Han Solo - Jealousy

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⚠️⚠️Mentions of Smut⚠️⚠️ - it's a short one!

SUMMARY: You hated to admit it, you were in love with Han Solo. Han wasn't his usual flirtatious self when he was around you....well sometimes. He was sweet, and caring. There were some lonely nights on the Falcon that led to some certain events but you never admitted your feelings. But as your looking for Leia, things go wrong....

Im in trouble.

I'm in love with Han Solo.

This is bad. Really bad. I know that Luke likes me a lot but Han really swept me off my feet. Han is just so.....

"Hey pretty girl." I jump as I feel hands on my waist.

"Hello Han." I smile. We had just gotten off Hoth after an attack, I was worried for Luke. We now were hiding.

"You look very beautiful today Y/N." He smirks and comes closer to me.

"Han not here." I giggle as he kisses my cheek.

"What? I'm just complementing you." He winks and stands beside me, fixing some wiring. I bite my lip and look around, making sure no one was around. I go under his arms and stand between him and the wall, I go on my tippy toes and kiss him. "Woah there.....someone's eager." He laughs and kisses me.

"Alright back to work." I laugh. Han smirks at me and walks out of the room.

After awhile I walk around wondering where a Leia was eventually I find her.............kissing Han. I drop the tool in my hand and clasp my hand over my mouth in shock. The two jump and look at me in surprise. "Sorry!" I blurt out.

I march to one of the small sleeping areas and lock the door. I pull my knees to my chest and start to cry. Why does he have to play me like that. And mess with my feelings?

Of course I went to the very room that we spent many nights together in. My head snaps up as there are frantic knocks at the door. "Y/N!" I hear Han yell. "If I need to break down this damn door, I will." After knocking a couple more times he slides down the door and sits on the floor. "Y/N..." he whispers.

"Go away!"

"Now I can hear your voice." He whispers again.

I think again about this room, how he carved our initials into the wall under the bed, how he reacted to my touch. I felt like I could feel his hands on me, he was enchanting.

Eventually the door opens, the little shit was messing with the wires. He locks the door and sits next to me. "I'm sorry." He mutters.

"So I just meant nothing to you? I thought we had something..."

"You do! We do have something! I promise she kissed me!"  He held his hands out.

"You really expect me to believe that Han."

"Where have I been spending all of my nights? Who was I with?" He leans closer.

"You." I mutter.

"Exactly. If I wanted Leia, I would of been with her instead."

"But she's a princess, and she's beautiful." I look away and wipe my eyes.

"Your very beautiful Y/N." He whispers and kisses my cheek. "And I'm completely in love with you." I smile and turn towards him. "There's my pretty girl." He chuckles.

Han pulls me up to straddle his waist, he instantly kisses me softly. Eventually he starts to pull my hips forward to grind onto him. But before we could continue, we hear Leia yell.

"Shit. We gotta go." He curses. He kisses me again and pulls me up.

"I love you."

"I know." He smirks and runs down the hall.

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