Kylo Ren

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⚠️⚠️SMUT⚠️⚠️ also I'm not too good at this one, sorry🥺

SUMMARY: You are Kylo's Empress, when he lets people tease you and put you down for being a women, you show him who is really in charge.

Being an Empress isn't so easy, I'm constantly ridiculed for being a woman. I command next to Phasma, I fight with my men and women. I'm a force user so I don't need a blaster, I don't need help. I don't need a man saving me, I'm a strong woman.

Yes Kylo and I are in love but he only shows that in private. We've been married for 4 months now and he still treats me as if I'm only good for carrying children and bowing down to him.

"Y/N! Hello?" Hux waves his hand in front of my face. "What do I keep saying, women don't belong in such a high place of power." I instantly raise my hand and hold Hux up, choking him.

"I'd watch your tongue General, your powerless." I throw him down and look to Kylo. He sits there and acts as if he doesn't care, as if I don't matter.

I leave the meeting and march down to our quarters, my heels clicked roughly against the polished floor as I slammed the door.

Soon after I arrived, Kylo did and he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Are you okay?" He kisses my neck.

I push him away and walked to our bedroom. "Y/N don't be mad at me, you know I love you." He whispers.

"I am mad Kylo. You let them talk to me like that, you do it also. And you expect me to forgive you because what? You love me? I am your Empress! I should be respected, we are the only force users here! We took down the Resistance with our bare hands and you and those fools treat me like this!" I yell.

"I am your husband and you will not talk to me like that, I am to be respected!" His voice boomed. I stared at him in shock. Respect? Really......I came closer and smacked him.

"Get down on your knees.....NOW!" I yelled. Kylo slowly slid to his knees and stared at the floor. "Take my shoes off." I whispered. Kylo scoffed and rolled his eyes, he tried to get up before I grabbed his jaw roughly. "I said.......take them off." I seethed.

Kylo slowly lifted up each foot and took my heels off, he neatly placed them next to me and looked up to me. "Now get up, undress me." I ordered. I turned to face the bed as he slowly unzipped my dress, it slid down revealing my naked body. "Undress and lay down."

"Why am I following your orders, I am your husband!" I smacked him again and he instantly followed orders. After he was laying down, I hovered over him and took his member in my hands. Kylo slightly moaned out as I grabbed him.

I slowly sunk down onto him and squeezed my eyes shut. Kylo tried to move his hips up but I pushed him down. "No no." I whispered. I slowly moved my hips to grind him, he moaned out and tried to touch my breasts. "You don't get to touch me yet...." I pushed his hands to his side.

I was grinding him painfully slow, I knew he was growing impatient. "Who am I?" Kylo didn't answer me, instead looking away. I slapped him and pulled his face towards mine. "Who am I?" I asked louder.

"My Empress. My wife." He spoke up.

I moaned out as I rode him, "what is your lesson?" I moaned.

"To respect my wife." He moaned out to me.

"Good boy." I caressed his cheek, I kissed him and moved faster. "You may touch me now." I whispered.

Instantly Kylo grabbed my hips and pounded into me, my eyes rolled back as I was pulled against his chest.

Kylo flipped me over on my back and continued to roughly thrust into me. "I love you my Empress." He moaned against my lips.

"I know." I smirked. I knew I had him wrapped around my finger. I felt myself release onto him, he followed shortly after. He kissed down my neck as he pumped himself inside me a couple more times before pulling out and laying beside me.

"I'm sorry Y/N." He whispered. I rolled over and laid on his chest and smiled.

"It's okay, I love you Kylo. Did you like your lesson?" Kylo slightly looked away and smiled.

"Yes." He whispered. I leaned up to kiss him and shut my eyes.

"Hopefully now you know to respect me." I whispered before following asleep.


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