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SUMMARY: Rey joined the Resistance a year ago, ever since then you have had strong feelings for her. You are a pilot, a pretty damn good one too. After the battle on Exegol you decide to go to the bar with the rest of the team to celebrate. Things get a little out of hand.

After the battle on Exegol, my team and I decided to go celebrate the victory of taking down the Final Order. I personally don't like going to bars, I'd rather stay in my quarters. Of course I changed into a cute dress, like I always do. Because I can't say no to my team.

"You gonna hook up with anyone tonight?" My friend Ana yelled over the loud music. I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my drink.

"No Ana, you know I don't do hookups." I yelled back. Ana turned around and scanned the room.

"What about Poe? I mean he made you the leader of our squad. Maybe he will hookup with you, you know he loves sex." I laughed, she was so clueless.

"Poe is with Finn, look at them. They are practically undressing each other with their eyes." Ana tilted her head and smiled.

"Well they do make a cute couple." She yelled back. I looked around the bar and my eyes landed on one person.


She looked angelic, she was dancing with Finn and Poe. I watched her hips sway, titling my head to get a better view. Rey had a huge smile plastered on her face, she is so beautiful.

Rey and I talked a lot the past couple weeks, but she never noticed me before. "Hello! Y/N!" Ana yelled snapping her fingers in front of my face. "So you like Rey?"

I turned around facing the bar, "of course not, even if I did she wouldn't feel the same." I slightly turned to watch her again. "Hey I'm gonna get out of here, see ya tomorrow." I yelled.

Ana made a pouty face and waved goodbye. As I walked past Rey I saw guy who worked in medbay grab Rey's ass, she quickly turned around shocked. But before she could react, I punched the guy in the face. He fell to the ground and I kicked his stomach, "Don't you ever go and touch a girls ass! Especially without permission. Asshole." Rey pulled me back.

She pulled me in a long kiss, I haven't even noticed everyone was staring. I pulled back shocked. Rey continued to dance so I just thought she was drunk.

I made sure that Poe or Finn would take care of her, and walked towards the door. I took one final glance back at Rey to see her staring right at me with a sad look.

I knew the kiss meant nothing, especially since she's drunk. Once I made it back to my ship I took off back to base to sleep this stupid night away.

The base was empty and silent, everyone was celebrating. I liked being alone like this, I actually had time to think. After being in my quarters reading for awhile, I heard a knock on my door. This was interesting because I'm the only one here. I opened my door to see Rey shyly smiling up at me.

"Why did you leave so soon? I was hoping my kiss would convince you to stay and dance with me."  I saw her twirling her thumbs nervously.

"Rey you should go to bed, your drunk. You won't even remember this in the morning." Rey looked up shocked and angry.

"I didn't even drink Y/N! I'm completely sober and I took a chance to kiss you, and now your blowing me off. I actually really like you Y/N." I pulled Rey into a kiss, I backed up inside my room and she shut the door.

I pulled away and caressed her cheek, "I've been waiting to do that for a long time." I whispered. Rey put her hands on top of mine and smiled.

"Me too Y/N." Rey kisses me again, this time she started taking my dress off. I helped her remove my clothes, as well as hers. "Are you sure Y/N?" Rey whispered. I nodded and lightly pushed her on my bed.

I opened her legs, kissing all the way up her thighs. I looked up and she nodded. I reached up and groped her breasts, then licking a long stripe on her cunt. I slowly swirled my tongue around her clit, listening to Rey moan and squeal at my actions.

I rubbed her cunt and entered a finger, hearing Rey moan my name. "Be as loud as you want baby." I moaned. I attached my mouth back on her clit, picking up my pace with my finger.

I added two more fingers, going at a rough speed, I sucked on her clit looking up to see Rey's head snapped back with her eyes rolled back. I felt her tighten around my fingers, signaling that's she's close. I picked up my speed, "cum for me baby." I cooed. Rey'a screams got louder as she came on my fingers.

I removed my fingers, standing up and sticking them in my mouth. Rey watched with amazement. "You taste so sweet baby." I smiled.

Rey pulled me down on the bed, she straddled me resting her cunt on top of mine. She slid her cunt back and forth on mine, I grabbed her hips pushing her down more. "Fuck Rey." I moaned.

Rey leaned forward, resetting her hands next to my head. I started moving her hips faster, the friction of her clit on mine making my eyes roll back. Rey kissed my breasts, attaching her mouth on my nipple. Just as I was about to cum, Rey gets off of me and slides down between my legs.

My hips bucked as she slowly licked my clit and entered two fingers into my cunt. My eyes rolled back again as she picked up her pace, I grabbed a fistful of her hair and began to grind my hips with each of her movements.

Rey swirled her tongue around my clit, adding a third finger inside me. "Rey don't stop I'm gonna cu-" Rey swirled her tongue around me slowly again, making me instantly cum on her fingers.

When she pulled out she also sucked her fingers clean smiling. "And you taste sweet too baby." I giggled, I pulled her to me cuddling her.

I softly stroked her hair, humming a random lullaby. I felt Rey's breathing slow, so I kissed her head and wished her goodnight.

I was finally able to fall asleep peacefully.

Ana is definitely gonna say "I told you so Y/N"

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