Rey - Protector

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(Hey guys! Sorry it's been awhile! I'm sorry about this's not my best!)


SUMMARY: you have been dating Rey for awhile and notice that a lot of men and woman try to get with her. This makes you become very protective and end up fighting the person. It all ends up in the same place at the end....Your quarters.

I'm usually not one to get jealous, but if your flirting with my might get punched in the face.

Rey and I have been dating for a year now...since Luke has passed we are the only Jedi's left. We grew close while I was training her...this wasn't something I expected to happen.


Stars, I'm so in love with her.

I have found myself becoming her protector when a man or woman tries to flirt or touch her....even though she can definitely take care of herself.

Usually when the flirting gets to be too much, I end up fighting the person........then take Rey to my quarters.

I sometimes think Rey wants people to flirt or touch her.....just so I can jump in and take her to my quarters.

I was sitting outside having a drink next to Poe, watching Rey as she fixes the Falcon. I bite my lip as she bends over. "Are you seriously checking her out?" Poe laughs.

"What's wrong with that?" I smile, Poe shakes his head and takes a drink. "How are things going with Finn?"

"Uh...I don't know. He just doesn't get the hint."

"You have to just tell him...stop making hints." I shake my head and laugh, "He likes you." My gaze falls on Rey again. I bite my lip as my eyes scan down her body. My thoughts went to a dark place, thinking about how she would react if I put her on my shoulders and pinned her to the wall while I-

"Y/N?" I snap my head over to see Poe looking at me. "You okay?"

"Yeah why?" I shake my head.

"You were clenching your hands into a fist and staring at Rey."

"I'm good." I smile, thinking of my dirty thought again.


"What?" I turn to see a man approaching Rey.

"Please don't fight someone tonight." Poe groans. "He's new."

I watch closely as the man slightly scares her, she laughs loudly,

My eye twitches as the man steps closer to her, she nods up at him with a wide smile. "I'm beating his ass if he touches her."

"Please don't." He sighs.

The man leans against the Falcon and trails his finger up her side. He then grips her waist, she looked uncomfortable. He then pulls her closer.
"Fuck it." I stand up and march over to them.

"Oh! There's my girlfri-"

I cut Rey off by punching the man. He falls down and grips his jaw. "So we wanna touch other people's girlfriends now?" I use the force to lift him up, others around us start to laugh as I throw him across the hangar.

"Y/'s okay..come on." Rey whispers, grabbing my hand.

I hurry to the man and grab his collar, "Don't just go around and touch woman like that." I push him back and grab Rey's hand.

I drag her through the base and into my quarters, I slam the door and push her to the wall, pressing my lips firmly on hers.

"I like when you get angry." She whispers.

"Are you are doing this on purpose?" I chuckle, kissing down her neck.

"Well it always leads to yeah." She moans as I nip at her skin. I take off her top and attach my mouth onto her boobs. Rey holds onto me tightly as I trail down her stomach, slowly going to my knees.

She smiles down to me as I pull down her pants, she steps out of them and shivers as I pull her right foot up to rest on my shoulder. I slowly kiss up her thighs. I smile as I look up at her, "So wet for me." I moan as I slowly lick a long stripe up her cunt.

Rey moans out loudly as I tease her entrance with my finger, I slowly sink my finger into her, moaning as I lick up to her clit. "Y/N..." She softly moans as I slowly pump my finger into her.

I felt in a daze as I sucked her clit, slowly adding a second finger. I look back up at her as she squeals out, I kiss her cunt and pump my fingers faster. "You taste so good, Rey." I circle my tongue around her clit, my fingers sink deeper with each thrust.

As I flick my tongue faster, she grabs onto my hair. Her body starts to shake as I curl my fingers. "Y/N!" She screams out as she cums on my fingers.

I lick her cunt a couple more times as I pull out my fingers, Rey breathes heavily as I kiss her thighs. When I stand up, Rey grabs my face and kisses me, her hand reaches for my belt.

She pulls off my shirt and pushes me to my bed, tugging down my pants and throwing them behind me. I giggle as she lays between my legs and grips my waist and she kisses my thighs. I bite my lip as she licks up my cunt.

Her hands push my hips down as I squirm under her touch, suddenly she pushes two fingers into my cunt. I hold onto her hand tightly as I moan out, her fingers sinking deeper inside me.

I gasp loudly as her tongue moves faster against my clit, "Rey!" I cry out as she moves her fingers faster. I scream out as she curls her fingers, flicking her tongue against my clit slowly as I cum.
I loudly moan as she kisses onto my cunt, slowly pumping her fingers inside me through my orgasm.

Rey crawls up to me and lays at my side, she links her leg over mine as she slowly presses her lips on mine. She giggles against my lips as I squeeze onto her boobs.

"I love you Rey." I smile and caress her face.

"I love you, darling." She whispers.

I hold Rey close...never wanting to let her go.

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