Poe Dameron

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Summary: you and Poe have been dating for 2 years, so your used to him always leaving for missions. This time he was gone for 5 months, so he takes you out in a date to make it up to you.

⚠️this is very long 😊

Poe has been gone for 5 months, he missed our 2 year anniversary a month ago. I didn't even know if he was alive, there was no way for him to communicate with me because of how secret this mission was.

I want to be mad at Leia for sending him on a dangerous mission but I can't because Poe is the one that volunteered. 

Poe has been tracking down the map to Luke Skywalker, and we have no idea if he has found it yet.

I'm also a pilot but there's been no missions so I've been helping fix droids, medbay, kitchen and assisting Leia. These things don't distract me enough to not worry.

As I was waking down the hall towards the kitchen, alarms started blaring. I knew someone was hurt, so I ran to the medbay to see my boyfriend on a bed with blood on his head.

"Oh hey baby." He smirked. I slapped his arm and he muttered "ow."

"Poe Dameron what is wrong with you. I haven't seen you in 5 months and all you have to say is hey baby. I didn't know if you were dead you asshole!" I yelled.

The nurse finished up cleaning him off and scurried out, leaving us alone. "I'm sorry baby, I had to finish this mission. I went through hell to get back to you. Your all I thought about." I looked away, tears forming in my eyes.

"What happened to you Poe." I sat down next to him.  He looked away, I knew something bad really did happen.

"A couple days ago I got a piece of the map and I was taken by Kylo Ren. He put me through hell in interrogation. He used my one weakness against me. That is you Y/N."

Tears streamed down my face to the thought of him in pain. "I'm so sorry Poe." I sobbed. Poe grabbed me and held me while I cried.

"Shh don't cry, I'm here now and I'm okay. A Stormtrooper actually saved me, he's talking to Leia. How about I make it up to you tomorrow night?" I hummed in response. I hugged Poe one Last time before getting up.

"Get some rest Poe. I'll see you tomorrow." I kissed him and left to find this Stormtrooper. I asked around and was pointed to his direction, once I spotted him I ran up to him hugging him tight.

"Thank you so much for saving Poe!" I cried into him. The man hesitantly wrapped his arms around me returning the hug.

"I'm assuming your Y/N his girlfriend? He talked a lot about you. I knew it was the right thing to save him." I pulled away and wiped my tears.

I stuck my hand out and he instantly took it. "Well you know I'm Y/N, what's your name sir?" The man smiled at me and shook my hand.

"I'm Finn, it's really nice to meet you." I pulled away and turned to see Poe leaning against the wall, smiling at us.

"Poe go rest! I was just thanking Finn." Poe laughed and handed me his release papers. "You still need to rest babe!"

"I will soon babe. I'm glad you two met." He said as he walked away. I said my goodbyes to Finn, making sure to tell him where my quarters were so he knew that he could always talk to me.  I walked to my quarters finally able to fall asleep, I couldn't wait for our date.

I slept pretty good last night, I always dream of Poe, I'm very excited for today. I decided to get dressed in my favorite baby blue dress, I curled my hair and applied some light makeup. I finished off my look with my white pumps.

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