Luke Skywalker

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⚠️⚠️No Smut⚠️⚠️

SUMMARY: (father/daughter relationship.) You had been alone for 19 years, all you knew was that your mother gave you up when you were just 1. You never had a father, you didn't need one now. But something surprises you when your sent to find the last Jedi.

I've lived in Jakku for 16 years, until I moved to Bespin at the age of 17. I was one of the only ones to escape that dump. I didn't quite fit in on Bespin, I didn't look like royalty. Well, I didn't dress like it. My mother left me on Jakku at the age of 1, I sometimes try to find her but I gave up years ago. I have no idea who my father is, I don't plan on finding out. I did just fine without him for 20 years of my life, I can go much longer.

General Leia Organa found me as I was trying to steal some credits from a wealthy man, I felt embarrassed at that moment. I'm now being forced to find the mighty Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi in hopes to save the Resistance.

She seems worried, like something is on her mind. She also seems to know me, it's kind of weird.

"Y/N please bring him back, we need him. Ask him to train you, you need to learn more about the force." I nod and grab my bag and saber, Luke's saber. Leia told me to take it with me. Before I get into an X-Wing, she stops me. "Y/N, your going to learn things about yourself. Don't run from the truth, embrace it. May the force be with you Y/N." She smiles and steps back.

"May the force be with you...." I say confused. I wave goodbye and take off. I go through my stuff as I'm flying, and decide to count my credits. If only she didn't find me, I would of had more.

I feel a presence watching me as I land and get out of the X-Wing, I start jogging towards it, climbing up the cliff. I then see Luke Skywalker, he gasps when he sees me. "Y/N?"

"Uh......yeah?" How the hell does he know my name. I hold out the saber to him, he grabs it and tosses it behind him and pulls me into a hug. "Um....Master Skywalker, what the hell are you doing?" I pat his back.

"Oh sorry." He steps back and wipes his eyes. Why is he crying?

"Sir, Leia has sent me to get you. I need you to train me and she needs your help with the Resistance. She says that we are her last hope."

"No." He steps beside me and walks away.

"No?" I question and follow him to a cliff with a couple huts, he slams the door to one. "Master Skywalker? Hello? Please she needs you. I thought you cared about your sister."

After he doesn't answer I use the force to take the door off. He steps back shocked and then narrows his eyes. "Of course I care about her." He scoffs. "Fine. One lesson. That's it." 

I smile to myself and follow the man up a long path and into a cave. He was a strange man, first he hugs me then he throws a little tantrum. "Sit." He points to a rock. "Close your eyes. Reach out to the Force."  I reach my hand out and focus until I finally feel something in my hand. "Do you feel it?"

"Yes! This is amazing!" I smile until I feel a slap on my hand. I open my eyes to see him rolling his eyes. "Okay sorry!"

"Reach out with your mind." I close my eyes and focus again. "What do you see."

"The island. Life, death and decay. That feeds new life.warmth, cold. Peace, violence." I start to see it.

"And between it all?" He asks

"Balance. An energy. A Force."

"And inside you?" He asks again.

"The same Force"

"And this is the lesson, that force does not belong to the Jedi. To say that is the Jedi die, the light dies, is vanity. Can you feel that?" He's steps in front of me, looking me over.

I scrunch my face as I feel something new. "There's something else beneath the island. A dark place."

"Balance. Powerful light, powerful darkness." He says.

"It's calling me." Tears start to form as I hear whispers saying my name.


I hear them speak of my father, I go towards it. But as I reach for it I'm brought back to reality.

"You went straight to the dark."

"That place was trying to show me something, trying to tell me something." I look around panicked. "But I didn't see you. You've closed yourself off from the force."

Luke ignores me and walks away, leaving me alone. I hear whispering again and follow it down a path. I find the same place and reach for it. Something pulls me in and I fall into water.

I look around until I see a mirror, when I reach for the mirror my hand get stuck to it and my eyes roll back.

"You can't take her away from me! She's going to be a powerful Jedi, I need to train her! She needs to be with her father!" I turn to see a much younger Luke talking to a woman who is holding a baby. I look the woman over and realize this is my mother. We have the same hair, the same nose. But I have my.....fathers eyes.


I gasp for air and realize I'm outside of that dark place. It was trying to show me my father.

I run to Luke's hut and open the door, he stands up shocked and narrows his eyes. "You! Your my father!" Luke pushes past me and walks away. I use to force to grab a stick and knock him down. "Talk to me!" I yell.

"Yes. I am your father."

"Why would you let her give me away! I've been alone all these years!" I cry.

"I had no choice, she didn't want you to become a Jedi, so she stole you and gave you up. I searched for years for you, but now your here." He smiled.

"I don't know what to say, why wouldn't you tell me?"

"I tried. Please forgive me Y/N." He stands up.

"Only if you help the Resistance."

He sighs. "Fine." I smile and hug him. The feeling of anger and loneliness leaves me and instead fills me with joy.

I'm not alone anymore.

Again this isn't the best but I hope everyone enjoys!💕

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