Han Solo

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⚠️⚠️No Smut⚠️⚠️ LANGUAGE

Summary: You are a smuggler, and it's not a bad job. The worst thing is having a coworker who goes a little too far. Your feelings for him are slowly dying but can he fix it before it's completely gone?

Being a smuggler isn't the greatest job but at least I have food and protection. The worst thing is having a business partner who constantly expresses that he wants to get into my pants.

Han Solo is an incredibly cocky son of a bitch, he's great at what he does but he's terrible at trying to get a girls attention. I will admit I like him and he is very handsome but he flirts way too much, sometimes even goes too far. My feelings slowly fade at every failed attempt Han makes. I want someone I can marry and have a future with, not the way Han wants me.

Before being a smuggler, I was a loner on Tatooine. Han Solo was doing business there and ran into some trouble with Jaba's goons. Apparently he owes some money to him, when all hell broke loose I had helped him get away. From there he offered me a temporary job to make a small out of money.

When I had saved him again by paying off the debt he owed, Han offered me a permanent job with him and Chewy. I accepted for the cash and the thought of friends made me happy.

Of course I was wrong about Han, he constantly flirts with me and expects me to fall into his arms and let him take advantage of me. He also is way too grabby and doesn't know how to respect a woman. But Chewy is great, he's the sweetest Wookie I've ever met.

Well he's the first one I've ever met.

I was fixing a broken panel on the Falcon when I felt two hands on my hips behind me. "Solo get your paws off me." Han only pulled me closer and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I knew you missed me." He whispered. I rolled my eyes turning around to face him. Stars he is so beautiful...

Wait no... he's not.

"Han you were gone for like a day, the only person I missed was Chewy." I heard Chewy roar and run up to me, picking me up and spinning me. "I missed you too buddy." I smiled.

"Chewy your taking my girl away from me." Han whispered. I rolled my eyes and finished the panel. "Come on no hello kiss? A hug?" He laughed.

"Will you stop with the flirting Han. You make me uncomfortable!" I yelled. Han only laughed walking closer to me.

"I know your secrets, and one of them is you like me. Come on just admit it, we would be great together."Han hugged me tightly gripping my waist, he was trying to lean in to kiss me. I shoved him back, balling my fists.

"Han fucking stop! All you want is to get in my pants, back off and realize I'm not into that" well maybe I would be if he wasn't such a prick.

But don't tell him that.

Han looked hurt and confused, he only nodded and walked off to fly to our next destination. I felt like I hurt his feelings but I was tired of him always flirting with me.

I walked to Han and put my hand on his shoulder. He was pushing various buttons trying to ignore me. "Han? I'm sorry I yelled. You got to understand that your making me uncomfortable." Han slightly turned towards me and nodded.

"No.. I'm sorry Y/n I shouldn't be making you uncomfortable. I'll just leave you alone and only talk business from now on."

I sighed, "no Han I want to have fun and talk to you but not like that. I'm not trying to be your one of your one night stands." Han stood up with his mouth open.

"I don't want you as a one night stand, I want you as my girlfriend. Who do you think I am, a player? I wouldn't hurt you like that Y/N. I actually really like you." I could tell I really hurt his feelings now.

"Han you have to understand, you don't have the best reputation. Also if you want to date someone, you don't start off by inappropriately touching them and assuming their feelings! I liked you too, until you tried to force yourself on to me!"  At this point I had tears flowing down my face.

I knew Han was trying to process my words. "I'm sorry, I acted so stupid. So you don't like me anymore?" Han said hurt. I sighed, wiping my face. I knew I liked him but he needed to change.

"Of course I do you big idiot. You need to change though, treat me with respect and I'll respect you too." Han pulled me close and looked at my lips.

"I'm sorry I'll be better." Han pouted. I leaned in and placed soft kisses on his lips. Han hugged me tighter, never wanting to let go.

This perfect moment was interrupted by a roar. "I didn't steal nothing! She chose me fuzzball!" Han yelled. I giggled and hugged Han one last time.

I knew I had some explaining to do with Chewy later.

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