled my close against him and swayed. "Are you still feeling miserable?"

"No, now that I know who you are I'm not." I leaned back and looked him in the eyes. He looked me over in confusion and adoration. We swayed against each other for hours, every so often Kylo would sneak a kiss upon my neck or place his hand on my behind. This made a deep desire for him grow inside me. Just as he was going to kiss my neck again, I pulled away and was grabbed by another man.

We both switched partners as the music sped up into a traditional dance, I assumed Kylo didn't know because only the people on Moraband knew it. I laughed as we switched partners again, I looked over to see Kylo dancing perfectly. He smirked at me, then continued.

We both made our way back to each other once the music stopped.  He was breathing heavily as he looked down to me. "How did you know that?

"My mother knew it." He whispered. I bowed and walked off to mingle with our guests. The whole night we both snuck glances at each other, I wanted to leave with him the entire time. Even though I hated the arranged marriage, I was still excited for the adventure. To see the real sun.

I nodded my head over to the door, Kylo nodded back and looked back to the two men he was talking to. I excused myself and walked outside and into my garden. I sat on the edge of the fountain and swayed my hand through the water.

I smiled as I heard Kylo approaching, he sat down and watched me. "So tell me how your really feeling about this." He asked.

I hesitated for a moment, "Well I'm not fond of the arranged marriage, but I'm happy to get to know you more. To learn to love you. I'm excited to leave this dark place, for our adventure." I smiled.

Kylo looked down to his lap. "I don't see how you could ever love someone like me." He whispered.

"What do you mean?" I bowed my chin to see him. He looked up at me with pained eyes.

"I'm a monster. I've killed people for the First Order. I killed my master, I'm trying to destroy the Resistance."

"Your not a monster. Your doing what's right, what you believe in." Kylo looked at me confused. "You think my kingdom is innocent in this war? This is Moraband, the world of Sith worshipers and Sith ghosts. My troops have killed many of the Resistance scum. I'm not as innocent as you think, I've seen bloodshed up close. I've killed for my kingdom." I huff.

Kylo's lip twitched into a smile, he softly grabs my hands and leans closer. "We can go anywhere you want, we can adventure on any planet! I can show you a few of my favorite." He smiles.

"I would love that."

This is who I want to adventure with, this is who I belong to.


Should I make this into a book? I have some really cool ideas on how to make this good.💕

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