Darth Vader

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SUMMARY: You were forced to become an apprentice of Darth Vader, but you only knew him as your old love Anakin. Will your feelings return for the Jedi killer?

Being taken from my home was not my plan, you must be wondering why I'm getting taken. You see Palpatine learned I was one of the only living padawans, they heard about how strong I was and decided to kidnap me. This is not how I wanted to spend my life, I would not be someone's prisoner.

I was stuffed into the back of a carrier with 30 StormTroopers, the smell of plastic fill my nose. I shivered, the air felt colder. I felt the carrier shake and land with a thud, two Storm troopers grabbed my arms, escorting me out.

I tried to twist my hands in my shackles, using the force to escape was pointless at this point. I looked around the foreign ship, my eyes locked onto a black figure. It's features became clearer and I suddenly knew who it was.

The Jedi Killer, Darth Vader.

My breathing quickened, I pushed my hand out and force pushed the two Troopers across the room. As I made my way to an open Tie Fighter, I was picked up and I felt my throat closing. I scratched at my throat and felt myself growing weaker.

Just when I felt myself passing out, I was dropped to the ground, I felt myself being sat up and brought back to Darth Vader. "Sorry sir, she's been like this ever since we found her."

I was frozen, my head hung in defeat as I saw Darth Vader circle around me. I heard another voice laugh. "She will be great on our side, make sure your new apprentice is comfortable." I knew that was Palpatine.

I felt arms clutch around my arms, they dragged me up to face Darth Vader. I spit at his helmet in anger and smiled sinisterly. Vader wipes off his helmet and shook his head. "You will learn your place soon. Take her to her new room." The two Troopers nodded and dragged me off. I looked back to see him watching me get dragged away.

I was thrown into a random room, I landed on my hands and knees, surly bruising them. I felt cold and alone, I looked around to see a large dark room. I walked around and explored the areas of my new quarters.

I must say this is much nicer than my old home, but I still didn't want to be here. I had given up hope on the Jedi, Anakin Skywalker was my Idle, I had a huge crush on him. I was once a slave as well, he inspired me to escape and prove to the council that I'm force sensitive. We would talk all the time when we were free, eventually we started dating in secret. I fell in love with Anakin Skywalker, but now he kills anyone against him.

When he turned to the dark side I began to lose hope in the Jedi. They wouldn't make me a Jedi. I was right below Anakin, I was also one of the strongest Jedi's. You would think they would want to make me one to help fight. But no, they are two worried about themselves.

So I'm not too upset about being here for the dark side but I just don't want to be a prisoner. I wanted to come here on my own free will. I refuse to follow orders.

For the rest of the night I laid in bed, I listen to to the sound of silence until I fell asleep in boredom. Dreams of destruction filled my mind, and the person doing it was Darth Vader.

I sat up panicked, my hand clutches my chest as my breathing was heavy. I looked around to see him standing in the doorway. "What the fuck." I whispered, shocked.

"We have training in 10 minutes, I'll be waiting outside." I nodded and waited until he left my quarters to get up. I hurriedly put some of the clothes they provided on, then putting my hair up out of my face. I stared down at my old saber, I shakily grabbed it and left to find Vader waiting for me outside.

We walked together silently to another large room. "So now you are cooperating. Good girl." I rolled my eyes and took out my Saber, I ignited it showing its blue blade. "You will need a new saber, your not going to be a Jedi, your going to be a Sith.

"Do you remember me at all?" I whispered. Vader slightly turned away and bowed his head. I shut off my saber and stepped closer. I held my saber out to him, he looked over and took it away.

"Yes I do, Y/N I'm not Anakin anymore." He said in disgust. I nodded my head and then sat down on one of the chairs, Vader came closer and put his hand up to touch my cheek, he swiped his hand away before he touched me. I saw him ball his hand into fists and storm out.

"What the fuck was that." For a second I felt like I was with Anakin. I again felt my heart flutter and my love for Anakin resurface. I felt confused, I was refusing to come here but now I feel like I belong here with him.

I pushed myself out the door and return to my quarters, I was surprised I wasn't being escorted but I assumed he forgot. I laid on my bed with a sad smile, a tear slipped my eye as I began thinking about Anakin. He always made me feel better when I was upset, I wished we could have that again. I wished we were together, and none of this happened.

"I can never be Anakin again." I jumped and flipped over. There Vader stood, in the dark corner of my room. "I see what you want, I'm only half human now Y/N. The rest of me is machine, I can't even take off my mask. Why would you want that, I can't be like a normal person."

I sat up and bowed my head, I let tears fall onto my lap. I heard his boots shuffle on the floor, he stopped between my legs. I felt cold leather touch my face as he wiped my tears. He slid his hand under my chin and lifted my head up to face him. "Why would you want this?" I softly placed my hand on top of his.

"Everything is not based on looks Vader." He pulled me up and into a hug, he was all cold and much taller. "I still love you, no matter who you are or what you are." I could only hear his breathing, he stayed silent just holding me.

"I still love you as well Y/N." He finally said. I smiled widely and laid my head on him. "Will you train to become a Sith with me, we can rule the galaxy together."

I nodded my head and grabbed his hand, I kissed the top of his hand feeling the cold leather against my lips. "Let's train shall we." I spoke, walking with our hands clasped together.


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