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⚠️⚠️No Smut⚠️⚠️

Summary: You have known Poe since you were a baby, growing up you've always had a crush on him. When you both achieved your dreams, your crush turned bigger. Poe was always oblivious of your crush but grew jealous when Finn arrived and wanted you.

Poe and I grew up together, we both wanted to join the Resistance at a young age. Poe wanted to be a pilot while I wanted to be a doctor for the Resistance.

Our dreams eventually came true, Poe is one of the best pilots for the Resistance. But I always say he IS the best, he's too humble. I became an important doctor for the Resistance. Life was great until the First Order showed up. This means more people wounded, friends lost. And Poe would be gone a lot, this bothered me because I fell in love with him. I've known him all my life and he still hasn't noticed my hints, or maybe he's just ignoring them because he doesn't feel the same.

It's been a little over a week since Poe left to find someone who might have the map to Luke Skywalker. I'm very worried that something bad happened to him. I know he's a tough guy but I still worry for my best friend.

I was pulled out of my thoughts to people running down the hall. I caught up with my friend Ella, "what's going on?" I asked.

Ella smiled, "I heard Poe is back! And there's a new guy." I smiled at Ella, thanked her and ran towards the hanger.

Once I arrived I saw Poe across the room hugging another guy. Once they let go I ran as fast as I could, jumping on Poe and knocking him to the ground.

I hugged Poe as tight as I could on the ground, hearing him laugh warmed my heart. "Well hello Y/N, this is a nice surprise."

I looked up at him smiling, "I've missed you so so much Poe!" I put my head in the crook of his neck, taking in his scent.

"Y/N um your crushing me." I loosened my grip and pushed myself off his chest, then pulling him up with me. I linked my hand in his and turned towards the man next to us.

"And who is your friend." I nudged him. Poe's eyes widened and turned towards the man.

"Oh my, where are my manners this is Finn. Finn this is      Y/ N. He saved me, I was taken by Kylo Ren and he was a Storm Trooper. Finn wanted to do the right thing and leave and save me. He's joining the Resistance." I smiled at Finn, reaching over to hug him.

"Thank you so much for saving him, you are so brave Finn." Finn smiled and wrapped his arms around me returning the hug. I looked to Poe to see his eye twitch. Usually he only does that when he's mad so I thought that was weird.

I let go of Finn and gave Poe one last hug before pulling him with me. "Come on boy's, you both need a check up."

I did some tests on the two men, Poe was fine, just a couple cuts. Finn was pretty dehydrated so I made sure he got some fluids in him. "Who's hungry? I know I am." Poe asked.

I felt my stomach growl, nodding my head I left with the two to go eat dinner. Poe always got my food for me while I got us drinks and a table to sit alone at. This time I picked a spot for three, getting their waters and napkins also.

Finn sat right next to me which I could tell bothered Poe because whenever we have company he always sits by me. I glared at him, trying to tell him to be good. He nodded and sat down, shoveling his food in his mouth.

"So Y/N your a doctor? That must be pretty cool, I can tell your really good at what you do."  Finn turned towards me smiling.

"Yes I'm a doctor, it's really cool at times but it's stressful. I appreciate the complement." I smiled back.

"Yeah she's the best doctor, I've known her all my life and she's amazing." Poe interrupted. I looked to Poe and smiled small.

"Thanks Poe."

For the rest of dinner, Finn and I talked about ourselves. I noticed Poe didn't speak much, just letting us talk. "Like I said I can show you around if you like, and we could stop by my office so you know where to find me." Finn nodded.

"Can you show me around now?" He asked. Finn brushed his hand against mine, smiling down to me.

"Oh yeah we can now. Poe would you like to join?" I looked to Poe to see him spaced out. Once I snapped my fingers in front of his face, he came back.

"Oh uh no thanks I'm tired. See you both tomorrow, have... fun." Poe hesitantly said. He got up, emptied his tray and left.

Weird, we do everything together and now he doesn't want to? Especially with his new friend.

I showed Finn around base, making sure he knew where his new quarters would be. I showed him where the meeting room is, and what time he would need to meet General Organa tomorrow for placement.

We stopped at my office, sitting down together and talking  about ourselves and the First Order. "Y/N I know we just met but I think I like you, your so sweet and amazing."

"Oh Finn I-" before I could finish Poe rushed inside panting.

"Finn I need to speak to Y/N alone immediately!" Poe half yelled. Finn looked to me with a confused expression but nodded and left, closing the door.

"So you like Finn? I'm so over seeing you both flirt tonight!" Poe yelled. I was shocked, was Poe actually jealous?

"Poe what are you talking about? I was having a conversation with him, and I was just showing him around so he wasn't confused or get lost. Why do you even care?" Poe was still breathing heavy.

"What were you going to say when he said he liked you?" Poe whispered. His eye twitched again as he waited for my response.

I took this as my chance to actually tell him. "I was going to say that I'm in love with someone." Poe's mouth opened wide in shock. "And that is yo-"

"You know what Y/N I'm in love with you, you never noticed me. I can't stand to see you talking to other guys or even not be with me. I can just sta- wait we're you about to say you? As in you love me?"

I laughed at Poe's rambling. "Poe if you would shut up and let me talk then yes I was trying to say I'm in love with you. I have loved you since we were kids. I guess we both didn't notice each other."

Poe lifted me and sat me on my desk. He stood between my legs and grabbed my face kissing me softly.

Our kiss was soft and delicate, but also full of passion. We have been waiting for this for years. I slid my arms around his waist pulling him closer to me. I never wanted this to end.

Poe pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you." I whispered back smiling. Poe pecked my lips again lifting me down.

"Well someone's got to tell Finn." Poe said laughing.

After years of waiting, I finally got my soulmate.


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