Obi-Wan - Dark side

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⚠️No Smut


I apologize in advance, this isn't my best.

SUMMARY: Imagine instead of Anakin turning to the Dark was you. You were the Chosen One, and you have done so much Evil...there's no turning back now.

I have a you guys like reading stories where it's "I" instead of "you"? If that makes sense....?

I personally don't like reading stories that use "you" for everything. I feel like I'm actually a part of the story when it's "I"

Let me know your opinion on it! I'd love to hear!


The Jedi are full of lies...Palpatine has shown me this. Even the man I was in love with lied to me.

I've seen dreams of Obi dying...Palpatine has shown me great power. He said I could save Obi. So I joined him...I turned my back on the Jedi....on it all.

I had just murdered everyone on Mustafar, I knew Obi was following me so I waited for him to show up.

I stared into the lava as I waited...I had no regrets on what I've done....I hoped Obi would join me....we could create a new safe Galaxy.

I smile as I feel his presence behind me, I take the hood to my robe off and smile as he stands across the room. "I knew you would come."

"What have you done...." He shakes his head.

"Don't you see...I did it for you. I saw your future....I did this to save you." I walk over to him and rest my hands in his.

"No Y/N....Palpatine has corrupted your mind....he's lying."

"No the Jedi are lying!" I yell as I back away.

Obi steps forward cautiously, he grabs my hands again and slightly smiles, "I would never lie to know that." He takes his right hand and caresses my cheek. I tilt my head and lean into his touch, smiling. "We can go back...plead with Master Yoda."

"We can rule the Galaxy Obi...together we can overthrow Palpatine." I smile.

"No...this isn't the way Y/N... You have allowed this Dark Lord to twist your mind until now....until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy...stop this."

"Don't lecture me, Obi-Wan. I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do....Don't betray me Obi..." I warn.

"Y/'ve already betrayed me." He says sadly.

"Obi....either you join me or...or I have to kill you." I step away.

"Y/N, my allegiance is to the democracy!"

"You leave me no choice." I shake my head and ignite my Saber.

He ignites his and he starts to walk towards me, "Please stop this."  He begs again.

"Get out of my way.." I hiss.

"I remember there was a time you were filled with love...filled with life. Now all I see is darkness.....I see evil within you." Obi says as he steps closer again.

I lunge forward at him as he finishes, I was angry and betrayed he wouldn't join me. I slide to the left to block his strike as I back up out of the doorway, we were out onto a long bridge above the lava.

I could feel the heat radiating from below, I look over as a huge structure comes crashing down, I jump up onto another moving structure, below Obi.

I start to climb up towards him but notice he grabs onto a rope, swinging off. I grab onto the other rope and kick off, swinging towards him.

Our sabers clash together violently as we swing back and forth. I look down at the lava to see a small droid. I flip down passed Obi and land shakily on top of the circular droid.

Obi lands on another platform, he faces me and shakes his head. I flip over onto his platform and lunge at him, he blocks my strikes and looks me over in sadness. "Please can change. Palpatine has shown you lies....come with me." He begs.

For a split second I can see a life with where he is safe. But I can't go back...not after all I've done. Not after the Jedi lied to me.

As I lunge at him again, our sabers clash violently. I start to force push my saber into his, making his go closer to his neck. Just before It touches him, he flips back above me.

"It's over Y/N....I have the high ground."

"You underestimate my power!" I seethe.

"Don't try it...don't make me do this!" Obi yells. I flip up to Obi, but instead of landing in front of him, he jumps up and slices through my legs and left arm. I scream out in pain as I slide down. "You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would, destroy the Sith, not join them. It was you who would bring balance to the Force, not leave it in Darkness." Obi cry's. He picks up my saber and starts to walk away.

"I-Hate you!" I scream through the pain.

"Y/N....I love you......I WAS in love with you." He cry's again.

The last thing I see before the lava touches me was the sad face of Obi...who was crying for his loss.

"What have I done?"

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