Finn - Past

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⚠️⚠️No Smut⚠️⚠️

SUMMARY: After meeting Finn and Rey, you became really close with Rey. The two of you became inseparable and needed to be with each other all the time. But you always wanted to be close with Finn. There's something about him that makes you feel something for once. But he won't talk to you...not when your with Rey.

Gonna be honest this isn't my best....I'm sorry 🥺

I've made many mistakes in my life, they still haunt me. You see my brother Ben and I were led to the dark side by a new master named Snoke. Ben and I destroyed our uncle Luke's temple, but I promise I didn't kill anyone. I couldn't.

For a year I trained under Snoke alongside my brother....I will admit I had to kill some people. I'm not proud to say that. I eventually got in contact with my mother Leia....after so long she still wanted me back. I tried to turn my brother, I tried so hard to make him come with me. But he wouldn't. So I escaped, just in time.

I finished my training with my mother, she didn't question anything. I still haven't talked about what happened with her all these years. I'm haunted by it every night. Poe Dameron often helps me through my nightmares. He knows and doesn't judge me.

I met someone else who didn't judge me. I found the courage to tell her everything and she cried with me and hugged me. And told me it was okay.


She's been here for me through a lot of it. At this point we can't be separated from each other. But her friend Finn....there's something about him that I like. But I don't know what that is because he often doesn't talk to me......

"Hey Y/N wake up!" Rey snaps her fingers in front of my face. "Are we gonna train today or not?" She smiles. I grab my saber and link my arm around hers as we walk outside. We walk up to Finn and Poe and wave to them. Finn locks eyes with me, he narrows his eyes and looks away. "Hey boys, what are you up to?" Rey asks.

"Nothin much....just fixing up my X-Wing." Poe smiles at us. Rey puts her arm around my waist and smiles.

"We are gonna go train.....finally." She laughs.

"Do you both want to come watch?" I ask the two.

"No thanks. We need to finish this." Finn adds, shooting Rey and I a strange look. I look away from his judging look and pull Rey with me. We go into the woods until we find our spot. Rey and I ignite our sabers and circle each other.

"Did you tell Finn about my past?" I ask I she lunges at me.

"No. You know I wouldn't." She says as our sabers clash against each other.

"I also know Poe and my mother wouldn't. So why does he hate me?" I say as I push her back.

"What? Finn hating you? Y/N everyone loves you here." She smirks as she slides under me and kicks my back.

"Apparently not everyone." I throw my saber at her, it clashes against hers and comes back to my hand. "Tell me you see it too? When Finn and I first met he would always talk to he just stares and avoids me."

"Talk to him." Rey grunts as she jumps onto my shoulders, I flip her over and slam her down onto her back. Rey groans and turns off her saber. "Stars you have a lot of upper body strength..." she says as I help her up.

"You know why...." I look away. 

"Seriously go talk to him." She grabs her stuff and pulls me with her. Rey stops me and hugs me close. She smiles and pushes some of my hair out of my face. "Go." She nudges me over to Finn.

I cautiously walk over to Finn and Poe. "Uh...hey Finn. Can we talk? My quarters?" Finn stares at me blankly and nods slowly. Poe smirks at us before kneeling down to BB-8.

I walk ahead of Finn, leading him to my quarters. I was nervous......I hoped that he didn't hate me.....I knew I must tell him the truth.

I look back at him when we reach my quarters and let him in. We both sit on my bed, facing the door. "Why do you hate me? Did someone tell you something about me?" I ask.

"What? Y/N I don't hate you...." he looks over at me confused.

"We you have a funny way of showing you don't hate someone...,." I whisper. Finn scoots a little closer and stares at me. "You never talk to used to. I thought you were starting to like me but I guess I was wrong..."

"I did-do like you..."

"Then why don't you talk to me? Why do you look at me weirdly?" I ask.

"I don't want to get in the know because your dating Rey."

"You think I'm dating Rey?" I start to laugh. "Finn we are not dating!"

"But you are always around each other....always holding hands and stuff..." He looks away nervously.

"I promise you we are not. She's my best friend. One of the only people that understands me. Understands my past."

"Your past?"

"Please don't judge me...but you have every right to. I have to tell you the truth. I destroyed the temple with Ben solo, my brother. Together we trained under Snoke.....I didn't kill anyone at the temple but I had to when I was training for with Snoke. I eventually contacted my mother...Leia. And got out. When I met you I felt something....something different. Something kid in my life for once."

"I was a Stormtrooper. So I understand...." Finn looks away. "I could never judge you.....I really really like you Y/N." Finn leans in closer to me and smiles. "I'm sorry I stayed away and treated you like that....making you think I was judging you. I was just jealous that I couldn't have you." 

I smiled sweetly and leaned into him and pressed my lips onto his softly. I smile as he holds onto me.

My life was finally turning out okay....I knew I didn't deserve it but dammit...I'm not gonna take anything or anyone for granted.

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