Leia - True Feelings

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No Smut!

Summary: You've struggled during the war with your feelings for a certain Princess. But after hearing of her breakup you thought this would be the perfect opportunity to be closer to her. You thought you were making a mistake until she reveals a secret.....

This is for anyone who loves Leia, I'm sorry I just can't do smut with her, she's like my space mom lol

I hope you enjoy!

It's kind of short!

Most people don't believe me when I say I'm friends with the famous trio Luke, Leia, and Han.

You see I fought in war with them, I was always by Leia's side. I grew up with her in Alderaan before it was destroyed. I grew up in the palace with my noble parents, so of course I knew Leia. She became my best friend, we went through the same grief with losing our home and loved ones. We always stayed together. So naturally I had developed a small crush.

...Alright who am I kidding, I have a huge crush on her. Everything about her is amazing. But I'm afraid I don't have the courage to tell her....but of course I have the courage to face Darth Vader.

My mother had trained me in the Force a long time ago, so I had assisted Luke and eventually came across his father Darth Vader. I had no fear in dueling him but when it comes to Leia I'm terrified.

When I heard of Han and Leia dating I felt crushed, but then again I was happy for her. So I invested myself in my own training, I eventually found someone and we dated for a bit.

I soon broke it off because I didn't think it was fair to him that was couldn't be fully invested in the relationship. Leia had bewitched me....I couldn't even be with someone else without thinking about her. She has truly taken my entire mind and soul over, and she didn't even know it.

Today I had received a message that Han and Leia had broken up, but still remain friends. I hate to admit it but I was happy....as much as I loved Han, Leia deserved better. I wanted to be the one for her.

Leia had arrived shortly after her message and she instantly hugged me tightly. I was confused because she wasn't crying, I had thought she'd be upset. I take a moment to embrace her, I rub her back as she rests her head on my shoulder.

When she steps back, I softly sigh to myself as I take her beauty in. She was glowing with happiness, but I didn't know why.

"Leia. I've missed you my friend." I smile.

Leia's returns a smile and caresses my cheek, I smirk as she walks into my home and makes herself comfortable on my couch. I softly sit next to her with my hands in my lap, I look over at her and smile to myself and she stares at the wall in deep thought. Her eyes sparkled in the light, this is a sight I would never forget.

"Leia are you alright? I got your message..."

"Yes. Strangely I'm alright." She nods and looks over at me.

"What happened?" I turn towards her and nod.

"Han and I had been fighting lately....he said I wasn't invested in our relationship like he was."

"That's stupid." I roll my eyes.

"He's right Y/N." Leia says, taking me by surprise. "I deeply care about Han but not in the way he wants." I tilt my head in confusion as she continues. "You see, I'm in love with someone else."

"Y-you are?" My eyes widen.

"I told Han that I just want to be his friend and he agreed. It was a mutual breakup." She smiles.

"May I ask who is this person you love?" I shyly ask.

"You see I'm not sure they return these feelings.
I'm terrified Y/N."

"Leia Organa scared? No way! Your the bravest person I've ever met!" I smile.

Leia grabs onto my hand and holds it between hers, "Do you think I should just admit my feelings to them?" She asks, tracing her fingers on mine.

"Y-Yes." I stare at our hands.

"I'm in love with you Y/N." She whispers, she pulls her hand away from mine and gently grabs my chin, pulling my face up to look at hers. "I've loved you for a very long time my dear."

"Leia I-"

"I would understand if you don't return these feelings....Y/N there's not a moment where I don't think of you. You have consumed every part of my mind. I'm deeply in love with you." She whispers.

I stare into her soft loving eyes, frozen. As she starts to look away disappointed I grab her face and pull her closer, connecting my lips onto hers.

Our lips fit perfectly together, I pull Leia into my lap as I hold onto her waist. Leia holds onto the sides of my face, her soft lips still connected on mine.

The two of us pull away for air, she rests her forehead against mine as she closes her eyes happily. "I've wanted to do that for a very long time." I whisper. Leia pulls back and smiles, her thumb rubbing across my bottom lip. "You make me believe love is possible.....your the reason I get up everyday." I kiss her cheek. "I'm so in love with you Leia....it's made me sick when we're apart."

Leia flashes me a wide smile, she leans down and kisses me again.
"I'm so glad we share the same feelings."

"It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of my chest." I laugh.

I knew from this moment forward, my life would be full of love and happiness. That I was complete with Leia by my side.

Love is pure....especially when you share it with your soulmate.


Hello friends! I'm so sorry I haven't been posting more chapters! I have many drafts I'm trying to complete! If you have any requests just message me! I'd love to hear from you all💕💕

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