Kylo Ren part 1

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Summary:  You decide to sneak into the Supreme Leaders quarters in a dare. When you get caught you think your dead but the Supreme Leader has other ideas. 💀

"Come on truth or dare Y/N!" Ellie yelled. I rolled my eyes, not wanting to play this stupid game. I took one last sip of my drink finally facing my two friends.

"Oh kriff I guess dare." Ellie and hanna smirked at each other. I knew they had a bad one.

"We dare you to sneak into the Supreme Leaders quarters! We know you like him, just look around and then come out in 5 minutes." Hanna whispered.

I worked on the Supreme Leaders ship, a high ranking officer. I helped give Kylo advice on the Resistance because I used to be with them. I switched to the First order due to not believing in their cause anymore. I will admit that I sometimes fuck up but I haven't died yet. I've never seen his face but there was always something about him that made me go weak in the knees. I've always fantasized about him, I knew I'd never get that far but hey, a girl can dream.

"I could get killed! Kriff you both are stupid!" I said getting up. I left to the bathroom changing into a normal black dress. I could hear loud giggles from my friends as I left.

They really want me dead.

I had heard the Supreme Leader had left for a mission, I hoped it was true. Just because I'm a high ranking officer doesn't mean he won't kill me.

I'm definitely dead.

I stopped in front of his door and pushed it open. "Why would someone leave their door unlocked. Weird." I stepped into the dark room, turning on the light to see a very clean and still dark room. Everything was black, pretty typical.

I tiptoed around his quarters, finding his room, everything looked so clean. I waited around for five minutes, looking at his books to pass time.

Just as I was about to leave, I heard a creaking sound come from a door in his room. I began to back up panicking, I was stopped by a hard surface, I assumed was the wall. When I felt the wall move, I turned around to face the Supreme Leader.

"Why are you in here!" He screamed. I flinched backing away. I bowed my head, tears stung my eyes.

I'm really dead now

"Supreme Leader, I promise you I was dared to do this. I knew the consequences. I'm very sorry I promise I didn't touch anything. Please have mercy." I rambled.

"Your always disobeying me. I guess I must teach you a lesson." Kylo pushes me down on my knees, he began unzipping his pants, letting his member spring free right in front of my face. "This will teach you to be a good girl for me Y/N." He whispered. Kylo grabbed a fistful of my hair, guiding himself into my mouth.

I wanted to get up and run but I couldn't, it's like my fantasy was coming true. Kylo wasn't gentle, he rammed himself deep in my throat. He grabbed my head with both hands pushing me up and down. Tears spilled my eyes as I couldn't breath. His length being too big for me, made me gag.

I heard a sinister laugh come from him, still not being able to see his face. Before I could pass out from lack of air, Kylo pulled out and pulled me up. "Take everything off and lay on the bed." He ordered.

As I began taking my dress off, I heard a hiss of air and looked to see the face of Kylo Ren. He was beautiful, he had long black hair, beautiful eyes. A scar ran down his face, he was breathtaking. I wanted to touch him, but before I could finish that thought I was pulled awake by a slap to the face.

"I said." Kylo ripped the rest of my clothes off, "take everything off." He hissed. I was pushed to the bed, I looked up to see all of Kylo's body. I resisted the urge to touch his body.

Without warning he pushed inside me forcefully, I screamed out in pain by his speed. "You don't get to enjoy this right now bitch." He hissed. Kylo placed his hand on my throat, tightly grasping it.

Pain shot through my lower half, he was mercilessly pounding into me. "Always misbehaving, such a stupid bitch. Your my whore now, got it?" He yelled. Kylo slapped my thighs, pulling them farther apart.

I knew I was fucked now.

Kylo tightened his grip on my neck, my vision clouded. Right when I thought I would pass out, Kylo abruptly pulled out and flipped me over on my hands and knees. Again without warning he slammed into me. I felt a sting on my ass as he hardly slapped it.

"Take it." Kylo spat. Even through pain, I was in heaven. I've wanted this day for so long. Kylo pulled out, slamming back in again. My eyes rolled back as he did this three more times. He returned to his normal fast speed, this time pulling me up against his chest. He held my throat and whispered in my ear, "I know you like this, I can hear you. Do you enjoying getting treated like the whore you are?" Kylo cooed. He slapped my breasts, then kissing my neck.

"Y-yes sir." I choked out. Kylo pushed me back down, stuffing my face in the mattress. He ran his hand down my back stopping at my ass. I felt him slow down, I looked back to see him leaning back watching himself slowly fuck me.

When Kylo saw me watching him, he shoved my face back down and roughly slammed into me again. I felt the pain start turning to pleasure, this making me moan out into the mattress. "Ah she does like it." Kylo chuckled. "I think you learned your lesson." Kylo pulled out and stood behind me. I heard soft whimpers and moans come from him.

When I turned around I saw Kylo standing touching himself. He wasn't going to let me cum. I whined out, Kylo's eyes snapped open to see me pouting. "Baby, bad girls don't get to cum." He picked his pace up, working his hand up and down himself. I watched as he came into his hand.

Kylo cleaned himself up then giving me some clothes to change into since he ripped mine. He helped me to the door, but before I could leave he grabbed me and pulled me against his chest. "Come back here tomorrow, same time. If your a good girl then it will be a fun night." He smiled, kissing my lips.

I nodded and thanked him, finally leaving.

I think I'll be misbehaving a lot more now😈

"Oh my stars Y/N what happened? You were gone for over and hour! Who's clothes is that!" Ellie yelled.

"Wait did you and-" I cut her off by pushing them both out of my room smiling.

Ah this is going to be fun


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