Luke Skywalker

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SUMMARY: Luke and you have been dating for quite some time, you were worried now that he was a Jedi you can't continue your relationship. Luke promises you that it's okay and even shows you.

My eyes fluttered open as I felt a hand stroking my hair. I smiled and placed my hand on top of it. I turned to see Luke smiling down to me.

I haven't seen Luke for awhile due to him training and basically saving the galaxy. We have been dating for 2 years now, I'm used to him being gone for long at this point. But I will admit I'm very worried about him being a Jedi now.

"Good morning Y/N, I missed you." Luke says, kissing my head. I lean into his warmth, but not feeling satisfied with the kiss so I lean up and kiss his lips softly.

"I've missed you Luke." I yawn. Luke gets up going into my closet, warmth instantly leaves me. When I finally got up and stretched, Luke had returned with some of my clothes. "Thank you baby." I kiss his cheek. I start taking my old clothes off revealing my undergarments. I look up to see Luke blushing, staring at my chest.

"Uh I-I'll talk to you la-later!" Luke yells and runs out the door. You see we have not been intimate in our 2 years of being together, I guess we never saw the need to or we were too busy. I giggle and finish changing, finally able to leave. I chose to find my best friend Leia, I needed her advice like always.

After forever of walking around, I finally spot Leia. I run to her, almost knocking her over with my hug. "LEIA! I missed you!" I scream. I hear a laugh from Leia. I let go and my smile fades. "I need your help Leia, in private." I say looking around.

Leia nods and drags me to a spare room. " I'm afraid Luke and I will have to break up. As a Jedi you cannot date. Leia I love him, I can't loose him." I whisper, tears beginning to spill.

Leia wipes my tears slightly smiling. "Y/N don't be sad, he wouldn't leave you, he loves you. Plus our father broke the rules and married our mother." Leia smiles.

"Wait what? Your father?" I asked confused. Leia only laughed and slaps her forehead.

"Oh stars he didn't tell you? Luke is my brother, we just found out." I nod, thinking everything over.

"Thank you Leia." I say hugging her. She kisses my head and pushes me out.

"Go talk to him." She laughs. I wave goodbye and turn the corner and slam into a person.

"Ah stars, I'm so sor-" I realize it was Luke. I shyly smile and bring him into a hug. "Sorry Luke. I actually need to talk to you." Luke pulls away.

"Ah I do too Y/N, come with me." He says pulling me away. We end up outside the base on Endor, it's beautiful here.

"Let me start please." I whisper. Luke holds my hand and nods. "Luke I'm afraid you will leave me. Jedi's can't fall in love. I know about your father and mother but I don't want you to get in trouble or have to leave the Jedi. I love you but I don't want to hold you back. And I know it will kill me if you leave but if you have to, I understand." Tears start to stream down my face.

Luke wipes my face and smiles, he grabs my shoulders and gives them a slight squeeze. "Y/N I have gotten permission to be in love. I will never leave you. And this will show you." He says, Luke pulled out a box and went down on one knee. "Y/N I love you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. The past Jedi have granted me permission to marry you and be happy. I promise to love you forever and protect you. Would you do me a great honor and marry me Y/N?"

The tears streamed down my face again, I pulled Luke up and hugged him tight. "Yes yes, a milllion times Yes Luke. I love you so much." I cried. Luke put the ring on my finger, I admired its beauty.

"That was my mother's, she kept it hidden but my father gave it to me before he died." I kissed Luke, pulling him close to me. I never wanted this moment to end.

When the kiss started to get more heated, Luke pulled away. I could tell he was frustrated. "Luke can we maybe go back to our quarters? Please." I whispered. Luke instantly pulled me towards our quarters, never stopping when people tried to talk to us. Once we were inside and door locked, Luke pulled me into him and kissed me.

I knew what he wanted, he didn't have to say it. I began pulling his shirt off and started pulling mine off. Luke stopped me and pulled away. "Are you sure? We can wait." Luke reassures me.

"Luke please I want you." I whispered. Instantly Luke tried ripping my clothes off me. Once both of our clothes were off, we stood apart admiring each other. I allowed him to touch me, his hands slowly caressed my breasts. I reached down and softly grabbed his member.

I wasn't sure what to do with it so I just held it. Luke chuckled and helped me rub my hand up and down on him. I blushed and slowly moved my hand.

Luke backed me up to the bed and laid me down. He attacked my neck with bites and kisses, he made his way down to my breasts, making sure to kiss both of them. I moaned as he rubbed his member on my slit. "Please go slow Luke." I whimpered. Luke kisses me in reassurance.

I cried out as he slowly filled me with his large member. A burning pain shot through my lower half. Luke stopped once he was fully in, letting me adjust. I was panting and whimpering from the pain. "Love we can stop if it's too bad." He kissed my cheek.

"No no don't move!" I squealed. About 5 minutes had passed and the pain was slowly going away, I knew Luke was growing impatient and wouldn't last long. "Please move." I whispered. Luke pulled back slowly and moved back in. After awhile of this, each slow thrust made the pain turn to pleasure.

I wrapped my legs around Lukes hips and dug my nails down his back. "You feel so tight." Luke moaned. His hips snapped back and he thrusted into me harder.

My eyes rolled back as he thrusted his cock into me harder, the pain had fully gone away. "Please faster Luke." I moaned. Luke snapped his hips faster, earning loud moans from us both. I felt him twitch inside me, I pulled him closer to me kissing his lips hard.

We were breathing hard into the kiss, I only pulled away when I felt him release inside me. My eyes rolled back as something exploded from inside me.

I screamed out Luke's name and my legs shook violently. I felt Luke's chest rise and fall rapidly, when I opened my eyes I saw a stunned look on Luke.

"I did that?" He asked. I giggled and kissed him.

"Yes you made me feel good." I smiled running my hand through his hair. Luke sat up and watched as he pulled out. He slightly moaned at the sight and lightly kissed me. My legs still slightly shook, I felt him clean me and pull me onto him.

"I love you Y/N." Luke whispered, kissing my head. I laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you Luke." I whispered as I fell asleep.


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