Anakin/Darth Vader

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⚠️⚠️No Smut!⚠️⚠️

This is pretending Padmé and Anakin never had Luke and Leia, instead you do. Basically Padmé and Anakin never happen ❤️

SUMMARY: You have always been here for Anakin, you decided to decline becoming a Jedi untill Anakin became one. After that you and Ani had grown closer, you were even there for him when he turned to the dark.

"I'm sorry but I would prefer to wait. I don't feel I'm ready, if anyone deserves to be a Jedi it's Anakin." I bowed my head. I heard whispers around the room, Master Kenobi pokes my side. I looked up to see a soft smile plastered upon his face.

"Very well, you can still train alongside Anakin. When we feel he is ready, you will both become a Jedi. You two are dismissed." Master Windu spoke.

We bowed and left together, going to find Anakin. Obi poked my side again, "that was very brave of you to speak up like that. Anakin will either be happy or frustrated that you did that. I do think your ready Y/N, sometimes you have to do what's right for yourself though."

I nodded and smiled. When we arrived at Anakin's quarters I softly knocked on the door. "You go ahead and talk to him, when your finished both of you meet me in the training room." Obi and I bowed and he was off around the corner.

I was waiting for over 10 minutes when I decided to just walk in. He should be used to me walking in all the time, we always sneak to each others quarters.

You see Anakin and I have been breaking Jedi code and have been seeing each other at night, very very romantically. At first it was no feelings attached, but I've fallen in love with Ani. This is part of the reason why I wanted to wait to be a Jedi with Ani, because I love him and didn't want him to be upset. He deserves to be a Jedi more than anyone. I've known him since we were children, it was easy falling in love with him.

I walked inside and was shocked to see Padmé and Anakin kissing, it felt like my heart shattered. "Ani?" I spoke up. Anakin pulled away and looked at me with terror. Padmé looked confused and just excused herself, she slid past me and left.

"Y/N what are you doing here?" Anakin nervously said. I walked up to him and slapped him. I knew we weren't official but I thought the feelings were mutual. We promised it would be just us, no one else. "Ow!" He half yelled.

"You said it would be just us! Now your kissing Padmé! You said I don't have to worry about her." I yelled. Tears stung my eyes as I hit his shoulders.

"Why are you upset, we weren't official! You didn't want to be!" He yelled back, grabbing my wrists. My mouth opened in shock, he's always thought this meant nothing to me.

"I didn't want to be? Anakin I'm in love with you! I've tried telling you, I thought you understood what I was feeling! I tried showing you through the force! I even turned down becoming a Jedi until you do! Because I loved you!" I screamed.

Ani grabbed my waist and smashed his lips upon mine, at this point I realized we both were crying. He pulled away, breathing heavily. "I-I just thought you were doing that to make me feel better. I was kissing Padmé because I thought I didn't have a chance with you. I'm so sorry Y/N, I love you." I smiled and pulled Anakin into another kiss.

He pulled me to his room, never breaking the kiss. He slammed the door shut behind us.

Let's just say we were very very late to training.

"Where have you both been? It's been over an hour!" Obi yelled, frustrated. Ani and I looked at each other and then back to Obi.

"I'm sorry master, we had a very deep conversation, and we didn't realize the time." I looked to Ani and saw his jaw tighten.

Obi looked at us and sighed, "alright it's okay. Just don't do it again, we don't have time to train now. The council wants to speak to Anakin." He waved Anakin towards him. Ani gave me one last look that said I love you. I smiled and waved them goodbye.

I returned to Anakin's quarters, waiting for hours. He never showed up, the next afternoon I left to go to my own quarters. I had nothing to do today so I laid in bed.

I was awoken the next mourning by my stomach twisting and turning. I ran to the bathroom and threw up everything I previously ate. I thought this was strange because I never get sick.

After brushing my teeth and changing my clothes, I heard a loud knock at the door. I opened it to see Obi. "Oh hello master, come in." I stood aside and let him enter. Obi looked stressed.

"I-I saw a halogram of Anakin killing younglings Y/N. He has turned to the dark side. I fear no one can change his mind." I was completely shocked.

"What no Ani wouldn't. He couldn't." I spoke up. Obi just looked down and shook his head.

Obi got up to leave. "I'm going to try to find him, I'll help him. Stay put." He paused and looked back to me, "I sense something different about you." He just stared at me and shrugged his shoulders.  Once he left I started crying, I knew what he was talking about. I must get to the Medbay.

I've been sitting in a room for hours, doing various medical tests. As I was about to close my eyes, the nurse came in. "Congratulations, your expecting!" I held my mouth open in shock.

"What I can't be!" The nurses smile faded. She put her hand on mine and gave it a squeeze.

"Hey I know it's not easy, everything will be okay. I'll contact you when your next appointment is." I nodded and got up to leave. I couldn't think, I'm pregnant. I'm totally in trouble now.

When I returned to my room, Anakin was standing staring out the window. "Ani?" I whispered. I ran over and hugged him tightly. "Ani I'm pregnant." I shakily whispered. I looked up to be met with yellow eyes.

Ani smiles and hugged me tighter. "Y/N join me, Palpatine has shown me great power. We can rule and raise our baby together in the dark side. He will make me kill you, please come with me."

I nodded a yes and hugged him again. I didn't want to join the dark, but I didn't want to be away from Ani. "I have to go for a little bit, there's a ship ready for you to leave, I'll meet you at it's destination later. Don't talk to anyone." I nodded and kissed him one last time.

"I love you Ani." I whispered as he left. He blew me a kiss and finally disappeared. I sprung into action and gathered as much as I could, I arrived at the ship and started it up. Finally I took off.

I arrived at a bigger ship and boarded on. When I stepped off, it was like they were expecting me. I was shown my new room, and was locked in there for hours.

The door finally opened after hours to reveal Palpatine. "Ah my child it's great to have you on our side." His smile was wicked.

"Where is Ani?" I question, standing up to face him. I noticed his smile fade and he slightly turned away.

"Obi-wan had hurt him, he's completely different now. You may see him but just don't be scared." He ushered me outside and held my back as he led me through the halls.

When we entered another room, I saw a large black figure standing in the middle of the room. I eyed it curiously, when it turned around  I could see it fully. "Y/N?" The thing questioned.

"Ani is that you?" I asked shocked. Palpatine left us alone, closing the door. I walked cautiously up the him, starting to cry.

"Don't cry, it's still me. I won't be able to do somethings like before but it's still me." He pulled me into his embrace. He was now taller and colder.

"I still love you Ani, no matter what." He nodded and bent his head down. I leaned up and kissed the side of his mask.

"I go by Darth Vader now, but you can call me whatever you like." I smiled and grabbed his gloved hand. Walking towards our future.

3 years later

Anakin and I had twins, a girl and a boy. We named them Luke and Leia. They were beautiful, Luke looked like Anakin, and Leia looked like me.

Although things were difficult with the new Ani, we made it work, we still had love.

And that's all we need.

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