Anakin Skywalker

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⚠️⚠️slight mentions of smut⚠️⚠️ very sad⚠️⚠️

SUMMARY: flashbacks of your love play through your head as you die.

Love Never dies, love never falters

"Hey Y/N! Wanna watch me Pod race?" Anakin runs over to me and jumps up and down. It's crazy to pod race at 9 years old, what was he thinking?

"Ani, it's dangerous. Your mom doesn't like you doing that. I don't want you to get hurt!"

"Please come watch, I'm going to help a Jedi! A real one!"

As I'm watching Ani, the Jedi Master Qui-Gon stares at me curiously. "He's going to win." I say out loud.

"Can I do something? It won't hurt, it's a test." I slightly nod and watch as the strange man takes my arm.

"Ow!" What was that? I ask rubbing my arm.

"Obi I need and analysis on this blood sample I sent you. Yes again. Ah....I knew it. You my youngling are force sensitive."  He smiles.

Before I can speak, it is announced that Ani won! "I told you! I knew he would!"

"How did you know?"

"I just did." I shrug my shoulders.

After that, Ani and I left Tatooine and are now training under Master Kenobi. We are finally free.

I loved him then

Once it has spoken, love is yours.

Anakin is reckless, he doesn't listen to Master Kenobi, instead he focuses on Senator Amidala. My feelings for my friend have grown, I fear Master suspects this. But yet, Ani does not. All he sees is her. You would think that being 19 years old would make him see things more but no, he barely notices me anymore.

I turn a corner in the Jedi training temple to see Anakin flirting with Padmé. Once he turns to look at me, I quickly turn around and sprint down the hall. "Y/N!" I hear him yell. I ignore his calls and try my best to outrun him, but a hand stops me by pulling me back. I yank my arm away from him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing Anakin."

"You never call me Anakin, what did I do? Why are you ignoring me?" He steps closer.

"I'm not ignoring you."

"Yes you are. You have been for weeks now, I'm worried Y/N." He frowns.

Love never fails, love never alters. Hearts may get broken, love endures.

"Why won't you talk to me?" He asks.

"Your so oblivious Anakin Skywalker!" I finally yell. Anakin pulls me into a closet and turns the light on. I sigh and finally pour my heart out to him. "Everything's about her. You never notice me anymore. I'm upset because I......I..."

"You what?" Anakin smirks and holds his face inches from mine.

"I love you."  I blurt out. Anakin smiles and leans in closer, touching my lips with his. I wrap my arms around him and smile, not ever wanting to break away from this kiss. After awhile he pulls away and smiles.

"I love you Y/N. I was just trying to get you jealous, I wasn't sure if it would work. But I guess it did." He chuckles.

And soon as you submit, surrender flesh and bone. That love takes on a life much bigger than your own. It uses you at whim, and drives you to despair. And forces you to feel more joy than you can bear.

"We must keep this hidden Y/N." I nod and kiss him one last time.
"Y/N will you come with me to Tatooine, I feel as if my mother is in trouble. I need help."

"Of course Ani." I smile.

Love gives you pleasure and love brings you pain. And yet, when both are gone, love will still remain.

"I killed them all." He cries in my arms. I didn't want to believe it. I push away my opinions and feelings to help him feel better.

Because I love him.

We ended up getting married a couple days after that talk. In secret of course. This was the hardest secret.

But the feeling of his bare flesh on mine made me forget this secret. The feeling of his hands caressing my body made me forget. His kisses on my body made me forget.

I loved him

Once it has spoken, love is yours. Love never dies, love never alters.

"Your shaking."

"Ani, something wonderful and terrifying has happened. I'm pregnant." I hesitantly smile.

"That's wonderful!" He picks me up and kisses me.

"But Ani, the council will know soon. I must step away from my training." I frown.

"But my love, you can't."

"No I must Ani. They will know." I step away and hurry to the council. After my meeting, they don't suspect anything. I leave and stay in the apartment that I own in the city, where Ani is.

I love him

Love never dies, love will continue. Love keeps on beating, when your gone. Love never dies, once it is in you.

"Ani the baby will be here soon. He's going to be perfect."

"He?"  Ani smiles.

"I'm just guessing." I laugh.

Ani steps away and disappears into another room. I hear faint talking, he's almost yelling. He returns and kisses me and rubs my swollen belly. "I must leave. I love you, I'll try to be back soon." I frown as he leaves.

"I love you."

Hearts may get broken, love endures. Hearts may get broken.....

"Ani your breaking my heart!" I cry. Ani has turned against the Jedi and the republic. He thinks becoming a Sith will help, he thinks I will die, he's obsessed with saving me.

Ani starts to force choke me, I claw at my throat and shake my head. I can feel my heart breaking into small pieces.

Your hurting me, yet I still love you.

Love never fails, love never alters.  Love is yours.

I had given birth to two beautiful babies. Luke and Leia. But somethings still not right. I know I'm passing, but I know I'll be with my true love again. My children will be happy, they will be safe, Obi-Wan will protect them. I made him promise.

All these memories flood through me, I start to cry. Even though he turned into that, I still loved him. There is good in him, I know there is. We will be together soon.

Love keeps on beating, when your gone.

Love never dies

Song: Love never dies - Andrew Lloyd Webber

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