Rey - Hope

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SUMMARY: You were in the fight on Exegol, you were terrified and starting to lose hope. Your hope was in someone you are in love with.....Rey. But things weren't looking so good for the Resistance.....


The fight on Exegol was brutal...we were staring to lose hope...Leia was gone....Han was gone.....our friends were gone. No one was coming to save us. My hope was on Rey, I had no idea where she was. I was terrified for her, I wanted to keep her safe. I begged her not to go. Not to face Palpatine.

I never got to tell her I loved her...this whole journey was insane and scary. I never found the right time.

This made me angry, I wouldn't let the First Order take anymore of us. I know damn well I would end them myself if they hurt Rey.

I spin my X-Wing as I shoot the Star Destroyers cannons. I flip back around and shoot at the incoming Tie Fighters. There were too many of them...we couldn't fight this.

I close my eyes for a moment as I hear screams over the coms, I was terrified. I fly over next to Poe as we both shoot one of the Star Destroyers cannons, I could see him looking over at me worriedly.

"Poe they didn't one is here to help us." I say to him.

"My friends... I'm sorry, I thought we had a shot. But there's just too many of them." Poe says to us, his voice cracks in saddens.

Suddenly there was a voice over our coms, "But there are more of us, Poe. There are more of us." Poe and I turn around to see an entire fleet of allies! People were rising up...helping us!

"Hit those underbelly cannons. Every one we knock out is a world saved." I say in coms, smiling. I flip around as the fleet comes down with us, firing at all the cannons.

Suddenly our luck was running out, huge strikes of lighting fires up at our ships, "My systems are failing!" I yell. "BB, can you do anything?" I yell back to my red and white droid. "Poe? Do you copy?" I ask, my X-Wing was slowly falling.

My X-Wing comes back on and I am able to fly before I hit the ground. I smile as Poe's voice finally comes over the coms, "I'm back on! This is our last chance. We got to hit those cannons now!"

I fly ahead and shoot at the large cannon, passing through to the next one. I look up and smile, "Poe, the Command ship!" I yell.

"Their fleet is stuck here! They're toast! Come on! Finn, you seeing this?!"

"Finn didn't board the lander." Rise says sadly.

"They're still on that command ship?" Poe asks.

"Someone needs to get them!" I yell.

I look up as the Millennium Falcon flies above me to the Command ship. As I fly ahead and shoot another cannon, my heart stops.

"Rey..." I whisper. I felt her slipping away, she was gone.

I scream out angrily as I spin around, firing at as many cannons as I can.

When the last cannon is out, I take a chance to finally let my tears flow...let my emotions out. I had lost the best thing in my life..the one person who gives me hope.

"Wait! Look! Red 5 is in the air! Rey is alive!" Finn yells.

I look up and smile, seeing Rey join us, "I see her!" I yell. "Poe we did it!" I laugh.

I follow the fleet back to the base, I had to see Rey. I secure my saber at my belt and hop out with my droid. I hug my friends, we finally did it!

When I spot Poe, I run to him and tackle him in a hug. "Thank the starts your okay!" I smile, Finn joining us. "My family...thank the stars." I cry.

We all pull away as we see someone standing beside us. "Rey.." Finn whispers, crying as he pulls her in to hugs us.

The four of us embrace, crying in each others arms.

Rey and I pull away, we lock eyes as the two men hug. "Rey..." I smile, my tears were streaming down my face.

Rey pulls me in and hugs me, her arms wrap around me tightly. I feel her rest her head in my neck, crying as we embrace. Rey pulls away and stares at me with a small smile on her face. A small grateful smile.

Rey places her hand on my face, she slowly leans in and presses her lips against mine. A feeling of relief rushes through me as I pull her against me tightly, my hand goes on the back of her head, kissing her more passionately.

Rey pulls away and rests her forehead against mine, she smiles and pecks my lips again. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time." She whispers.

"Me too." I sigh in relief. "Rey, I love you."

Rey pulls away and stares at me with a huge smile, her eyes were glossy from crying. " me?"

"I love you." I repeat.

Rey grabs my hand and kisses the top of it, "I love you too, Darling." She smiles....she sighs in relief, "Being loved by you is a great honor."

My life felt complete with Rey. Now with the First Order gone, we could finally start our lives.

All of us

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