Obi-Wan Kenobi

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⚠️⚠️NO SMUT⚠️⚠️

Summary: You are a Jedi knight and were trained by Obi-Wan Kenobi. You lost touch with your master, because you went to search for Palpatine.Years later you find him again and it's not so innocent.

"Come on Y/N! Push harder, you can do it. Stay focused!" Obi yelled. This was my last duel, then I was granted a Jedi knight.

I spun and pushed my saber hard against his. Finally I knocked his saber out of his hand, I force pushed him across the room. This declared my victory. The other Jedi Masters clapped around me, all congratulating me. Once they all left I was left alone with Obi.

"Great great job Y/N! Your now a Jedi Knight!" Obi congratulated me by pulling me into a hug. This was my first hug with Obi and my little crush just turned huge.

We stayed in each others embrace for awhile, until he pulled away and awkwardly smiled. "I couldn't of done it without you Master." I smiled.

Obi begin to lean into me, when he got closer to my face there was a loud knock. "Ah Y/N, Master Kenobi. I wanted to congratulate the both of you, especially Y/N. I already have your first mission. Find Palpatine, we believe he has made Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader now. He must be killed." Master Windu said.

I looked to Obi, he was looking away with a sorrowful look. "Y/N you might not be back for awhile. This has to be a secret mission. Do your job." Master Windu said as he left.

"Well goodluck Y/N, please be careful. I'll see you soon." He smiled. I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Yes we will see each other again, thank you Master Kenobi." I smiled and walked away.

That was my last memory of Obi, it's been 2 years and I'm still hunting down Palpatine. This guy has been hiding for so long, it's impossible to find him.

I walked into a bar on Tatooine, my last clue came back here. I sat on a stool and ordered a drink, I'm pretty much starting to give up this mission. So what the hell, let's have a drink.

Some sketchy guy came stumbling up to me and bumped into me as he sat down. "Hey beautiful, what are you doing here all alone." This guy smelled like puke and alcohol. He was slimy and disgusting. When he noticed I didn't answer him he put his greasy hand on my leg. "Come on let's go have some fun." He said gripping my leg.

I looked over to him and waved my hand over his face. "You don't want to have fun. You want to go home and never bother girls like this again." The guy blankly looked at me.

"I don't want to have fun. I want to go home and never bother girls like this." The guy got up and waddled away. I smiled to myself, and turned back around facing the bar. I felt a tap on my shoulder and rolled my eyes.

"What do you wa- OBI!" I jumped up and landed in his arms. I squeezed him tight never wanting to let go. "Oh my stars what are you doing here? It's been so long!" I half screamed.

Obi smiled down to me, "I've missed you Y/N! I've been traveling and I'm visiting some people I know here. How are you?" 

Obi and I talked for hours, it's like we haven't been apart for 2 years. My feelings still remained, which sucked because Jedi's can't love.

"Do you want to go back to my hut? We can talk some more there and if you want you can stay the night since it's pretty late." I nodded and followed Obi out of the bar and down to a small hut.

Once we were inside I noticed how nervous Obi was, his hands were shaking like crazy. "Obi are you okay?" I grabbed his hands looking up to him.

"Oh yes I- I'm fine thank you." He shakily said. I hadn't
noticed how long I was staring into his beautiful eyes. I came back to reality when he pressed his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, our kiss was full of passion and desire.

My eyes widened and I pulled away. "Wait we cant. Jedi's can't have relationships." Obi smiled and pulled me closer.

"Y/N the Jedi are broken apart, Darth Vader is really here and he killed most of them. There are no rules anymore. And there's nothing we can do right now." I was shocked. Anakin really is never coming back.

That night I stayed with Obi, it was filled with desire and need.

Let's just say we made up for the 2 years lost that night😉

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