Poe Dameron

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⚠️NO SMUT.⚠️

ALSO! I'm not following any of the movies/books or the order!!!

SUMMARY: You are new to the Resistance, you became the Vice Admiral and you are a very popular Jedi. You hunt down Sith and The First order, you are pretty ruthless. Everyone welcomed you because they new how famous you were, except one person by the name is Poe, he's pretty pissed off
Let's just say things change.

⚠️⚠️(this is your Jedi outfit, you wear it everyday.)⚠️⚠️

Today was my first day on the job, I just transferred here with General Leia

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Today was my first day on the job, I just transferred here with General Leia. I've known her personally since I was a baby, my parents used to be Resistance fighters.

I was especially nervous because Leia instantly made me Vice Admiral, this is something you have to work your ass off for. Which I have very much but I haven't at this base. I know how to do my job, I've done it before but now everything is new.

You see I'm a Sith and First order hunter. After becoming a Jedi, I dedicating my life to killing the dark side and protecting the light. I hate to admit but I'm pretty popular because of how ruthless I am. I became a vice admiral at another base but had to transfer.

I lifted my hood over my head, then attaching my saber on my belt. I took one final look at myself in the mirror, my hair was curled, makeup was pretty natural. Once I thought I looked good enough, I headed out the door.

Walking down the halls was what I expected. It was weird, and silent. As I walked confidently down the hall, people moved to the side and whispered about me. "Omg that's Y/N L/N! She's a famous Jedi." I smirked hearing the comments.

When I finally arrived my destination, a tall man was standing in the doorway with a frown. "Move or be moved." I flatly stated. I honestly wasn't gonna take any bullshit today.

"You shouldn't be a Vice Admiral, your new. If anyone deserved that position it was me." The fuck is this guys problem.

"Alright buddy." I said as I used to force to scoot him over. I looked back to see the guy shocked and confused. Hopefully that'll teach him not to mess with me.

"General Leia, thank you for accepting me here." I bowed. Leia bowed also smiling then pulls me into a hug.

"Oh you know your like my own!" The man returned and came storming up to us.

I guess he didn't learn his little lesson.

"Oh so she got that position because your close with her? That's cheap. That's not how this works Y/N, you see people actually work there ass off here." The guy spat. At this point my anger was rising, this fucker thinks he can talk to me this way?

"Poe I would stop if I were you. I wouldn't want to speak to her like that. Once she gets angry I won't stop her." Leia calmly said.

Poe scoffed, "I don't care. Leia you know how hard I've worked, I deserve this more." Now I've had enough, this guy doesn't even know how hard I work.

I raised my hand throwing Poe up and out the door. He landed on the ground with a loud thud. Everyone paused and laughed.

"Sorry Leia, you know how hard I work. I don't take that shit." Leia only laughed.

"This is why I didn't give him that position because he's like that, and he likes to go against my orders. But he really is a good man, I think you could grow to like him." She winked. I looked over to see him in a daze.

"I'm gonna go train if that's okay?" I asked. Leia nodded. I walked passed Poe and squatted to his level. "Look up Y/N L/N and you will see how hard I work." I patted his shoulder and walked away.

Luckily there was a private training room, so I could be alone and let off some steam. I threw off my cape and took out my saber, igniting it. A dark blue color shown throughout the room.

I smiled turning the hilt to view all the marks I made, signifying each death of the dark. I turned on the typical padawan training droid and began blocking each blast.

After awhile I switched to a regular training droid and begun fighting. Somehow Leia had a droid programmed with a saber, it was a tough challenge.

I swung over and over again, each time the droid blocked. Finally I did a flip and knocked the saber out of the droids hand and then cut off its head.
I snapped my head to the right as I heard loud clapping.

Great its Poe.

"Wow that was pretty cool to see." He smiled. I turned my saber off and replaced it back on my belt. I reached out and force grabbed my cape, replacing it and it's hood on my head.

"What do you want." I flatly stated. Poe looked down and shyly smiled. He walked a little closer holding his hands up in peace.

"I looked you up and I have to say I'm very sorry that I judged you so quickly. I had no idea how you cool are, and you definitely have worked your ass off. I hate to admit it but you deserve this job better than I do." He rubbed the back of  his neck shyly.

"Wow uh thank you for apologizing. Just please before you judge someone, make sure you get to know them first." Poe nodded and sat down in a chair. He patted the one next to his. I took a seat turning towards him.

"So your a Jedi and you have been killing Sith and many First Order members for like 14 years?" Poe instantly asked.

"Oh uh yeah, I started when I was 12, now I'm 26. My parents were killed by Darth Maul, so I completed my training at age 12 and killed him. Some say it impossible to become a Jedi master at 12 but I did it and I'm the only one. I've dedicated my life to destroying the dark." Poe had a smile on his face as I talked.

"Your very impressive. And your work with the other resistance base before I was here is amazing. Why haven't you killed Kylo Ren?" I was hoping he wouldn't ask this.

"Kylo was a really good friend of mine and the main reason I haven't is Leia. She believes he can be brought back to light. I'd rather not talk about him."

Poe nodded "let's take a walk, tell me about yourself Poe." Poe's face life up and he jumped up practically running out the door.

It's been around 6 hours and Poe and I learned a lot about each other.  At the moment we are  sitting in my quarters talking. I hate to admit that after getting to know him I've grown very fond of him.

"Uh Y/N would you maybe want to go on a date with me?"

I smiled wide, "yes I would love that."

Jealousy could turn to understanding

Hate could turn to love

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