Obi-Wan - Reunited

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⬆️bye I love this's Spicy 😂

⚠️S/N = Sith Name

Summary: After many painful years of becoming a Sith you were sent on a mission to seek out an enemy. With a huge reputation of becoming a Jedi Killer, you were perfect for this job. That is until you reunite with your old love.


It's been a couple years since I've last seen Obi-Wan old love. Anakin and Palpatine showed me the power of the dark side. Together we have been ruling over the Galaxy. We are unstoppable.

But my thoughts still linger on Obi...Palpatine has assured me he had died during the fall of the Jedi. I have no other purpose in the that Obi is gone.

It was all my fault...I had him killed.

But Anakin..... or Darth Vader convinced me to move on, like he had.

My name is Darth S/N.....I am feared around the's better that way. There's nothing out there for me, no where for me to hide. It's better that I stay with Vader.

I was waking with my head down through the halls of Vader's ship, for some reason he had requested my presence. I hadn't seen Vader for weeks, I felt at peace when I was alone.

As I arrive at the front of his ship, I find him facing away from me, he was staring out into the galaxy.
"Lord Vader....nice to see you arrived safe from your mission." I take my hood off and smile.

"Lady S/N.... I need you to search the planets Jakku and Tatooine. We have reason to believe allies of the Jedi are hiding there......maybe even a Jedi. I'm sending you because I know you will get the job done..I don't trust the others."

" sand? Really?" I smile, this makes him softly chuckle.

"Master is expecting you to do good in this mission....don't let him down." He pauses. "Don't let me down." He places a hand on my shoulder.

"I won't." I nod, he takes a moment stare at me...he was trying to read my thoughts.

" go...." He turns back around and stares back out the window.

I put my hood back up, passing by the people staring.

I immediately go into the hangar, "Lady S/N.....your Tie Fighter is ready to go." An officer says from beside me.I nod at him.

I make sure my sabers are secured at my hip and get into my Tie. I take a deep breath and place my hands on the steering and take off. As soon as I'm clear from the ship, I jump into light speed.

I loved the galaxy, the stars were my favorite.

I often think about a life with where I wasn't so stupid and betrayed him. I like to think he's part of the stars...watching down on me.

I jump out of light speed in front of Tatooine. I wasn't sure where to look first but I thought I should try where most civilians were. After flipping a couple switches, I wait a couple minutes for my life-form scan to complete.

When I get my coordinates, I travel down into the planet. I haven't been here for many years....I used to live here with Anakin. It's where I met Obi.

After I had landed on the coordinates, I make sure my Sabers are secured and I pull my hood up. I jump out and wrap my robe around me as I walk closer to town.

I decide to travel into the scout things out and to get a drink.

When I arrive inside everyone turns around and stares at me. After a couple minutes they turn around and go back to their business.

"Give me anything with Liquor." I say to the bartender. I throw down some credits and wait for my drink.

As I was waiting a man comes up to the bar next to me, he leans over the counter and smiles at me. "You look very mysterious." He chuckles. "I saw a flash of your look very beautiful. Can I see more?" His hand slides over to touch my robe.

"I will cut your hand off." I hiss.

"Come on...just one look..." He laughs and touches my hood.

Suddenly I hear another voice, "You want to leave the lady alone and go home."

"I want to leave the lady alone and go home." The man repeats and walks away. I turn around to see a familiar face.

"Obi..." I whisper, taking off my hood. I felt my heart stop for a moment as I studied his face. He still looked handsome...but his eyes were lonely. Just like mine.

"Y/'s you." He slightly smiles.

"Your the one I'm here for..." I stand up and take my sabers out.

"Not here Y/N...outside." Obi walks away.

As soon as I get outside, I ignite my Sabers. "I have to kill you...actually I should take you in alive...Vader would want that." I shake my head.

"You don't have to do that....There's still good in you."

"What's the point Obi....I've done terrible things." I start to cry. "I was told you were dead....I took my anger out on innocent people. I can't be saved!" I yell.

"Yes you can....I still believe that woman I once knew is still inside you...the woman who I loved....who was full of love and life."

"You can't save me." I get into my fighting stance, staring at him through blurry eyes.

"Drop the Sabers." Obi nods. I didn't understand why, but without hesitation I do as he says. "If you leave the Empire....I will forgive you." He nods.

"They will find me......He will always find me." I cry. "I can't betray him."

"I will protect you....I love you." He holds his arms out. "Come to me.....please. Stay here with me." I slowly step forward, my heart was racing. As soon as I make it I front of him, he wraps his arms around me. "Tell me you will will be my Y/N again." He whispers into my hair as he kisses the side of my hair.

"I'm so sorry Obi...For everything." I cry.

"Stop.." He hushes me. Obi pulls away from me and wipes my tears. I smile as he leans in and presses his lips against mine.
For a moment I was in pure bliss, nothing else mattered exulted is two. "I forgave you a long time ago....I will keep you safe." Obi pulls away and holds my hands.

"Do you promise?" I ask him.

"I long as you promise to never leave me again. My heart can't handle it if you do."

A promise.....Something worth so much to Obi.....I knew I had a tough decision to make. But I knew my choice a long time ago. "I promise." I smile.

Being with someone I love was worth so much more than power.

Nothing would stand in our way

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