Poe Dameron - Saved

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⚠️No Smut⚠️

SUMMARY: You are a Scavenger on Jakku and find yourself helping a strange man. You decide to help get him home and after getting to know him, you finally realize that your new journey has just begun with him.

He wasn't the only one saved on this terrible planet


Jakku was a terrible place to live, but I unfortunately had no choice. Just like my friend Rey, I was left here by my parents...After 20 years, I was still holding onto the hope that they would return. But that hope was running out.

I had just finished a days work of Scavenging, I was excited to be done and get my food. I had heard of Rey stealing a ship in Niima Outpost...I couldn't understand why but I was glad she was out of here...but I always thought she'd never leave.

I climb into my old Speeder and start it up, after taking off I enjoyed the slight breeze of the evening air. As I stare ahead, I notice a figure waving their arms around. "Hey!" They yell.

I slow down my speeder as this figure grows larger, usually I would just pass by knowing they might try to steal my stuff but this person seemed differed. I stop next to a man, he looked tired and hurt.

"What are you doing out here my friend?" I smile.

"I'm..lost. I'm lost." He sucks in a deep breath.

"Where's your speeder?" I look around. "It can't be far from here."

"I Uh..didn't come on a speeder. You see I stole a Tie Fighter from the First Order, shot at their destroyer, and crash landed here."

I stare at the strange man and burst out laughing. "Your crazy. That's a great story!"

"Not a story but okay....do you mind if I have some water?" He asks, rubbing his head.

I pass him my water flask and smile as he starts to take sips. "You can have all of it." I nod. The man instantly starts to chug it.

"I need to get off of Jakku...back to my base." He looks around.

"We're not far from Niima outpost...but I'm not gonna take you there. The First Order was there..searching for something....Or someone. So you won't want to get caught there...since you claim to of stolen a Tie Fighter. Plus Unkar Plutt is there and I wouldn't want to see your pretty face getting sold." I laugh. "You can stay with me for the night, I'll provide you with shelter and food...I can also help treat your wounds. In the morning I'll take you to Blowback Town."

"That's very kind...thank you." The man nods.

"Hop on." I point behind me. "I'm Y/N L/N." I smile as he gets on the Speeder behind me.

"Poe Dameron." He smiles as I turn on the Speeder. Poe instantly grabs my hips as we take off, making him almost fall off. "Sorry!" He yells, taking his hands off and trying to hold onto the speeder.

As we get closer to my "home" I notice a larger speeder coming closer. "You might want to hold on!" I point to my sides.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because of them! I'm gonna have to speed up. They are always trying to steal from me." Poe grabs onto my sides and holds on tightly as I swerve back and forth, avoiding the incoming blasts. I grab my blaster and turn back, my face being only inches away from Poe's. I smile and fire at the incoming Speeder.
"Here, take this. Fire at the bottom. Since you can apparently fly a Tie Fighter....then you must be a good shot." I smile and hand him my old blaster.

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