Obi-Wan - Destruction and Loss - Part 1

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⚠️Mentions of death

SUMMARY: You were an apprentice of Obi-Wan and had been granted the rank of master before Anakin. When you had heard of Anakin's betrayal you received message stating to flee. With that you left.....searching every part of your memories for answers.....for memories of him...

This involves a flashback

Also it's gonna be a two part one shot

I grew up with the best master an apprentice could ever ask for.....Obi. You see Qui-Gon was Obi-Wan Kenobi's and I's master when we met young Anakin. When Qui-Gon died, Obi was made a Jedi Master at the age of 25.....while I still had to train. Alongside a 9 year old. I was 16 at the time. But I learned to appreciate Obi....for he is an amazing master, he trained Anakin and I at a young age.

I hate to admit it but I grew to love him....not something a Jedi is supposed to do. We would stay up late and talk together, especially after a mission. I had frequent nightmare which worried Obi. This could lead to the path of the Dark Side. But I knew I would never join.

I stayed up late most nights thinking of Obi...I always wondered if he did the same......stars of course he's not.

Later on Obi was 38 years old and I was 29. I had just been granted the rank of Master. This made my friend Anakin very mad. For he said he was "the chosen one" and deserved it more than me. I knew deep down he didn't mean that. But this anger and something else he had kept hidden led him straight to the dark.

I didn't know of his plans I only saw him that night when he was leaving the temple. I was walking towards the temple when I noticed bodies laying by the door. When I saw several clones and Anakin marching out I jumped up a pillar and hid on its side. Something inside me warned me not to jump down and approach Anakin. It warned me to stay hidden.

There's one thing I noticed before Anakin had left....his eyes. The eyes of a Sith.

When the coast was clear I hurried inside...I knew more clones would be back soon. I stepped passed the many bodies on the ground, I knew the younglings would be hiding. I searched every room. Every inch. Until I found them.

I dropped to my knees as I stared at the horrors in front of me. He couldn't....of done this.....he wouldn't commit such a horrible act....but those eyes.....

I ran right out of the room and instantly watched the security holograms. My suspicion was correct. He had murdered countless Jedi, and the poor younglings. Tears started to fall as I grabbed onto my head.

The sound of loud footsteps brought me out of my panic. I couldn't risk it....I hurried quietly to the other door and slipped into the next room.

When I made my way outside I got into my small ship and took off, flying above the City, not sure where to go now. I just wanted to be with tell him everything I saw. To feel safe again in his arms.

After awhile of hovering above, a flashing light came onto my coms screen, I pressed it to play a distress signal. "This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: trust in the Force. Do not return to the Temple. That time has passed, and our future is uncertain. Avoid Coruscant. Avoid detection. Be secret... but be strong. We will each be challenged: our trust, our faith, our friendships. But we must persevere and, in time, I believe a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you always."

"Obi..." I whispered to myself. Within the time I was gone from the must've gotten worse. I didn't know where to go. I had no home, my home was here. With the Jedi.

With Obi.

I had made my escape and flew to Tatooine. The closest planet I could think of. Where I could hide. I had found myself a small speeder and spent most of my days at the Cantina. I didn't even know if my friends were still alive. If Obi was. And there was nothing I could do but think about the times I shared with him.


"Y/N come sit with me." Obi whispers. He pats the spot next to the windowsill gently. I cross my legs as I sit and look out to the view beside me. "Tomorrow's a big day my dear." He smiles as he looks out.

My dear

Stars he was gonna kill me....."It is you think I'm ready?" I look over to him curiously. Referring to becoming a Jedi master the next day.

"Definitely. I just don't think I'm ready." He whispers, making eye contact.


"I'm very fond of you and your company. Of our talks like this. I'm gonna miss it." He smiles softly.

"Master I'll still be here."

"I know....but you'll be busy. They'll give you lots of tasks to do in your first couple of months. I'm gonna miss you." He looked out the window and leans his head onto the glass.

"I promise I'm not going anywhere. I promise I won't leave you and our talks." I reach my hand over and squeeze his. Obi squeezes my hand back and smiles again, he nods softly,

End Flashback

I've broken my promise. I left him, I've spent lathe last couple of month looking for answers....trying to figure out the signs....trying to figure out what went wrong. I've failed him.

I take a slow drink of my beverage and turn towards the door as it opens, the others around me cursing. A cloaked figure appears...when it walks closer it stops several feel in front of me. I place my hand on my saber at my side and look the figure over cautiously. The figure lifts the long hood off of its head and speaks to me.


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