Poe Dameron

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SUMMARY: Being the Generals daughter isn't easy, people think you get stuff handed too you. But in reality you work your ass off to be the best pilot. One thing that is easy, is guys flirting with you all the time.

Being the Generals daughter isn't so easy, I work my ass off all the time. Everyday I'm competing to be the best pilot in the Resistance. There is one thing in my life that's easy, I could have any guy that I want.

You see guys seem to think that if they get with the Generals daughter then they can get a higher position. So basically they want to use me. But my mom and I have seen through every man here, well except one. There's a new pilot coming, I've heard nothing about him but I always expect the same thing.

I was under my X-Wing fixing some parts when I heard another one landing. I could hear the sound of feet running towards it, I slid out and sat leaning against my X-Wing and watched as the new pilot shook everyone's hand.

I must say, he was very handsome. I watched as he shook everyone's hand with a wide smile, his brown eyes sparkled as he met new people. I shook myself out of this daydream and reminded myself to stay away.

I heard some beeps beside me and looked over to see my blue and white BB-12 unit talking to another orange and white BB unit. "Hello there little one, whats your name?" I said with a smile. I head a couple happy beeps and laughed along with him. "Ah BB-8! That's a wonderful name! I see you met my daughter BB-12. Is the new guy your dad?"

BB-8 beeped at me confused with the word dad. "You know he takes care of you, loves you." The two droids rolled around together happily, surprisingly my droid was the only BB unit in the Resistance. It's nice to have another around for her to play with.

My attention was pulled away from the two droids when I heard someone running up to me. "Oh there you are buddy! I was lo- oh hi there. I'm Poe Dameron." He said flashing a wide smile. He held a hand out to me, I grabbed it and he pulled me up to face him.

"Y/N Organa Solo." I shook his hand. His eyes slightly widened, he peaked around me to look at our droids rolling around together. BB-8 beeped at Poe asking if he was his dad. I giggled at his question and watched Poe's eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"What? Why are you asking that?" He said placing his hands at his hips.

"You don't consider yourself his dad? This is my girl BB-12." I giggled again and leaned down to rub her circular head. Poe chuckled and shook his head at me.

"I didn't realize I was talking to the Generals daughter, that must be pretty cool. I guess you could say in his dad. So I have to go meet with your mom right now, would you like to come with?" He smiled again. I watched as he beamed at me, I wondered if he was truly being nice.

"Well I mean it's okay sometimes. Sure let's go see the General." I put my tools away and walked past Poe down the hall. When he caught up with me, he slightly brushed against my arm. Goosebumps started to form at the spot he touched. I slightly turned to look at him, catching this staring at me.

When we made it to my mom, I said hello and went to the other side of the room to talk to others. When I was looking over a data pad, I felt a hand on my lower back. "Hey honey, lets go for drinks tonight. Or we can play some games in my room." The guy winked. I rolled my eyes and pushed his hand away.

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