Kylo ren

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⚠️⚠️No Smut⚠️⚠️

SUMMARY: You are to be the new Empress alongside Kylo Ren. You constantly fight with each other because you both don't want this. This goes on for weeks, now hurtful things are said and it changes everything, maybe love can be real for you two? If only you try.

For months I have known that I'd marry the Supreme Leader, for months we have fought over it. I have grown tired of the fighting and harsh words. This time it would be hard to hide because we have to attend a celebration for our union. You see I'm also a force user, so together we would unstoppable. That's why we are being forced to marry.

"Miss? It's time." I hear behind my door. I look into the mirror with unease. My dress being way too revealing, a very low neckline exposing a part of my breasts and a very high leg slit. My bright red heels stood out against the elegant black gown, I looked at my painted face. Dark makeup around my eyes, with red lips. I ran my fingers through my hair one last time before shakily opening the door.

A trooper lead me down the hall, once I entered the large ballroom all eyes were on me. Men gawked at me as I walked to the large table. My eyes were locked onto a dark figure in the center of the table.

My soon to be husband.

He watched me from behind his mask, he stood up and clenched his fists together in anger. I stood next to him and planted a fake smile upon my face. He never took his eyes off of me as I sat down, I looked over to him and slightly smiled. "Good evening Kylo." I spoke low.

The people in front of me were dancing and laughing along the music, I wished to be as free as them. He looked me up and down, fists sat tightly at his side. "Oh what a lovely couple you make! Please grace us with a dance together sometime tonight!" A bystander spoke in front of us. I nodded and smiled.

I grabbed my drink and took a sip, the bitter taste of wine made my face scrunch up. I heard a chuckle from beside me, I turned to see Kylo shaking his head.

I rolled my eyes and looked around as I heard a tap on a glass. My eyes landed on a familiar Red head, standing in the middle of the room.

"Excuse me, I would like to say a few words. I'm very pleased to see our Supreme Leader with someone as equally powerful. Together they will lead us to victory, we will crush our enemies!" General Hux raises his glass.

Cheers were heard around us, I raised my glass and smiled once more. Once I heard the loud music dying down, I felt Kylo stand next to me. He held his hand out to me and cleared his throat. "Would you like to dance." The apparatuses making his voice sound emotionless.

I grabbed onto his hand and faked a smile. We walked to the middle of the room and faced each other. He pulled me close by holding one of our hands up, his other hand was placed at my hip and mine on his shoulder. He pulled me tightly against his chest, his gloved hand digging into my hip. "Please stop, your hurting me." I whispered, trying to smile at the others watching.

He squeezed my hand and hip as we swayed to the slow music, "I'm only dancing with you because it looks good to others. So don't get any thoughts." He whispered.

I laughed, "I would never willingly dance with you!" I whispered yelled. Kylo let go of my waist and spun me, he caught me pulled me close once again.

"You better watch your pretty mouth, you will respect me." I laughed dryly.

"I would never respect someone like you, I will never like someone like you!" I spat. Kylo let go of me as the music ended. I smiled as I walked hand in hand with Kylo back to our table. "You know what let's stop this, can't we just try to get along? I'm so exhausted by this bickering." I sighed.

Kylo roughly pulled at my dress, looking me over. "Why would you wear something like this to our celebration, are you trying to make me look stupid by dressing like a whore. It doesn't even suit your body." He spat.

I instantly looked away, tears filled my eyes. "Excuse me." I whispered, getting up and practically running out the door. I ran back to my quarters and sat against the wall in my bathroom. I put my head in my hands as I sobbed, he had never said things about my appearance. This hurt my heart, even though we may not like each other, we never said those things to each other. I just wanted to make this work.

After over an hour of crying I hear loud knocks at me door, I refuse to answer it, knowing it's Kylo. "Y/N?" He yells from outside. I hear the door open, he shuffles inside and starts looking for me.

Once he finds me, he leans against the doorframe. Kylo takes his mask off and slams it on the counter, making me jump. I look into his pained eyes through my tears. He rubs his temple before speaking, "I uh....don't mean that..." he nervously said.

I wipe some of my tears and sniffle. "That's very convincing." I roll my puffy eyes. He slowly comes closer, sliding down to sit in front of me.

"I'm not good at these things.....I'm uh....sorry for what I said." He rubs the back of his neck. "I didn't want this at all, and I know you don't. When I started liking you, I shut you out. I'm sor-sorry for being mean and saying those things." He looks away from me.

"I just want to stop this fighting, I'm so exhausted from it. I wanted to make things work between us and get to know you more." I whispered, looking up at him. He pulls me onto his lap and hugs me. I hesitantly hug him back, as we were hugging I felt something wet on my shoulder.

I pulled away and saw Kylo crying, I wiped his tears and smiled. "Sorry I just needed a hug." He whispered. I caressed his cheek. "I really do like you Y/N. Can I make it up to you?" I nodded, he pulled me closer and kissed my lips.

I pulled away from his kiss and rested my forehead against his. "Now let's go really dance this time." He whispered, kissing my lips one last time. I fixed my makeup and hair, now being pulled back to the celebration.

We went to a small corner of the room and slowly swayed to the music. This time with love and passion. I leaned up to kiss him again, he smiled as we pulled away.

The rest of the night we danced, talked, and laughed.

A great beginning to our future.


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