Kylo Ren/Ben Solo

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SUMMARY: you are the last Jedi, the last hope, but you have one problem......your in love with the enemy.

I've found myself in a bad situation.......I'm in love with the Supreme Leader.

You see I'm the last Jedi, the last hope of the Resistance. I can't be in love with the enemy, not with Kylo Ren. We've shared nights together, only kissing. I've always stopped him when he wants to go farther, but it's hard to say no because all I see is Ben Solo. Yes I was friends with him before he turned. But I must end this.

Even if it breaks my heart into pieces.

I walked over to our usual meeting spot, deep into the forest by a lake. You see we are a Dyad, we found that out months ago. Now I just have to wait for him to connect with me.

I close my eyes and levitate in the air, I sit in the air with my legs crossed and start to meditate. I lose track of time and get pulled out of my concentration by a voice. "Y/N."

"Kylo." I open my eyes and flip down. I realize this time we didn't connect, he flew here in his Tie. He starts speed walking closer to me, almost running. He grabs onto my waist and pulls me into him and crashes his lips onto mine. I melt into him for a moment before I realize what I'm supposed to do. "Stop." I push him away and hold my hand on my lips. I step away from him and close my eyes.

"Y/N? What's going on?" Kylo questions me.

"I can't do this anymore Kylo."  I open my eyes to see Kylo's face turn sour. "Kylo I belong to the light. I will never change."

"I can make you change. Please don't do this." He starts to beg.

"No Kylo! What your doing is wrong, the First Order is killing innocent people!" Kylo looks away for a moment, thinking about what I said. He turns away and starts to walk away from me. "Kylo I'm in love with you!" He instantly turns around to face me. His hands clench into a fist.


"I needed to end this because I'm in love with you. I'm in love with Ben! We can't be together like this." Kylo sits down by the water with his head in his hands. I sit next to him, and we call stay like this for hours, he just kept thinking.

"What if I..........change?" He suddenly says, looking out to the water.

"You won't change. Not for me."

"I would. Your the one thing I can't live without. Your the reason why I'm fighting this war. I would change just for you."  I looked at him curiously. "You know me. You know when I'm lying, am I lying now? I've been in love with you since we were 12. I don't care about this stupid war. Not anymore. It's exhausting."

"Ben?" I ask, leaning in.

"Yes.....I promise it's me." I pulled him in and tangled my hands in his hair and smashed my lips onto his. Our lips mounded perfectly together. I felt it in his heart, he really changed for me. All it took is for me to confess my feelings.

"Ben. I'm ready..." he smiles wide. I link my hand with his and start to walk back to base, but he stops.

"Wait." I watch him take his top shirt off and unhooks his saber off his belt. He stares down at his mask and saber then throws them both in the lake. He then smiles widely. "I don't need them, this is the new me."

We make it back to my room without anyone noticing, instantly he starts tearing my clothes off. I lay down on the bed naked, I cover myself and blush As he starts to take his clothes off. "Don't hide. Not from me." My eyes widen as I look down his body. "Don't be afraid." Ben smiles.

Ben drops down between my legs, I bend my legs and pull him close. He kisses down my neck into my chest, I moan out as he attaches his mouth on my breasts and squeezes the other with his large hand. I start to squirm as he rubs his large member through my folds, my heart starts to pound as I get more nervous. "Are you ready?" He kisses me again. I nod and bite my lip.

My eyes squeeze shut as he slowly sinks his member into me. When he's fully inside me he doesn't move, instead he kisses me softly. I dig my nails into his back as the pain starts to go away. I wrap my legs around his waist. Ben starts to move slowly, he lays completely on me, linking his hand with mine. I bite onto his neck softly as he picks up his speed.

"Don't stop." I moan into his ear.

"Wasn't planning on it." He smirks. Ben pulls out and and leans against the wall. I crawl up to him and He grabs my waist and lifts me up to straddle his lap. I hold onto him as I sink down onto his member. I slowly move my hips forward, grinding onto him. Ben grips my hips and starts to groan. He reaches up and grips my breasts, then his right hands clasps onto my throat. Ben bucks his hips up into me, I start to feel some sort of knot building in my lower stomach. Ben picks up his speed, his face turning red. A vein starts to pop out of his head, I knew he was close.

Ben pulls me down into his chest holds onto my ass as he slams into me. "Cum for me. Now." He demands. I feel myself come undone as he slams into me one last time. Ben grips onto me tighter as we both start to shake, my eyes roll back as he grunts and whines in my ear. I lay my head on his chest and try to control my breathing. "I love you. Forever." Ben rubs my back.

"I love you Ben." I smile.

Ben and I both get dressed, and gives me one last kiss. "So are you ready to tell everyone......including your mother." I ask.

"No.....but I am as long as your there." He smiles and holds my hand.

Ben is mine forever.

Hey! I'm not very proud of this one but I hope you liked it! 💕💕

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