Poe Dameron - Flirting

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SUMMARY: You thought the flirting and constant need to touch you would stop after dating for a year but you were very much wrong. Poe Dameron can't keep his hands off of you, it's clear especially when he shows up at your work.

Caf = Coffee

Poe Dameron is easily the best pilot in the resistance, he's great at what he does and he knows it......I guess this is what made me fall for him....his determination.

Anyway about a year ago he had gotten hurt so he had to go to the Medbay for some medical attention. I happen to be the head doctor in the Resistance so fate brought him right to me. From there we fell in love.

Now you would think after becoming a couple the constant flirting would stop....oh was I very much wrong.....it's worse. So much worse. Especially when I'm trying to work. He's always wanting to touch me or trying to impress me...it's quite cute sometimes.

Today was starting as a normal day. I put on my white dress and tie my hair back. I felt extremely happy today for some reason...I just knew it be a good day today.

After taking my short walk to the Medbay, I grabbed my Caf and set my things in my office. I pulled out the files of current patients and reread over the first one. There were 4 current patients at the moment with various wounds from flight practice or accidents when fixing their ships.

I took one last sip of my drink and grabbed my first file and attached it on my clipboard, then I walk out and into their small room. All the patients would still be sleeping due to being so early. I set my board down onto the small table and walk over to the small standing monitor. I insert their pain medicine into their IV, and write a couple notes down.

I write a small note for them, telling them to push the call button when they are awake. I do this for all my patients, leave them sweet notes every time they wake. I smile as I shut their door, making my way back to my office. When I bend over to find the next file, I feel a hand on my hips.

I jump up and flip around to see Poe. He laughs as he pulls me against him, holding me close. "Poe! You scared me!" I whisper yell at him. "I'm working!"

"I had to see you! I missed you, my love." He laughs. "Can I stay?" He begs.

"Poe I have patients to help....no!" I pull away. Poe pulls me back with his hands firmly at my waist, I roll my eyes and smile as he leans down and kisses me. His hands slowly slide down from my waist onto my ass, I giggle and pull away from him, grabbing my clipboard and files. "I need to go!" I laugh.

Poe groans as I leave my office, heading into the next room. I do the same as the last patient, but this time as I was bending over to pick up some trash, I felt a hand sliding up my leg. My eyes widen as I turn around to see Poe smirking. "Hey beautiful..."

"Poe we just had this conversation five minutes ago." I roll my eyes and sigh as he stares at me sadly. "If your gonna stay then, stay in my office." I whisper, waving him out. I make sure to write my note and shut the door behind me. Poe looks at me with sad eyes, he then try's hug me again. "Poe I really need to work."

"Your so beautiful. This dress is so....tight on you." He slightly moans as he looks me up and down. He steps forward and puts a finger into the top of my dress, taking one of the buttons off and looking down to see my boobs. His quickly leans down and kisses my chest before I push him away.

"Poe if Leia caught you right now, she'd kill you." I quickly fix my dress.

"I'm willing to get caught." He smirks.

"Please just stay in my office...I have two more patients to check on, then I'll join you....they won't be up for a couple more hours." I sigh.

"You love me." He winks as he backs away.

"I know." I laugh as he disappears into my office.

For the next twenty minutes I go into the other two patients rooms, then checking on the others, Poe tried two more times before returning to my office for good.

I return to my office to see Poe reading some file. As I go over to my cabinet, I see it's his own file. "There's nothing in here saying how extremely sexy I am." Poe chuckles. I turn back to look at him, giving him a weird look. "You know it's true." He laughs, returning to the file.

I smile as I was searching through the many files in my cabinet, feeling Poe's hand traveling up my thigh. I sigh as his hand travels closer to my cunt, his fingers push the fabric of my panties aside as I lean back against his chest. "We shouldn't..." I sigh as his fingers circle my clit.

I gasp as two of his fingers enter my cunt, "We should." He whispers in my ear, he starts to kiss down my neck.

"We can't...I'm working." I roll my head to the side as he nips at my neck. His fingers pump inside me faster, making my knees turn weak.

"Please....I need you." He whispers against my skin. As I start to moan out, Poe pulls his fingers out and flips me around, he picks me up and sits me on the edge of my desk. I giggle as he unbuttons my dress, then pulling off my panties. I unclip my bra and throw off my dress, leaving me naked in front of him.

Poe spreads my legs, softly pushing me back to lean on my elbows. He kneels down and smiles up at me before kissing up my thighs. He then licks a long strip up my cunt, his right hand was gripping onto my thighs while his left traveled up and squeezed onto my boobs.

My head snapped back as his tongue flicked against my clit roughly, I was growing impatient of him teasing me. "Poe I need you.." I moan. He soon pulled away and kissed up my thighs again, standing up and starting to remove his clothes.

My breathing was erratic as I watched him undress, he bites his lip as he stares at my cunt. Once his clothes were off he returned between my legs and roughly kissed me. I stroked his cock as he moved closer, soon teasing my entrance.

Poe moves my legs farther apart as he pushes inside me, his hands grip onto my thighs to pull me closer to the edge of the desk. I place my hands on his shoulders to keep me up as he starts to thrust into me.

Poe grabs onto the back of my head and pulls me forward to press his forehead against mine, he closes his eyes as he picks up his speed, snapping his hips into mine.

I lean up and kiss him roughly, holding onto his arm for support. Poe kisses me again then he pushes me back, his hand lightly clasps around my neck as I lay flat on my back. I bite my lip as I watch Poe's face contort in pleasure. His thrusts grow faster, the room was filled with a mixture of sounds of our moans and skin.

I felt dizzy as his grip on my neck and hip tightens, I latch my hand on top of his as he thrusts deep inside me. "Poe!" I yell out as I hunch forward in pleasure. I was in a strange state of euphoria as he doesn't stop.

I gasp as he slams into me, stopping inside me and releasing with me, he pulls me up against his chest and holds me as his lower half twitches with his release.

I rest my forehead against his as we catch our breath, I then kiss him as he slowly pulls out of me. He takes a moment to hold me and continues to kiss me, when he pulls away I hop off of the desk to find my clothes.

"Never again are we doing this here." I laugh.

"Come on! Admit you loved it! You can't resist me." He chuckles.

"You right...you big flirt."

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