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⚠️No Smut⚠️

SUMMARY: You are Luke Skywalkers daughter, since your dad disappeared your aunt Leia took  care of you ever since. You are a trained Jedi and only go on some missions. Your aunt likes you to help her on base a lot. After the battle of Crait you meet a girl who helped save the Resistance. At first you were closed off and mean but then open up to her.

I just saw my father, Luke Skywalker. He told me he loved me and he's sorry and that I need to train another to be a Jedi, then he was gone. He died trying to distract my cousin Kylo Ren.

I was trained by my aunt and also during training at the temple to keep my emotions in, to save them for when I'm alone. I look happy on the outside, but inside I feel like I'm dying. I just saw my father die, I could of been the one to help him.

I don't know who this new apprentice will be, but right now I can't celebrate or train, I need to be alone.

When I passed my aunt, she grabbed my arm pulling me into her embrace. "Hey I want you to meet someone, you will be training her." I pulled back and wiped my stray tears.

"I know how your feeling my love, talk with her for a little bit then come see me in my quarters. I love you." I nodded and smiled, turning around to face the girl I'm assuming I will be training.

Oh my stars she was beautiful. She had blood on her forehead, and dirt on her face. She still looked amazing. I jumped out of my thoughts to her voice saying "hi I'm Rey."

Oh my her voice was angelic. "O- oh I- I'm Y/N Skywalker." I stuttered. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened in shock.

"Oh I'm so sorry about your dad. He was a wonderful yet stubborn guy." I smiled thanking her.

"Um I need to go speak with my aunt so I'll talk to you tomorrow?" She nodded waving goodbye. Stars I needed to clear my head.

It felt like it took hours to get to Leia's quarters, everyone tried to stop me to talk and tell me their sorry. Don't get me wrong they are all my family, but I'm not in the mood to talk about my father.

I softly knocked on the door waiting to hear Leia. Once I heard her voice I came inside to see her sitting on the edge of the bed. Leia pointed to the floor and I knew she was going to do my hair.

Whenever I had moments of sadness or I was angry we would do this. She brushed through my hair humming softly, I tilted my head back closing my eyes. My thoughts lingered on Rey, I had just met her and now im basically infatuated with her.

What a joke.

"Why did he leave me?" I whispered. Leia sighed, this was a frequent question.

"Love, I'm not sure you know that. I think he feels he failed Ben and he didn't want to fail you. I want you to know that what your father did today was being a true hero. He saved us, he knew it was his time to go I felt it. I also felt the love he has for you. I know he's very proud of you and he wouldn't want you to be upset but to celebrate his memory."

I began to shake, tears fell from my eyes. I felt Leia finish my hair and pull me up. She pulled me into her embrace softly rubbing my back and whispering "shh it's okay my love."

After what seemed like hours, I finally calmed down and pulled away from her embrace. Leia wipes my tears and smiled, she turned me towards the mirror, hugging me from behind. "You know I had this hairstyle when I met your father. I didn't know he was my brother then." My hair was placed in two side buns, I smiled at the thought of my father.

"Thank you Leia, you know your more of a mother than an aunt to me. I hope you know I'm very thankful and I love you." Leia hugs me again and kissed my head.

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