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⚠️⚠️No Smut⚠️⚠️

SUMMARY: you had been traveling alone for quite some time, one day you make it to Jakku and discover something in the force.

Traveling the galaxy for years is not always easy, especially if your a Jedi. Everywhere I go the First Order is there, especially Kylo Ren. You see he wants me dead, also Luke Skywalker. I've been out searching for years for anyone that is force sensitive, I've sensed someone on the planet Jakku with the force. I'm trying to train and build an army to help assist the Resistance, so we can defeat the First Order finally.

I finally made it on Jakku, it's a terrible planet. It reminds me of Tatooine but worse, this place is awful. I'm glad I've brought a lot of water because there's barely any water here, I've already traveled to many villages and cannot find any force sensitive people. I was beginning to wonder if I was wrong.

It's been days now, I walked up to another little village, this one being my last. I was absolutely exhausted, I slowly walked in, trying my best to sense the people around me. I was dehydrated and starving, I opened my water pouch to see it was empty. I checked the others to see they were empty as well.

As I walked around, my vision was getting blurry, I stumbled around eventually falling onto the hot sand. I felt myself passing out, but that last thing I saw was a blurry image of a woman before everything went black.

I could feel cold metal on my back, cold water was on my forehead. I opened my eyes and looked at a rusted metal ceiling. I lifted myself up, groaning in the process. I looked over to see a beautiful young woman cooking food. I blushed. "Where am I?" I asked, rubbing my head. It felt like I was being stabbed repeatedly on my temple.

"In Jakku, specifically my home." I looked around and realized I was in an old AT-AT.

"Why am I here? What happend?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"You passed out in town, your exhausted and dehydrated. I carried you here so you wouldn't get looted, or worse...." I looked over to see my bag on the ground, everything was out in the floor next to it.

"Hey why did you go through my bag!" I jumped up looking for my saber. I was stuffing everything back in, panicking.

"Oh looking for this?" She held up my saber.

Fun fact, my saber looks just like Kylos, but safer. I had a blue Kyber Crystal in mine.

I reached for the saber but she pulled it back. "I was trying to see if you had any identification on you, so I knew your name. But instead found a stolen saber." I looked at her in shock.

I reached for it once again, this time using the force for it to connect with my hand. The girl looked at me confused and shocked.

"Wait you are a Jedi?" She asked nervously. I laughed and went to sit down.

"Yes, this was not stolen, it's my saber." The girl came to sit next to me, she stuck her hand out. "I'm Y/N."

The girl smiled, "I'm Rey." I grabbed onto her hand, instantly feeling overwhelmed. I jumped up surprised, I had found who I was looking for. "What's wrong?" She asked nervously.

"Oh my stars, I found you!" I smiled. Rey looked at me like I was crazy. "I've been looking for days for anyone force sensitive, I'm trying to find as many people as I can to help the Resistance!"

"No no I don't have whatever that is, I'm normal, I'm a nobody." She shook her head, standing up. I softly smiled at her.

"I'm a Jedi, I can sense when someone is force sensitive. And you my dear, are. Come we must go to my ship, we must start your training." I grabbed my bag, I turned around to see her looking at me confused.

"No I have to stay.....I'm waiting for someone...." I sensed her sorrow for her parents, she's been waiting for them. Before I could say more, we heard rapid beeps and yelling in the distance.

I dropped my bag and ran outside, Rey joined me and grabbed her staff. We ran up to some creature trying to capture a droid. I ignited my saber, the creature jumped back in shock.

Rey said something in another language, the creature shook his head and released the droid. "Yeah get out of here!" I screamed, turning off my saber.

Rey was bent down fixing the droid and talking to him. I looked closer realizing I knew the little droid. "BB-8? Is that you?" I asked, bending down. The little droid looked up to me and beeped happily. "Oh I missed you too! Where is Poe?" I asked.

BB-8 beeped sadly. "Oh he'll come back. Can we stay with you for tonight? We still have to talk." Rey sighed and looked away.

"Fine, lets go." We followed her back to her home, eventually all of us falling asleep.

The next day we were all walking to town, I felt unease here like something bad was going to happen. As we were talking, two men grabbed Rey and I while another tried getting BB-8. I force pushed one away from BB-8, and hit the others head. Rey took down the last one and BB-8 was beeping something at us.

I looked up to see a man wearing Poe's jacket. "That's Poe's jacket!" I said to Rey. She ran up and hit the guy down, I ignited my saber and pointed it to him.

"He says your wearing his masters jacket!" Rey said to the man, pointing her staff at his head. BB-8 shocked him and beeped loudly.

"This belonged to Poe Dameron right? He died and a crash, we saved each other. I'm very sorry." He said with his hands up. I looked down to BB-8, he put his head down in sadness. "I'm with the Resistance." He said quickly. I squinted my eyes at him, I decided not to say anything just yet. I looked back to see a couple Storm Troopers running towards us.

"You stop!" They pointed.

"Shit. We have to run!" I yelled. We started running, I led them to my ship but a Tie destroyed it in front of us. "Fuck not my ship!" I yelled.

"That one!" The man yelled. We ran for it, eventually making it in. We were able to hotwire it, making it fly.

As we finally got out of reach, I jumped up to see the man return. "I'm Finn." He said.

"I'm Y/N, this is Rey." I said. Rey smiles at me, and nodded. I looked at her in awe, I've never realized how truly beautiful she was.

Finn waved his hand infront of my face, waking me out of my day dream. "You okay?" He asked. My eyes widened, I nodded and walked away.

-time skip-

We made it to the Resistance base, and who joined us....Han and Chewy, my old friends. I figured out that Poe was still alive, Thank the stars! I found Leia and hugged Her, I left her to talk to Han, eventually meeting up with Rey. "We need you, please stay and train. Whoever you waiting for, is not coming back, I feel it." She looked away, her face hardened.

I turned her have towards me, "I'm sorry that was harsh." I whispered. I put my hand on her cheek, she put her hand on top of mine.

"I'll train with you." She smiled. I did something I knew I shouldn't, I leaned down to kiss her. Her hands cupped my cheeks and she pulled me in close. I pulled away and smiled. "I've wanted to do that since we first met." She whispered.

I put my head on hers, and smiled. "Same." I whispered.

"I'm sending you both to find Luke, we have the map." Leia said. "Please bring back my brother." She whispered.

Rey and I smiled, we boarded the falcon and took off together, to start her training.

-sorry this one was different😢


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