Chapter 43: 🍋!LEMON!🍋

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⚠️This chapter includes explicit sexual content. If you aren't interested, skip to the next as this holds no plot value.⚠️

Warnings: Oral, vaginal, animalistic.

I spent roughly 7 hours on this, so y'all better interact:)

*Ushijima's POV*

I sped through the streets as fast as I could without being pulled over and mentally cursed every other car on the road for slowing us down. If I had to wait any longer, I'd screw the rest of the plan and do it right here in the backseat.

The knuckles of my left hand had a white flush over the steering wheel. The fingers of my right kneaded into her soft upper thigh. They yearned to ascend underneath her skirt, but I restrained myself knowing I would risk crashing by losing focus.

My neighborhood finally came into sight as well as my house a minute later. Once we were in my driveway, I shoved the gear into park and bolted out. She followed me to the front entrance where I frantically unlocked the door.

*Your POV*

As soon as we were inside, we made a beeline for the bedroom. He picked me slightly off the floor and tossed me onto the clean black sheets. I propped myself up on my elbows to watch him approach. Even in the shade, I could clearly see the ravenous glow in his eyes.

He gradually leaned forward and climbed up, forcing me to recline until my back met the mattress. He was now hovering over my body, the sheer broadness of his shoulders casting a consuming shadow.

I tugged his collar and connected us in an amorous kiss that conveyed how badly we desired one another. His mouth migrated to my jawline, leaving light pecks across it. He descended further to suckle my neck, dappling me with hues of crimson. I quietly whimpered at the gentle pleasure.

"Is this okay?" He flicked his gaze to meet mine, and I could tell he was prepared to stop at any moment.

I nodded, and he continued eagerly.

The single strap holding up my dress fell, and he dragged it down to reveal my exposed chest. He reserved a moment to stare, taking in the unobstructed beauty. He licked his lips before lowering his head to latch onto my breast. His tongue flicked the sensitive bud, massaging the other with his strong hand. I was so distracted by the contact, that I almost didn't notice the fabric that hugged my curves gliding off.

"Don't I get to see what you're hiding under all of that clothing?" I asked implicitly in my vulnerable state.

"Strip me then." He replied through half-lidded eyes and a suggestive smirk.

I didn't hesitate to begin undoing buttons, buckles, and zippers. Eventually, we were both completely naked with the exception of his boxers, but I didn't mind saving the best for last. He slid them off too causing the pre-existing heat in my cheeks to increase. I had assumed he was large, but witnessing his size in real life rather than my imagination was stunning.

"Don't get all shy on me now, princess. We haven't even begun."

This change in attitude compared to the man I knew was a bit shocking, but I welcomed this facet of him ardently.

"Why don't we." I suggested, returning his tone.

He carefully pushed me back down and spread my legs apart. His arms reached under either side and wrapped around my thighs for leverage. His warm breath replaced the cooler air of his room. I closed my eyes when I felt his tongue swipe from the bottom to the top of my folds before slithering in between them.

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