Luke Skywalker

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⚠️⚠️No Smut⚠️⚠️

SUMMARY: You've had a crush on Luke Skywalker for awhile, Leia keeps pressuring you to tell him but you always avoid it. When Luke and Han don't return to the base on Hoth, you start to regret never telling him.

I watched Luke from across the room, his smile warmed my heart. Every so often I would peak my head around the corner and watch him, I would then quickly hide when he looked my way. As you can tell I have a huge crush on him.

I'm like him, a force user. Except I've had more training, I just was hiding before I met him on Tatooine. Ben knew I was, so I went with him and Luke to save Leia. Leia and I are now like sisters, we are extremely close.

"What are you looking at?" A voice behind me startled me. I slammed my back against the wall and held onto my chest, panting.

"Oh my stars! You scared me Leia!" She laughed and crossed her arms.

"Are you watching him again?" She laughed.

"What? No! I don't know what your talking about!" My eyes widened.

"Just talk to him. You have before!" I looked away.

"Not about feelings and stuff. He doesn't like me Leia! He would laugh in my face!" I looked back to see Luke now gone.

"You know he wouldn't do that! He's leaving soon so go talk to him!" Leia pushed me. I rolled my eyes and walked the halls, trying to find him.

When I did he turned to look at me and smiled. "Hey Y/N!" He waved me over. I shyly walked over and smiled at him. "Hey I'm leaving soon, I'll be back hopefully in an hour." I looked away for a second.

"But it's so cold, it could be dangerous." I whispered. Luke slightly leaned forward.

"Oh I'll be alright." He smirked.

"Uh Luke, there's something I need to tell you...." I whispered. Luke looked next over as another female went by, he smiled and waved.

"Yes?" He said looking down to me.

"Uh actually nevermind.......I forgot. Bye Luke, be careful." I ran to my room and mentally punched myself for being a chicken. "Oh stars go talk to him idiot!" I yelled at myself.

I hurried down to find Luke but stopped when I saw him on a Tauntaun. I watched as he put on a hat and gloves, I bit my lip as I worried for his safety. As he rode off I walked over to Leia and Han, "hey guys." I said next to them.

"Oh hey Y/ tell him?"

"Uh no..." I whispered.

"Oh hey lil lady, tell who what?" Han finally noticed me.

"Uh no one." I whispered again. Leia rolled her eyes and patted my back.

"Well I gotta go out there, and make my rounds. I'll see you two beautiful ladies later." Han smirks and winks at us, mostly Leia. He gets onto a Tauntaun and rides off into the snow.

"Ugh that man is annoying." Leia places her hands at her hips and rolls her eyes.

"Oh come on Princess, you love it." I laugh. Leia scoffs and playfully pushes me.

"Go take a nap Y/N, you've helped out a lot! You need some sleep at some point." She caressed my cheek. I leaned into her touch and smiled.

"Oh alright, you need the same Leia." I smiled.

"I will soon..."

I turn to walk back to my room, eventually making it there and peeling off all my layers of coats and falling onto my bed. Soon sleep took over.

I woke up hours later, when I realized the time I had jumped up and threw on all my layers and ran out the door. I found Leia with a worried look on her face. "Leia what's wrong? Where's Luke and Han?" I looked around.

"Well Luke....never came back from his rounds so Han went to go look for him. But we have to close the shield doors..."

"We must close them now..." A officer comes up to Leia. She nods at him. "Close the doors."

"Leia they will freeze to death! We can't leave them out there! There could be dangerous creatures!" I yell.

"Y/N I don't want to leave them out there either, but we have to close them. Have hope, we will look from them as soon as we can. I promise." Leia pulls me into a hug and helps me to her room.

"Leia what if they don't make it, they are my best friends." I look away as I sat on her bed.

"They will, I know they will. You three are my best friends." She whispered.

I grab onto her hand and squeeze it. "I love you Leia, I hope you know that." She smiles.

"I love you too." She pulls me under the covers and lays next to me.

All night we don't sleep, we toss and turn and stare at the ceiling. All night I think about how I should of told him my feelings. That I love him.

"Leia I should of told him I loved him...." I wipe a stray tear. She smiles as holds my hand.

"You will." We were interrupted by loud knocks on her door. "Yes?" She asks.

"We found them! Luke is in the Medbay and Han getting warmed up. They both will be okay!" An officer cheers.

I stand up smiling, tears streaming down my face. "I'll go talk with Han and see if Luke's okay. Take a shower and change." I almost wanted to protest with her but decided it was best. "Think about what you will tell him." She winks and leaves.

After my warm shower, I had borrowed some warm clothes and rushed through the halls. As I found Luke's room in the Medbay, tensions were high with Han and Leia. "Luke!" I yelled and ran to hug him.

As I held onto him, I looked up and kissed him. I hadn't realized what I had done until it was too late. Luke held the back of my head as he kissed me, I pulled his arm down and pulled away with my hand on my lips. "Luke I'm sorry.....I don't know what came over me...." I felt embarrassed.

"I've been waiting to do that for over a year now." He smiles.

"Wait really?" I ask, smiling.

"Y/N I love you. I always have." He whispers, running his hand through my hair.

"I love you Luke. I was so afraid I didn't get the chance to tell you." I was pulled into another kiss, I smiled as the others cheered behind us.

I laid in the bed with him and thought about how lucky I felt, I was so thankful he was alive.


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