Obi-Wan Kenobi - Secret Feelings

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Yes another Obi one! Please let me know if you would like me to write about a certain person!

SUMMARY: Anakin, Obi-Wan, and you were known everywhere. You were Anakin's twin sister and a great fighter and future Jedi master. You follow all the rules....well sometimes.....but there's one rule your trying very hard not to break....falling in love.


The main thing a Jedi can't do is fall in love. Attachments are forbidden because they lead to jealously and fear of loss. These are paths to the dark side.

But I think it's stupid. We must be compassionate to others, we help to save them. I think love makes you stronger.

But I know I can't break that rule. Especially because the one person that I like unfortunately is my Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I've known him since I was just a Child, he and his master saved Anakin and I. I instantly had a crush on him from the start, I'm not saying it's love because it can't be. Besides....he wouldn't love me back anyway.

"Y/N!" I look up to see Padmé my sister-in-law coming towards me. She hugs me and holds onto my arms as she pulls away. "Have you heard anything yet?" She asks.

"Yes, they are okay. They are almost here." I smile. She smiles and looks away worried for a moment. "What's wrong?"

"I- nothing I'm okay."

"I know there's something different with you..." I look her over.

"Oh alright, I'm pregnant. I'm scared to tell Ani." She whispers.

"He's going to be so happy." I was happy for them.

"I'm glad that you know." She hugs me.

"Stay here, I'll tell Ani that your over here when he gets here." I smile and leave her there.

I wait for another 5 minutes before I see them show up with Palpatine. Obi looks over to me and smiles, he waves me over. I first meet up with Ani and hug him. "She's waiting for you." I whisper.

"Thank you. I love you sis!" He smiles and walks towards the crowd. I jog over to Obi and join him.

"Come with me." He smiles. "I have to report to the council."

The ride was silent, every so often we would glance at each other,

"Stay here Y/N, I'll be back." He smiles and pats my arm.  I sit down on a small bench and wait for him to return. The way he looks at me makes me melt. If Anakin can go off and be happy, why can't I? Just the thought of being with Obi makes me smile.

"Hello Y/N." I look up in surprise to see Master Windu. I instantly stand up and bow my head.

"Hello Master."

"Did you hear about Master Kenobi's and Anakin's successful mission?" He sits down on the bench and pats the seat next to him.

"Yes I did! I'm very much glad that is was successful." I sit next to him.

"Y/N I wanted to tell you that your very close to becoming a Jedi Master."

"She is?" I look up to see Obi.

"Yes Master Kenobi. She is, and she would be joining the council. You have done great things Y/N." He pats my knee and stands up.

"Thank you Master Windu!"

"That's........great. Congratulations." Obi smiles. He doesn't look very happy though. "Let's celebrate."

Obi takes me to a local Cantina. We sit at the bar and order a couple drinks. "This feels kind of weird to be drinking with my Master." I laugh.

"Just don't tell anyone." He winks. I instantly blush and turn away. Obi seems concerned, he's showing that he's happy but I sense that he's not.

"Master what's wrong? I know somethings wrong."

"Y/N, I'm very happy for you but I'm a bit sad. We won't be seeing each other as much and we won't be going on missions together."

"Oh Obi, sure we will! I'll still be here! And I'm sure they will send us on plenty of missions together. It's not like I'm leaving, I'm staying here. I would never leave you." I smile.

"Do you mean that?"

"Of course. There's actually something I need to confesses. But not here." Suddenly this drinking has given me new courage to confess my feelings. Obi pulls me outside and into the back, where no one was. "Listen, I know that this would be breaking the Jedi rules but Obi, I really like you.....I actually love you." I look up to him to see him in shock. I start to turn away, knowing his answer but he pulls me back and kisses me.

I hold onto him as he softly kisses me, but he pulls away abruptly. "Wait, we can't do this.....the Jedi-"

"Anakin is married. And he's having a baby so I think we could make it."

Obi's mouth opens in shock. "I knew something was going on" he laughs. "I love you Y/N." He whispers and kisses me again.

It's like my dreams came true. Obi loves me back.

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