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⚠️⚠️No Smut⚠️⚠️

SUMMARY: You always accepted new Resistance members, you are very kind and quickly became friends with Rey. Poe being your best friend, you had the chance of meeting Finn. At first it was awkward, you wanted to like him but grew irritated when he was avoiding you.

Being considered the nicest person in the Resistance, felt pretty good. I loved meeting new members and making them feel welcomed. If anyone was sad, they knew to come to me. I'm like everyone's shoulder to cry on, I loved making them feel better. I am the doctor here, so everyone comes and sees me anyway.

When Rey joined us, we became friends quickly. I found that Rey was like me, she was the one I could go to when I was upset and I was hers. She's more like family.

I haven't met the other new member, Poe was going to introduce me. Poe is my best friend, we do everything together. He's like my big brother who protects me.

As I was walking through the hangar, I was fixing my short blue dress that Rey made me wear, when I spotted poe next to another man. I walked up behind him and pinched his sides, this made him jump up and squeal. "Y/N! Stop doing that!" He laughed. Poe side hugged me, keeping his arm at my waist. I did the same and looked at the new guy. "This is Finn, Finn this is Y/N."

I stuck out my free hand for him to shake, he grabbed it hesitantly. "Nice to meet you!" I smiled. Finn just stared at me, no expression shown on his face. "Okay Um well I'm gonna go, see ya later." Poe kissed my forehead and let go of me.

I skipped out of the hangar, my thoughts lingered on Finn. I wasn't sure what I did to upset him. I shrugged off the thought and decided I would visit Rey.

I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind her and kissed her cheek. "There's my favorite Jedi." I giggled. Rey turned around and gave me a huge bear hug, she pulled away smiling.

"Did you meet Finn?" She asked. I slightly looked away with a frown.

"Yes but I don't think he likes me. He wouldn't even talk or smile at me." Rey looked confused.

"Oh that's not how I expected that to go, Um I promise I'll talk to him."

"What do you mean? What did you expect?" Rey just smiled and walked away.

"I'll tell you later!" She yells back. I shrugged my shoulders and peacefully walked the halls. I greeted everyone that came by, making sure to shake their hand or give them a hug.

I was startled when I heard alarms blaring, I instantly started running towards the Medbay. As I turned the corner, I collided with someone. They fell down and pulled me with them. I landed on top of them, when I looked up I saw Finn.

I put my hand on his cheek and caressed it, "I'm so sorry Finn." I whispered. His hands were planted softly at my waist, I saw panic in his eyes. "I must go, I'm sorry I ran into you!" I pushed my self off of him and pulled him up. I quickly fixed my dress then I continued to run down the halls, as I turned another corner I looked back to see him still watching me.

I made it to the Medbay and put gloves on to help treat any of the wounded. "What happened?" I questioned the nurse.

"These two went out for a test flight but went too far. A Tie Fighter messed them up." I looked behind me when I heard a pair of boots running in the room. Poe stood there, looking panicked.

"I told them not to go too far." He whispered. I started cleaning up the wounds on one of the men, once he was finished I pulled a blanket up on him and kissed his head. I did the same to the next man, eventually leaving.

"They need rest, don't let them leave for at least two days." I told the nurse. She nodded and returned to her desk. As I left and began walking the halls, a hand grabbed onto my wrist. "Ahh wh- oh hi Finn."

"Why is there blood on your dress? Are you okay?" He pointed the blood stain on my stomach. I smiled and nodded.

"I'm a doctor, two men were hurt today. I'm sorry again that I ran into you." Finn nodded and looked away.

"Okay well uh, see you later." He then turned around and left me alone.

"Strange yet a cute man." I whispered to myself. I walked to my quarters to find a new outfit for dinner, I picked another blue dress, this one being a royal blue. I added some small white heels and then fixed my hair.

Everyday Poe, Rey and I eat dinner together. I sat down at our usual table and waited for them both, I saw Finn come in but when he met my eyes, he turned around and left.

Poe and Rey came shortly after and started eating their food. "Finn came in then saw me, then he left. What did I do wrong? No one has ever acted like this with me."

"Hey it's okay, calm down. Finn uh he gets nervous meeting new people. He doesn't want to be judged." I looked at Poe confused.

"Why would I judge him? Why did you both quickly become friends with him then?" The two looked at each other.

"He was a Storm Trooper, he saved my life." I nodded my head and looked away.

"I would never judge him." I whispered.

I got up and decided to take a walk around the halls. As I was walking, I saw Finn staring at me. When he saw that I noticed him, he quickly left. I shook my head and sighed in defeat. "He definitely doesn't like me." I thought.

For two hours I walked around, talking with people. Every time Finn and I crossed paths, he avoided me. Finally I found him again and marched right up to him.

I pushed him into a spare room and slammed the door. "What is wrong with me? Why don't you like me? Your really hurting my feelings."

Finn just looked down, he played with his thumbs. "I'm just too shy to talk to you." I softly lifted his head up to face me.

"Why are you too shy to talk to me but you talk to everyone else."

"Because I- I like you and I don't want you to judge me on my past or turn me down. Plus I thought you were with Poe." I instantly pulled Finn into a hug.

"I like you too Finn, I would never judge you. I already know how you saved Poe, you are such a great brave man. Poe is like my brother!" Finn pulled back and smiled, he leaned in closer and pressed his lips onto mine.

I returned the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. After awhile I pulled back for air, smiling up to him. "Come on let's get to know each other more." I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me.

I knew I found my person.


Hey! I made a new book about Rey! Pretty please check it out! It's called: The Force Between Us!

Also thank you for 400+ reads! I love all of you❤️❤️❤️❤️

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