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SUMMARY: You are the sister of Han Solo and you are on Hoth right after Luke and Han has returned. There has been tension between you and Leia because you both like each other but she won't admit it and your too cocky to admit it.

    My brother Han and my best friend Luke has finally returned, Luke was hurt but they both are back and living. A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I was so worried. Leia was worried too but she's been ignoring me. I don't know what's her problem.

A hand on my shoulder pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned and saw Leia. Stars she is so beautiful. I would never admit that to anyone though.

"Do you really have to leave?" I saw the worry in her eyes. I've never have and never will express my feelings because I'm pretty sure she likes Han.

"Why you gonna miss me baby?" I chuckled. I knew how to make Leia mad. She always looked cute mad because she is so small.

"Wha- no! Your a great addition here and we would love for you to stay." She half yelled.

"Oh you mean you would love for me to stay?" Leia's eyes opened wide.

"I don't know what you are talking about Y/N." She crossed her arms beginning to walk away.

I followed her down the hall, when I caught up I pushed her against the wall with both hands on either side of her head. "Come on just admit it, you like me." I smirked. She hated when I acted cocky.

"I don't know what you are talking about Y/N." She slipped passed me and walked away. Stars she's adorable.

I walked down to the medbay to visit my best friend. I had just gotten word that Han and I can't leave because "it's to dangerous."

Yeah whatever okay, the Millennium Falcon can do anything.

I walked in to hug Luke and turned around sitting on his bed. "Well your worship, looks like you managed to keep me around for a little while longer." I smirked.

"I had nothing to do with it, General thinks it's dangerous for any ships to leave the system until we've activated the energy feild."

I chuckled. "That's a good story, I think you just can't just can't bear to let a gorgeous girl like me out of your sight." I smirked. I knew I was getting her mad.

"I don't know where you get your delusions laser brain." Chewy started laughing.

"Laugh it up fuzzball. But you didn't see us alone in the south passage, she expressed her true feelings for me." I grabbed her waist pulling her to me.

"What? Why you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy looking, NERF HEARDER!" She yelled.

"Scruffy?" I raised my eyebrows. Leia was panting, I knew I really made her mad now. I stormed out of the room and of course who followed me.


Like always.

"Why are you still following me, I'm scruffy remember?" I asked rolling my eyes. Leia grabbed my shoulders and shoved me to the wall. "What the hell Leia."

Leia stood on her tippy toes and pulled me down and kissed me. My hands found her hips and hers were around my neck.

Once she pulled away, she smiled shyly. "Your not scruffy. I'm sorry you just kept bothering me about it. Your so cocky sometimes."

I laughed, "yeah well it looks like it worked." Leia smiled and grabbed my hand, taking me with her back to Luke.

Looks like being cocky worked in my favor.

⚠️btw Leia is my queen, We miss you Carrie Fisher❤️❤️❤️

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