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⚠️⚠️No Smut⚠️⚠️

Summary: You have loved Anakin for years but he chose padme over you. You trained with him and watched him turn towards the dark side.

⚠️⚠️ it's pretty sad.😭

I was a slave on Tatooine with Anakin Skywalker, when we weren't working, we were always with each other. When Qui-Gon Jinn arrived, he found out we were both force sensitive so he got us two free and we left with him.

Qui-Gon brought a girl with him, Padmé. When Ani first met her, he liked her. He couldn't stop talking about her. It's was annoying because I liked him first. After Qui-Gon tragically died, Obi-Wan Kenobi took over and trained us both.

That was a long time ago.

Today we are on our way to becoming a Jedi Knight. I found out through snooping that Ani and Padmé have gotten married and she's pregnant. I ignored Ani for as long as I could after finding out.

You see I fell in love with him when we were children. I still love him and it hurt knowing he loved her. I was the one that was there for him, I was the one that went with him when we found his mother. I comforted him after what he had done.

But yet he couldn't even notice me.

"Y/N!" Obi yelled snapping his fingers in front of my face. I looked up at him with wide eyes. "Come on we have to talk to the council." I nodded and followed him and Anakin to the council.

Once we made our way in, everyone greeted us. "Y/N we have good news for you. We are granting you a Jedi Knight." Everyone clapped for me and congratulated me except Ani.

"What about me? I'm the chosen one aren't I? Why can't I be a Jedi?!" Anakin yelled. I turned towards him staring at him in disbelief.

"We have a job for you, to spy on Palpatine. We have decided to give you a position on the council."  Anakin clenched his fists.

"How can I be a council member when I'm not a Jedi!" Master Windu raised his hand to silence Ani.

"Your time will come very soon Anakin, do the one job and find out information on Palpatine. Then you will become a Jedi."Anakin stiffly nodded, then leaving. "Congratulations Y/N, soon you will train a Padawan and become a Jedi Master. May the force be with you."

"Thank you! May the force be with you." I bowed leaving with Obi. When we were far away I finally spoke up. "Master, I sense something in Anakin. Something terrible." Obi looked over to me and nodded.

"I have too Y/N, something terrible has already happened I believe." I gulped and hoped Ani was okay. I sensed darkness in him. Something awful. "I will find out, don't worry." Obi reassures me.

It's been a couple weeks since I've seen Anakin, I've been training younglings. They are so talented, it's great training them with Master Yoda. These past weeks I've sense the darkness take over Anakin, Obi reassures me everything was okay but I couldn't fight this feeling.

I was left to train them alone while Yoda was gone, we heard there was intruders so I made sure the younglings were hiding. The doors opened and I saw Anakin, but with yellow eyes.

He really did turn to the dark side.

"Anakin what's wrong?!" I yelled. Before I knew it I was flown to the wall, blacking out.

I awoke to something petting my hair, my eyes fluttered open to see Anakin holding me in his lap. I slightly turned my head and my eyes were filled with a horrific sight.

"Anakin what did you do!" I screamed, pulling myself away as far as I could. Anakin stood up with his saber in hand.

"Join me Y/N, there is great power in the dark side. I don't want to kill my best friend." Tears stung my eyes.

"Anakin I swore myself to the light, I cannot do this." He squeezed his saber in anger, squinting his eyes at me.

"Then I must complete my mission." Anakin lunged towards me and clashed his saber against mine. I blocked his swings until I saw a glimpse of fear in his eyes.

With my distracted state, Anakin plunged his saber into my stomach. I looked into Anakin's eyes and saw regret. He caught me as I fell, pulling me onto his lap.

"Ani, I- I love you." I whispered reaching up to plant a soft kiss upon his lips. A single tear slipped his eye and landed in my cheek.

Anakin was talking to me but I couldn't hear anything, I just looked into his eyes until I could only see...


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