Poe Dameron

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⚠️⚠️No Smut⚠️⚠️

SUMMARY: You were best friends with Poe Dameron, promises were broken when you were split up. You became a commander over your own squadron and finally joined the Resistance. You then meet a extremely cocky pilot who desc overs the real you.

⚠️⚠️This is your outfit. Yes your helmet is like Kylo's but all white!⚠️⚠️⚠️

"Do you promise we both will join the Rebels together? That we wont split up?" I ask my best friend

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"Do you promise we both will join the Rebels together? That we wont split up?" I ask my best friend. His pinky links together with mine.

"I promise. We will be the best pilots!" He giggles.

"Poe? Y/N?" We turned our heads towards the window.

"Hi mom!" Poe laughed.

"Come on go to bed, I'm going to walk Y/N home." She smiles and carried us inside. She gives Poe a hug before leaving the room.

I hug Poe and kiss his cheek. Instantly we both blush and I run out of the room, "BYE!!" I yell.

I was holding Poes mom, Shara's hand on the way to my house. "Good night sweetie..." she kisses my head. I smile as she walks away and think about how I want to be a great pilot like her, then going inside for bed.

Unfortunately this was the last time I saw Poe Dameron and his family. Shara had passed away, Poe and I were only eight years old at the time.

His father had moved Poe away very quickly, there were no goodbyes. Our promises were broken, we made that promise for 3 years until he left.

Today I am a excellent pilot, I command the white squadron. We have never been beaten, never lost a fight. We never really joined the Resistance until now, Leia recruited us. I've known Leia for awhile now, but I'm still not sure about this.

I'm the only female in our group, there are seven other men that I trust with my life. I'm a bit nervous to join the Resistance because I don't trust anyone else.

As we land on the Resistance base, everyone piles around our white X-Wings. I keep my white mask on as I exit and lead my men into the base. Of course my men follow behind me as we march off to the Generals meeting room.

"Ah white Squadron, nice to meet you." The General turns to face us, smiling.

My voice come out distorted from the mask, "General Leia Organa, it's nice to see you again." I shake her hand gently. She shakes her head laughing.

"Please call me Leia, you know that Y/N." I nod my head and turn to my men.

"Go tend to the ships." They all nod and walk out, leaving Leia and I to talk. "Leia, I want you to know my men and I trust no one. We've been tracking and trying go take down the First Order for years now, we've grown to be like family."

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