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⚠️⚠️NO SMUT⚠️⚠️

⚠️⚠️has some sad parts⚠️⚠️

SUMMARY: You had just killed Snoke, you fully convince Rey to join you and rule the galaxy together.

This is basically what would happen if Rey joins the dark side.

Sparks flew around me, the room was destroyed. I stared down at my brother's unconscious body, I knew I had to finish this.

I turned towards my old masters dead body, I smiled knowing we are free. "Join me Rey." I spoke. I turned towards her, she looked scared. "We can rule the galaxy together, just you and me. Forget the past. I love you Rey, please." I held my hand out to her. Rey looked around confused, she walked closer and grabbed my hand.

"I just want to be with you, my home." I pulled her into my embrace, I laid my head on top of hers and let her cry into me. Shuffling was heard behind us, I slightly turned to see Kylo looking at us confused.

"Brother, Rey will be my Empress. Prepare to leave for Crait, we finish this now." Kylo nodded and left us alone. Rey pulled away, I could tell she was scared.

"We are destroying the resistance? Can't we just take away their weapons and ships? We don't have to kill them Y/N." Rey whispered. I nodded and turned around.

"Come, we must talk in my quarters." Rey rushes up beside me and grabbed my hand. We silently walked hand in hand to my quarters, I knew I must tell her the truth.

"Rey sit down please, I must tell you who you are. I learned by looking into Snokes head and it all makes sense now. Rey you are a Palpatine, he's your grandfather." Rey's mouth opened in shock, she looked down to the floor then back up to meet my eyes.

"What? No I can't be!" She sobbed. I sat down next to her and cradled her in my arms.

"Rey you know I would never lie to you. I am the granddaughter of Vader, you are the Granddaughter of Palpatine. It's in our blood. Haven't you ever felt darkness inside you, or heard a voice?" Rey pushed herself up and nodded.

"I've always known something was there, whispers in my ears. I'm ready to start our future." Rey smiled. I brought her to the center of the room and made her sit down.

"Rey you must try to connect with the dark and Find your grandfather. You have to accept the dark. I'm going to go find you a change of clothes, try to connect with him." Rey closed her eyes and whispered to her grandfather.

I smiled and walked to my closet, sorting through the clothes. There was one outfit that looked like hers, but all black. I had it made when I first met her. I saw a glimpse of our future and wanted to prepare. I grabbed her new outfit along with a bag of saber parts.

When I returned I saw Rey standing with a sinister smile. "Thank you my love for showing me the true ways of the dark." I kissed her cheek and handed her the clothes.

"Change. I have some saber parts for you to build, and a new Kyber Crystal. I have to meet with my brother, make yourself at home. I love you Rey." I kissed her again.

Rey whispered a thank you and started to change as I left. My cape flowed around me as I dashed through the halls. Once I met up with Kylo and Hux they both greeted me with a smile.

"Ah Empress Ren, we are deciding when to attack." Hux confidently spoke.

"We will attack in 30 minutes, Rey is building her new saber." Kylo grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I looked to Hux to see his face twist in irritation.

"Do you really trust the scavenger. She could turn on us at any mome-" I interrupted Hux by throwing my hand up to force choke him.

"Do not speak ill of your new Empress. She is a Palpatine and my girl, don't fucking test me Hux. You may not be scared of me but you will be if you fuck with her. She can be worse than me." I dropped Hux as I heard the clicking of heels approach me.

I turned to see Rey with a smile, she kisses me and looks to Hux in disgust. "Thank you darling." She glares at Hux.

"Rey it's a pleasure for you to join us, we are attacking in 30 minutes." Kylo spoke up bowing. Rey smile and grabbed my head and shoved past Hux, pulling me to my quarters.

"I wanted you to be here when I finish my saber. I looked down to see her new saber, it was double ended just like mine. I handed her one of the crystals and we both put them in at the same time.

Rey picked up her new saber and ignited it, she waved it around. Then she folded it up, just like mine. "I see you liked mine so much so you built one that's similar." I chuckled.

Rey smiles and roughly pulled me to her. She kissed my lips and snaked her arms around my waist. "I can't wait to rule with you. Now let's go stop the Resistance."

I noticed her eyes turn almost black, I knew I created my little monster. I kissed her one last time and grabbed her hand returning to Kylo.

We got our command shuttle prepared and eventually took off with our fleet. I looked to Kylo and he nodded at me. I knew I had to kill our mother, this is my destiny just like Kylo did with our father. We would fully end the Resistance today.

Making our way to Crait we saw the Resistane attempting to attack us. They barely stood a chance. "Send the Ties out!" I yelled.

"Send the Ties out!" Hux repeated. I looked over to him and he smirked.

As the battle began, we were winning. We ordered everyone to stop once they retreated. We looked down to see Luke Skywalker standing in front of us. Of course Kylo ordered us to go down to him and finish it.

We were watching Kylo try to fight him, but eventually it was clear he was just a distraction and was not really here.

I ran inside and found what's left of the Resistance struggling to escape. I ignited my saber along with Rey and Kylo. Everyone aimed at us and fired. We sprung into action, slaughtering all of them.

I found my mother in the back with a blaster. She nodded and closed her eyes. "Goodbye mom." I whispered as I stuck my saber through her. She fell to the ground and clutched her stomach. I watched her take her last breaths and turned to see Rey slaughtering everything.

I watched as her eyes turned black, her body let the darkness take control until there was nothing left. I knew I created something out of a nightmare.

When we realize that we were finished, we took one last look around and finally left. As we were walking back to the shuttle, Rey grabbed my hand. "It felt good." I looked to her confused. "It felt good letting it take control of me." She smiled wide at me and kissed my hand.

We looked back one last time and finally left to start our future. We knew that a new Resistance would be back eventually, but we would destroy anything that came in our way.

We would do it together.

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