Darth Vader/Anakin - Turn

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Thank you so much for over 20K reads! I appreciate all of you, it means so much to me!💕💕💕💕

This is pretty Long, I'm sorry.

Slightly sad

SUMMARY: You had been hidden for years from your Husband. You finally decide to tell your children the truth about you, and you go and face Vader with your Son. But can you turn Anakin back to the light?


Faking my death was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.....because I've had to give up my babies and lose the love of my life.

Master Yoda thought it was best that the twins should be split up, so that the Empire can't find them.

I've stayed with Obi-Wan Kenobi, who goes by Ben now for over 19 years on Tatooine. Watching over my son Luke.

I knew Leia was in good hands, I was good friends with her now adopted father.

This was best for the twins, if Palpatine found them he would turn them to the dark side..... I would never let that happen.

My babies found their way to each other, after Ben had died I had joined the two in the battle against the Empire.

I had to tell the two that I was their mother....I had to tell them about their father, even if Ben didn't want me too.

We were surrounded by the little Ewoks, luckily Luke had saved us so they wouldn't eat us.

I walk outside to see Luke and Leia talking....she looked upset.

"Luke? Leia?" I smile as I walk closer.

"Oh hello, Y/N. I was just telling Leia...I have to go. I have to go to my father. Our father." Luke nods.


"Vader." Luke nods, Leia looked away, upset.

"There's something I must tell you both.....Something I must confess." I nod. Leia looks up at me confused. "I am your mother." I whisper.

"M-mother?" Leia looks up at me with a small smile.

"My babies, I'm so sorry I had kept this from you. Ben thought it was best you didn't know....we had to keep you apart. Palpatine would of sensed you, and took you." I place my hands on their shoulders.

A wide smile spreads across Luke's face as he hugged me. "Oh mother, I wish you would of told us sooner. But I understand." He softly cries.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper as I rub his back. I looked back at Leia, she looked hurt, and also happy. "I truly mean that Leia. I wanted to keep you two safe."

"I know....I just. It's hard to believe." She slightly laughs.

Leia walks closer and hugs onto my other side, "I have loved you all this time my darlings, I have held hope that we would be brought together again." I whisper, I kiss both of their heads and smile as their grip on me tightens.

"I must go to Vader." Luke pulls away and wipes his eyes.

"I'll go with you." I nod.

"No, mother-"

"Luke. I have not seen your father in over 19 years.....somehow he has not sensed that I am alive. If anyone can turn him back, it's us." I nod. "I love you Leia, truly." I kiss her head, turning and walking away with Luke.

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