Ben Solo

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SUMMARY: You are dating Ben Solo at the Temple. You see some odd things in him, eventually your worst nightmare comes true.

I laid on the soft grass, far away from the Temple. I smelled fresh flowers, Soft lips pressed against mine. My eyes fluttered open to see Ben. I pulled him down on top of me, making us roll down a hill.

Laughs filled my ears, Ben stopped us and pulled me to straddle his waist. I giggled and moved his black hair away from his eyes. "Your so beautiful." He whispered. I leaned down and kissed him again, never wanting this moment to end.

I pulled myself off and sat next to him, I looked around making sure no one was around. I noticed Ben not looking at me, a weird look was on his face. "Ben are you okay?" I asked, turning his head to face me.

I softly caressed his cheek and smiled. Ben blinked a couple times and looked away again. "Do you ever wonder about the dark side? Like it's power?" Ben asked. I moved to sit on his lap again, he buried his head in my chest.

"No, we are going to be a Jedi. We belong to the light, you are a good person." Ben looked up and nodded, he slightly smiled. I kissed him one last time before getting up and dragging him with me. "Come on Master Skywalker will wonder where we are." I laughed.

I let go of his hand as the Temple came to view, we walked back to the training area and took out our sabers. "Did you two have a nice break?" Master Skywalker said behind us, making me jump. He smiled down to us, his hands linked behind his back.

"Yes we just took a walk." Ben answered. Master Skywalker laughed and patted our shoulders.

"Okay Ben go train with Eliot, and Y/N train with Sarah." I gave Ben one last look before leaving to find Sarah.

Training with our sabers started off great, Sarah and I figured out some new tricks and techniques. As our sabers clashed together, I heard a scream. I pushed Sarah away and turned my saber off, I looked over to see Eliot up against the wall with Bens saber in front of his neck. "Ben!" Master Skywalker yelled. He pushed Ben back. "Go to your hut, no more training today. Y/N will bring you your food, stay there and we will talk tomorrow." He said sternly.

Ben looked terrified, he pushed himself up and left in a hurry. I started to run for him but an arm pulled me away and close to their chest. "Let him cool off...." Master Skywalker said. I looked at the door in shock, Eliot was calming down and left to go to his own hut for bed.  "Lets go eat my Padawans!" He yelled laughing, trying to ease the situation.

We all walked together to eat our food, I picked a table by myself. As I finished, Master Skywalker sat in front of me with his own food. "Are you okay?" He whispered. I moved my plate aside and looked up at him.

"I just don't understand what happened, Master I have to tell you something." I looked away. "Ben had a moment today when he asked me if I ever thought about the dark side, I didn't think much of it until now."

"Ah, I've seen moments like this inside his head. I think he is just confused, I'm going to talk with him tomorrow. Don't worry Y/N, now why don't you go take him some food. Then off to bed okay?" I smiled and got up to fetch his food. I looked back and smiled one last time before I left.

I walked down the narrow passages, past each hut until I made it to Bens. His was kinda far away from the other huts. I knocked on the small door, there was no answer. "Ben it's me, I have food for you."  The door opened, I let myself in and kicked it shut.

Ben was sitting on the bed, slouched down with his head in his hands. "Baby you need to eat." I whispered. Ben looked up, he slightly smiled and whispered a thanks. "What happened today?" Ben wouldn't look at me. "You know I would never judge you." I added.

"I'm not sure what happened, I just heard a voice and it told me to do that. I don't know why I listened." Ben put his empty tray on his side table, he looked at me with tears in his eyes. I grabbed onto him and pulled him into my embrace.

Ben pulled back and looked into my eyes, he smiled. He leaned in and pressed his lips onto mine. After sometime of making out, Ben pulled away. "Please come back after everyone is asleep. Let's say 30 minutes? Please?" He begged me. I smiled and nodded, making my way to the door.

"Just know, we will get through this. Together." I whispered. Ben smiles and nodded. I made my way to my own hut and shut my door. I waited in bed until I saw no light and heard no noise.

I threw on my cloak and put up the hood, I quietly made my way down the path to Bens hut once again. Instead of knocking, I quietly walked inside to see Ben using his calligraphy set.

When he noticed my presence he smiled and sat down his materials. I took off my cloak and was pulled on top of him, he put his hands on my waist and pulled me in a kiss. I slowly grinded onto him, making him moan out. "I want you." Ben moaned. He moved my hips against his.

"Then have me." I whispered. Ben kissed me, he started taking off his own shirt. I pulled away from him and undressed myself as he did the same.

When I was fully naked, he leaned back and stared at me with a smile. I covered my body and he shook his head. "Don't cover yourself, you look beautiful Y/N." He kisses me again.

Ben laid me on his bed, he hovered over me and kissed down my neck. He kissed down to my breasts and back up to my neck. I moaned out as I felt him rub his member through my folds, starting to tease my entrance. Ben pushes himself inside me slowly, I pulled him against my chest and clutched onto his back. My nails dug into his back as he fully entered inside me.

For awhile Ben didn't move, the pain I felt slowly going away. I wrapped my legs around his waist, "please move." I moaned. Ben slowly moved back and forth, he kissed me as my face scrunched in pain.

When I felt good enough I nodded at him, telling him to go faster. He started to pick up his speed, my mouth opened but no sound came out. Ben moves his hand to cup my breast, he squeezes it and moans out.

I watched as his face contorted in pleasure, I moaned just at the sight. Ben picked me up and laid in his back. I straddled him and slowly lifted myself up and down.

Ben grabbed my waist and slammed into me, I leaned back as he picks up his pace. He slid his hand up to touch my breasts, then sliding his hand down onto my clit. My eyes rolled back as he rubbed slow circles. "F-fuck." I moaned out.

Ben pulled me against his chest, he wrapped one arm around my waist and the other across my back and clutched onto my shoulder. I screamed out as he pounded into me, "shh, baby your gonna wake everyone up!" He laughed. He slapped my ass roughly and kissed my neck.

My eyes rolled back as I felt a knot forming at the bottom of my stomach. "Cum for me Y/N." Ben whispered. I screamed out as the knot burst inside me, Ben slammed into me one last time before moaning out. I felt him release inside me, he pumped into me a couple times before removing himself.

He laid me down and caressed my cheek. "I love you Ben." I whispered. This made him jump up in shock.

"You love me?" He asked, smiling. "I love you Y/N." He kissed me. I pushed him aside laughing and got up, my legs shaking.

I put my clothes back on and gave him one last kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow, I love you." I smiled. Ben began putting his night clothes on, he smiled one last time.

"I love you." He said back. I returned to my hut, eventually falling asleep.

I woke up in a giant bed, the silk sheets wrapped around my naked body. I sat up to see Ben sitting at the end of the bed, wearing all black. I looked around to see a fancy room, I looked outside to see space. "Where are we? What happened?" Ben looked over to me, he came closer and caressed my cheek. "Ben?"

He slightly smiled. "We have a new master, his name is Snoke. My name is now Kylo Ren." My heart dropped, I realized what was happening.

"Where is Master Skywalker?"


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