Poe Dameron

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SUMMARY: You met Poe a long time ago, let just say you were more than friends. But one day when you 16 and he was 17, he left and never came back. All that was left was a note and a necklace. When you join the Resistance, someone familiar catches your eye.

(Its a long one!)

"Y/N come on!" Poe yelled to me. He grabbed my hand and kissed it, then pulling me with him. He started to run, we made it to an empty field. There was a blanket laid on the ground for us, I smiled at him. "Look up." He pointed.

Millions of stars scattered the sky, it was beautiful. I smiled brightly and twirled around as I watched the stars. Poe pulled me down onto the blanket, I laid my head on his chest and smiled. "This is beautiful." I looked up to him. He leaned down and kissed me, his arm stroking my hair.

"Y/N would you ever like to join the Resistance, like our moms?" He looked away.

"No." I sat up away from him, I knew he wanted to leave Yavin 4. He was so impatient.

"But you know Princess Leia! That's so awesome, I never got to meet her. Wouldn't you want to fight alongside her?" Poe smiled.

"No. My mother died fighting, she wouldn't want me to."

"Yes she would! She would want you to fight for what you believe in!" Poe rubbed my back.

"We have a life here Poe. I'm happy here with you. I think I'm going to head home."

"Wait!" He jumped up after me.

"I love you Poe. But I know I can't keep you here." I rubbed his face.

"Y/N I love you." He kisses me again.

"And I love you." I hugged him before heading home. I looked back one last time to see Poe looking to the side confused, but I saw nothing.

That was 10 years ago. 10 long years that I haven't seen Poe. He left the next morning, all that he left me was a small letter and a Locket with a picture of him in it. The note had said he would see me again and he loves me, Blah Blah. Even though I'm pissed off at him, I still wear it. He broke my heart, but a part of me wishes I would see him again. He would be 27 now, I'm 26 and now joining the Resistance.

My squadron is called Black Death. We have killed many of the First Order members, and destroyed many ships. We were known everywhere. Leia got ahold of me and asked for us to join, I said yes. I didn't want to at first, my mother died along side Leia. But it was my duty to protect those who cannot fight, because I am a Jedi. Weird right? I found out shortly after Poe left, I trained for many years under Luke until the Temple was destroyed by Ben Solo. Leia finished my training, I built my own lightsaber and trained one of my companions. Rex also was at the Temple, we were few that survived. I'm training him and I became a Jedi Master. For all I know we are one of the few last remaining Jedi.

Today we would be meeting with General Leia and getting situated on the base. "Master Y/N, when do we arrive?" Rex asks.

"Soon my Padawan." I spoke into my communicator. We took our separate black X-Wings.

"Master why do you still call me your Padawan? I am a Jedi Knight now."

"Because I am older, and there is still things that you are learning from me." I chuckled. From the things I've heard about Anakin Skywalker, Rex acts just like him.

I sucked in a breath as we landed on the base. Others surrounded us in shock, they knew who we were. I jumped out of my X-Wing and walked in front of my squadron and into to base. I walked into a meeting room to find Leia, she still looked beautiful. "Y/N my dear! Welcome!" She pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek. "I missed you."she held onto my cheek

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