Kylo Ren part 2

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⚠️⚠️pretty much all Smut!⚠️⚠️😈😈😈😈

SUMMARY: Working all day under Supreme Leader Kylo Ren was hard especially because of the events of the night before. Some fun is waiting for you.

As I walked to my position, memories of last night flooded my head. They way he used me, and the names he called me. I was practically begging for more. I just wished we could be more than just sex.

Once I reached my destination I was shocked to see Kylo in my office, he was never here in the hanger. You see I'm an officer in charger of the Storm Troopers and of the Ties. Occasionally I will join missions and lead out a squadron. I also would give  Kylo advice on the Resistance, he would always admire my opinions. That is why I'm very respected.

Kylo turned around and stared at me. I could feel his eyes burning through mine, I knew he was smirking under his mask. "Ah Y/N it's great to see you, I need some advice." I nodded and walked a little closer.

"The Resistance is trying to find the map of Luke Skywalker, how can we stop them?"

"Well maybe we can track down the last person who knew Luke and would have the map? Or raid villages with Resistance allies?" Kylo nodded his head, he never took his eyes off me.

All of a sudden memories of last night flooded my mind once again, this time was not my choice. I felt pressure on my clit, I stumbled back on my chair and a soft moan escaped my lips. I heard Kylo chuckle and saw him slowly moving his fingers in circles. "It's amazing what I can do with the force, I'm not physically touching you and look how your becoming. Moaning for me." He chuckled again and put his hand down.

I hadn't realized I was gripping the arms of the chair so tightly that my knuckles turned white. Kylo walked behind me and leaned closer to my ear. "Come to my quarters tonight." He whispered. I nodded, not knowing what to say.

Kylo walked to the door and took one last look at me before leaving. I inhaled air, not knowing I was holding my breath. The only thing I could think was, "I'm fucked."

The day dragged on, I was finally off and could shower before I left. I had decided to wear a piece of lingerie, black lace. As my shower ended, I was growing nervous of my meeting with Kylo.

I finished my hair and makeup and put on the lace set, with thigh high stockings. And finished the look with a long black coat and heels. As I was walking down the hall, Troopers all turned their heads to look at me, I knew they had never seen me out of uniform.

I softly knocked on Kylo's large doors, waiting for an answer. After a couple minutes the door swung open, Kylo waved his hand in, he still had his mask on. Once the door shut he took it off and slammed it on the floor. His lip twitched into a smirk and he pulled me closer. He placed his lips onto mine roughly. " I'm glad you got here on time. You were a good girl today." He chuckled.

Kylo pulled me to his room and he started undoing my coat. Once it fell to the floor he stepped back with his mouth open in shock. "Oh my you really are a good girl." He said as he ran his hands down my sides. His hand glided over my breast and then to my back. He ripped open the top piece and took my underwear off. Leaving me just in my thigh highs.

I fell to my knees and innocently looked up at Kylo as I undid his pants. He kicked them off and stroked himself a couple times before placing himself in my mouth. As I slowly took him all in, he tore off his shirt, and then finally grabbed my head. He slammed himself inside my mouth, hitting the back of my throat. My eyes began to water at his rough pace, eventually making me gag.

He pulled out and lifted me up and put me in the bed. Just when he was about to fuck me I stopped him. "Can I please ride you?" I whispered. I smiled small hoping he would say yes. He gave a small nod and sat up against the headboard.

I crawled over to him and straddled him, I took his length and guided it inside me. I sunk down and moaned out from the feeling. Once I adjusted I lifted myself up and sunk back down. After doing this a couple times, Kylo roughly grabbed my hips and slammed himself into me.

My eyes rolled back as he roughly bucked his hips into me, he grabbed my breasts and he bit and kissed my neck. I was a screaming mess at this point. As I felt the knot in my stomach form, Kylo pulled out and flipped me over.

Once I was placed on my hands and knees, he drove back into me. Kylo leaned closer to my ear, "your my whore now Y/N. You come here for my pleasure. Your my bitch." He seductively said.

I moaned out, "yes, yes Supreme Leader I'm your whore." Kylo leaned back and pulled my hair, making my back arch. My eyes roughly shut as he fucked me at a inhuman speed. "Please let me cu-cum." I cried out.

Kylo somehow went faster, slapping my ass a couple times. "Cum for me baby." He moaned. My eyes rolled back as my climax increased. Once I came down from my high, Kylo kept going.

He turned me over on my back and slammed into me again. He placed his fingers on my sensitive bud, rubbing fast circles. I moaned out, already feeling another knot form.

I felt his member twitch inside me, I knew he was close. He picked up his speed and roughly kissed my lips as he came inside me. I moaned against his lips as he slowly thrusted into me through my second orgasm.

He pumped himself in me a couple more times before pulling out. He softly picked me up and carried me to his bathroom. I was sat on the counter as he filled the tub up. My legs were shaky and they felt numb.

Once the tub was filled, Kylo picked me up and softly put me in it. The warm water soothes the aches down below, I felt movement behind me and turned to see Kylo sitting in the water with me. He pulled me against he chest and helped clean me.

As he was washing my hair, I thought about how I wished we could be more. More than just sex. "Someday, I promise. Give me time." Kylo spoke up. I had forgotten he knew what I was thinking.

"Kylo I really do like you, would you give this a chance? Can I get to know you more?" I turned around. Kylo smiles small and rubbed my cheek.

"I like you too, I'd like to know you more as well. Just give me time, I'm not good at this stuff." He softly laughed. I smiled and kissed him, laying on his chest.

I closed my eyes and felt Kylo lift me out, softly drying me off. He carried me and laid me on the bed. When I felt him lay down as well, I curled up against him and started falling asleep.

The last thing I heard was "goodnight princess."


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