Poe Dameron - Dreams

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⚠️⚠️NO SMUT⚠️⚠️

SUMMARY: You begin having many dreams about a strange man. Soon you start to fall for a man you've never even met, but when you join your mother with the Resistance, you see someone familiar

"Good morning beautiful." I slowly open my eyes to the sound of a deep voice. I look to my left to see a man with dark hair, he wore a chain with a ring around his neck and he had no shirt on. The man was propped up on his elbow, playing with my hair. I looked at myself and noticed I had no clothes on.

"Who are you?" I start to panic, realizing I'm in an unfamiliar place.

"Wow. You've been screaming my name all night and now you don't remember?" The man chuckles and winks at me. "Stop messing around my love." He kisses me. "I love you Y/N."

I wake up panting, this was the strangest dream I've ever had. I was dreaming about a man I didn't even know.... for the past month I've had dreams like these, all about the same man. I can never learn his name, he either avoids the question or I wake up.
But there's something about him that makes me want to keep going to sleep, just so I can see him.

I hurry up and get downstairs in Maz's castle on Takodana, I've been staying here ever since Ben destroyed the temple. Luke dropped me off here and I have never returned home. I grumpily sit down on the bar and order a drink. "Still keeping to the same routine?" I look next to me to see Maz.

"Yup. I don't see a problem with it." I take a long drink of my alcoholic beverage. Maz watches me for a moment before continuing.

"How do you think your parents would feel if they saw you now? Drinking during the afternoon and into the morning. Your wasting your life Y/N. I remember when you were a little girl, so full of happiness and curiosity. Look at you now." She looks me over.

"Well that little girl died a long time ago. When I lost the most important person in my life. My parents seem fine without me Maz."

"Y/N, that's not true." She looks away. By now I'm on my fifth drink, but I feel nothing. I guess I get that from my father. "As much as I sometimes don't like your father, your mother is a dear friend of mine. They both love you Y/N. Your lucky that your paying me enough to keep quiet and also your very close to me, otherwise I would of told her your here." She wipes the counter.

"Thanks Maz." I mumble and stand up, going outside. I go inside my ship and lean back in the pilots chair. I sigh and close my eyes, soon falling asleep.

"I can't believe I get to love you. Your the most beautiful woman I've ever met." I feel soft kisses on my neck, up to lips.  "I love you Y/N. Always will. Your mine." His hands roam my body as he kisses me. "And I'm yours." As I feel a weird sensation I wake up yet again. Why am I falling for a man I've never met?

What the actual fuck is this? Why am I having weird intimate dreams about this man? I rub my face and look outside to see the one person I didn't want to see ever. My mother. She smiles at me and waves me outside. I open up my ship and meet her outside.

"my baby." She smiles. She hugs me and holds me tightly. "I finally found you." She pulls away and smiles.

"Leia! It's good to see you! I'm glad you got my message this quick!" My head snaps over to Maz, realizing she actually contacted my mother this time. "You need to go home Y/N and heal. Your home is with Leia, your mother."

"Honey I know your father isn't around at the moment and Ben....well you know about Ben. But I've searched for you, all these years. Every time I came here you were gone, out of sight.  Please I need you, the First order is destroying everything, everything you love Y/N. Everything you swore to protect. Y/N I've missed you so much." She holds onto my hands and squeezes them.

"So you think that you can just show up after not seeing me for like 5 years and think everything is okay? Even after what you did?" I ask her.

"Honey I honestly don't know what I did to fail you. I'm so sorry."

"You sent us away. Especially Ben. He wanted nothing to do with being a Jedi! He wanted to be a pilot like dad. I did too! But when you saw conflict you just sent us away!" I backed away.

"Y/N I had good intentions sending you both to Luke. I wanted you to start your training, not ship you away. You have become the very Jedi I knew you would become, a strong one. Please I need you back. I love you so much." She begs. I knew she was genuine. I knew she meant it, even though I was still upset, I couldn't say no. If helping the Resistance meant somehow getting Ben back then I would do it.

"Fine. Let's go before I change my mind." I sighed and got inside my own ship. I waved to Maz and smiled. She knew I'd be back someday.

After awhile of Following my mothers ship, we made it onto the Resistance base. As we walked inside I got the strangest looks, well that's probably because I look exactly like my brother. "Do you have your saber?" My mother asks as we walk together.

"In my bag." When I look over to her I am knocked down. I realized I had knocked into someone and instantly helped them up. I stepped back in shock as we made eye contact. It was the same man from my dreams, he had dark wavy hair and I could see the chain around his neck. I would be lying if I said he wasn't extremely hot....

"It's you.." we both say in unison.

"Wait you know me?" I ask.

"Only from my dreams. I never knew your name though."  He smiles.

"You always said my name in my dreams."

"And you always said mine." He steps closer. "I'm Poe. Poe Dameron." He kisses my hand.

I chuckle at his actions. "I'm Y/N Organa Solo." His eyes widen as he looks at Leia and I.

"Well would you like me to give you a tour. That is if it's okay with Leia?"

"Go. Have fun." She smiles and pushes us away.

I find it very weird that I am now standing beside the man I've been dreaming about. "So does this make us soulmates?" Poe asks.

"I don't know maybe." I smile.

"Your the only reason why I'm still here. You've given me hope and strength to keep fighting. Y/N I know we've only met in our dreams but I have strong feelings for you. I'd love to get to know you, now that you are here."

"You kept the nightmares away. You kept me safe at night Poe. I'd love to get to know you." I smile and kiss his cheek.

For once in 5 years, something good is happening to me.

I met my soulmate.

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