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Also sorry for the slow updates, I'm writing a new book called Red Empress with Kylo. And with work it's kinda hard to write a lot. I'll try my best though!💕


SUMMARY: You are in love with Hux, but one day someone catches you fooling around and reports you to Snoke. Will he let you be with Hux? Or will he part you forever.

General Hux, an arrogant, cocky, rude man. But not to me. He is the sweetest, most caring man I have ever met. I'm in love with Hux, but no one can know. Definitely not Supreme Leader Snoke.

"Hey! What are you thinking about?" Hux pulls me out of my daydream.

"Oh just you." I smile. Hux looks around before leaning down and kissing me. "The door is open." I say between kisses. Hux pulls away and rolls his eyes.

"I wish we couldn't be a secret." He sighs.

"I know babe. I know." I caressed his cheek. I instantly step away as multiple officers and Kylo walk in. We had a meeting but it looks like everyone showed up early.

Hux and I sat down next to each other, Kylo was across from me. "How is your training going Y/N?" Kylo asked.

"Great! The Supreme Leader thinks I'm almost finished." I smile. Kylo nods and smiles, he clears his throat.

"Alright, whats our next plan of attack? The Resistance keeps getting away." Kylo looked around.

"What if.....we track them through light speed?" Hux spoke up.

"No that's impossible, we can't." I shook my head.

"I've studied it, I know how to do it. We'll finish them once and for all."

"For once. I agree with Hux." Kylo stood up.

"This won't work." I shook my head again as the officers began to leave. Kylo and Hux disappeared and I stormed out. As I was walking down the hall, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into a closet. "What the fuck." I tired to use the force but was shushed by a familiar voice.

"Hey it's just me, Hux." He calmed me down. He pulled me closer and whispered in my ear, "So now your not believing in me. Speaking against me in front of those officers."

Hux turned me around bent me over, I felt him pull down my pants and unbuckle his. Without warning he shoved himself inside me, I cried out in pain as he slammed into me repeatedly, not even letting me adjust. Hux slapped my ass as he went faster.

Just as I was reaching my climax, the door opened. A Stormtrooper stood there and then slammed the door. I heard a pair of boots running down the hall. "Fuck." I whispered. "Stop Hux, he's going to tell." I am tried to move.

"Just let me finish,  Snoke will decide I can't be with you. Let's finish this one last time." I roll my eyes and let him continue. He grabbed my hips roughly and slams me against him, I moaned out as he grabbed onto my hair, arching my back. "Cum for me darling, please." He begged. I felt him twitch inside me, my walls clenching around him as I came.

I felt his release inside me, he grunted and pumped himself inside me before pulling out. Hux pulled up my pants and then his, he pulled me against his chest and held me. "I love you Y/N" Hux whispers. I felt something wet fall on my cheek as he kissed me.

Hux was crying. I had never seen him cry before. "I love you Hux." We walked out and decided just to go to Snoke. A trooper came running up beside us.

"Snoke wants to see-"

"We know asshole." I roll my eyes.

The ride up to Snoke was long and terrifying. Hux had given me one last kiss before the doors opened. Smoke force pulled me up close in front of him, while Hux was kneeled down. "Why am I hearing that my girl was in a closet with the General?"

"Sir, please let me explain-"

"Explain what? That your fooling around with the General. I told you no attachments, you must focus on your training."

"Sir how has my training been going for the last 8 months?"

"Fantastic." He answered.

"I have been with Hux for 8 months. He makes me stronger. He makes me a better person, I promise I haven't been distracted. Sir your like a father to me, you raised me ever since I was a child. You know me, sir I love him. I feel more powerful with Hux by my side."

Snoke thinks for a second, "And does he love you?"

"Yes sir, very much." Hux speaks up from behind me.

"Alright Y/N, you can see him. I don't want to upset my girl." He smiles.

I lean forward and hug Snoke, he chuckles and pats my back. "Thank you sir, I won't let you down!" I smile.

I run back to Hux and grab his hand, running to the elevator. Once the doors close, I jump on him. Hux gives me a million kisses, all over. "I'm so happy." He whispers.

"Me too. We can finally be together my love." I kiss him again.

Let's just say every time we are out tigether, everyone stares at us like we are weird. But we don't care, we love each other.


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