Chapter 29: Party Arc Pt. 4

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*Your POV*

I was on top of the world.

I'd never been close to someone in the way I was right now. If only for a few minutes, this would still be the warmest I'd felt in ages.

"Has your belief that this party has nothing to offer changed yet?" I asked.

"I suppose I may have been wrong." He smiled.

"It's getting a bit chilly out. Let's head back in."

I led him back inside by the hand, fully comfortable in our casual contact now.

"I met someone earlier. Her name is Yui-"

I was cut off by Uchida standing in front of me.

"Y/n, I'd like to speak with you."

Moments ago, I didn't think this night could get any better, and I was right. However, it could definitely get worse.

"I'm actually in the middle of a conversation right now."

"I don't care. We need to talk."

She had a frown on her face, the type an insolent child makes when they're told to go to sleep.

"You know, most would think it rude to interrupt so brashly."

"Ushijima, could you give us a minute?"

I couldn't believe she was still attempting to save face as if she'd been any sort of subtle in the past weeks.

"That won't be necessary because I don't wish to speak to you. I'd appreciate it if you would occupy yourself in another way that doesn't involve me."

"Ushijima, go."

The way she expected both of us to blindly obey her angered me, but I'd been taught to restrain myself and hold my ground calmly in confrontation.

My tone became more strict.

"It seems you didn't understand me. I don't want to talk. Please leave us alone."


I don't know what exactly she wanted. If it was to hurl another string of immature insults to get me away from her beloved, I'd already heard enough.

I could tell this wasn't going to end well, but if she was going to make a fool of herself, I had to make sure it was indisputable.

I turned completely around to face Ushijima and simultaneously ignore Uchida.

His face posed a question that asked what was happening.

"I'm sorry you have to see this. I've been trying to keep her under control for you."

That was all I had time to say before she grabbed my arm and forced me to revert my attention.

"I'm not done yet."

I'd been willing to watch her spasm until she wore herself out, but now that she'd laid her hand on me, my patience was worn thin.

"Get off of me now." I commanded with a sharp tongue.

Several people were watching the growing altercation.

She didn't let go, so I ripped her off manually.

"What the fuck are you trying to do right now?" I asked.

"I'm done playing nice. I've warned you."

"If before was your version of nice, I'd hate to hear what the kids at the playground think of you."

"Shut up, I'm tired of all your snarky little remarks."

𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 {𝐔𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫}Where stories live. Discover now